Saturday, March 21, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 85, Issue 22

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Today's Topics:

1. ALGOCLOUD 2015 - call for papers (Christos Zaroliagis)
2. ESA 2015 - call for papers (Christos Zaroliagis)
3. CfP: ALGOSENSORS 2015 - 11th International Symposium on
Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Deadline: June 22 (Klaus-Tycho F?rster)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 17:35:34 +0200
From: Christos Zaroliagis <>
Subject: [DMANET] ALGOCLOUD 2015 - call for papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

14-15 September 2015, Patras, Greece

The International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing (ALGOCLOUD 2015)
is an annual event co-located with ALGO 2015 (
aiming to tackle the diverse new topics in the emerging area of algorithmic aspects
of computing and data management in the Cloud. The increasing adoption of cloud computing
introduces a variety of parallel and distributed algorithmic models and architectures.
To leverage elastic cloud resources, scalability has to be a fundamental architectural
design trait of new cloud databases. This challenge is manifested in new data models
("NoSQL"), replication, caching and partitioning schemes, relaxed consistency and
transaction guarantees as well as new protocols, APIs, indexing and storage services.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in cloud
computing algorithms, service design and data architectures to exchange ideas and
contribute to the development of this exciting and emerging new field.

ALGOCLOUD welcomes submission of theoretical, experimental, methodological as well as
application papers. Demonstration papers and high quality survey papers are also welcome.
As such, contributions may span a wide range of Algorithms for modeling, constructing and
evaluating operations and services in a variety of systems, including (but not limited to)
virtualized Infrastructures, Cloud Platforms, Datacenters, Mobile ad-hoc networks,
Peer-to-Peer and Grid Systems, HPC architectures, etc.


Topics of interest addressed by this workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Algorithmic Aspects of Elasticity and Scalability for distributed, large-scale
data stores (e.g., NoSQL and columnar databases)
- Search and Retrieval Algorithms for cloud infrastructures
- Monitoring and analysis of elasticity for virtualized environments
- NoSQL, Schemaless Data Modeling, Integration
- Caching and Load-Balancing
- Storage Structures and Indexing for Cloud Databases
- New Algorithmic Aspects of Parallel and Distributed Computing for Cloud Applications
- Scalable Machine Learning, Analytics and Data Science
- High Availability, Reliability, Failover
- Transactional Models and Algorithms for Cloud Databases
- Query Languages and Processing, Programming Models
- Consistency, Replication and Partitioning CAP, Data Structures and Algorithms
for Eventually Consistent Stores


May 15, 2015: Deadline for paper submissions
June 30, 2015: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
September 14-15, 2015: Workshop


The ALGOCLOUD 2015 proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
ARCoSS series by Springer-Verlag.


Submissions must have a length of up to 12 pages in LNCS format (excluding references and
an optional appendix to be read at the discretion of the Program Committee).


Christos Anagnostopoulos, University of Glasgow, UK
Alexis Delis, University of Athens, Greece
Marios Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Anastasios Gounaris, AUTH, Greece
Seif Haridi, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Yannis Konstantinou, NTUA, Greece
Christos Makris, University of Patras, Greece
Haralambos Mouratidis, University of East London, UK
Nikos Ntarmos, University of Glasgow, UK
George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Mema Roussopoulos, University of Athens, Greece
Spyros Sioutas, Ionian University, Greece (Co-Chair)
Peter Triantafillou, University of Glasgow, UK (Co-Chair)
Hong-Linh Truong, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Dimitrios Tsoumakos, Ionian University, Greece (Co-Chair)


Kalliopi Giannakopoulou
Ioannis Katsidimas
Spyros Kontogiannis
George Michalopoulos
Andreas Paraskevopoulos
Christos Zaroliagis (chair)



Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 18:30:34 +0200
From: Christos Zaroliagis <>
Subject: [DMANET] ESA 2015 - call for papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

23rd European Symposium on Algorithms - ESA 2015
14-16 September 2015, Patras, Greece


The European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) is one of the premier
conferences on algorithms. The symposium covers research in all
aspects of the design, analysis, engineering, and application of
algorithms and data structures.

ESA 2015 has two tracks: the Design and Analysis Track (Track A)
and the Engineering and Applications Track (Track B).

ESA 2015 is organized in collaboration with the European Association
for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) and is a part of ALGO 2015



The symposium seeks original algorithmic contributions for problems with
relevant theoretical and/or practical applications: papers with a strong
emphasis on the theoretical analysis of algorithms should be submitted to
Track A, while papers reporting on the results of extensive experimental
evaluations and/or providing original contributions to the engineering of
algorithms for practical applications should be submitted to Track B.

There will be a Best Student Paper Award, as well as a Best Paper Award.


Papers presenting original research in all areas of algorithmic research
are sought, including but not limited to:

Algorithm engineering
Algorithmic aspects of networks
Algorithmic game theory
Approximation algorithms
Computational biology
Computational finance
Computational geometry
Combinatorial optimization
Data compression
Data structures
Databases and information retrieval
Distributed and parallel computing
Graph algorithms
Hierarchical memories
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Mathematical programming
Mobile computing
On-line algorithms
Parameterized algorithms
Pattern matching
Quantum computing
Randomized algorithms
Scheduling and resource allocation problems
Streaming algorithms


Submission: April 22, 23:59 UTC/GMT
Notification of acceptance: June 17, 2015
Final version: early July, 2015
Symposium: September 14-16, 2015

Deadlines are firm: late submissions will not be considered.


Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission

Detailed submission guidelines can be found at

The ESA 2015 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science ARCoSS series.


David Bader - Georgia Tech, USA
Paul Spirakis - Univ. of Liverpool, UK; and CTI & University of Patras, GR


Design and Analysis (Track A) Program Committee

Per Austrin - KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Nikhil Bansal (chair) - TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Maike Buchin - Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany
Benjamin Doerr - Ecole Polytechnique, France
Christoph Durr - Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Esther Ezra - Georgia Tech, USA and New York Univ., USA
Kasper Green Larsen - Aarhus Univ., Denmark
Moshe Lewenstein - Bar Ilan Univ., Israel
Brendan Lucier - Microsoft Research, USA
Andrew McGregor - Univ. of Massachusetts, USA
Viswanath Nagarajan - Univ. of Michigan, USA
Seth Pettie - Univ. of Michigan, USA
Marcin Pilipczuk - Univ. of Warsaw, Poland and Univ. of Warwick, UK
Thomas Rothvoss - Univ. of Washington, USA
Piotr Sankowski - Univ. of Warsaw, Poland
Saket Saurabh - Institue of Mathematical Sciences, India
Roy Schwartz - Princeton Univ., USA
Anastasios Sidiropoulos - Ohio State Univ., USA
Kunal Talwar - Google, USA
Leo van Iersel - CWI, Netherlands
Rob van Stee - Univ. of Leicester, UK
Virginia Vassilevska Williams - Stanford Univ., USA
Andreas Wiese - MPI for Informatics, Germany

Engineering and Applications (Track B) Program Committee

Luciana Buriol - Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Rolf Fagerberg - Univ. of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Sandor Fekete - Univ. of Technology, Braunschweig, Germany
Irene Finocchi (chair) - Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Italy
Tobias Friedrich - Friedrich Schiller Univ. Jena, Germany
Riko Jacob - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz - Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Thomas Pajor - Microsoft Research, USA
Cynthia Phillips - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Tomasz Radzik - King's College London, UK
Marie-France Sagot - INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France
Francesco Silvestri - Univ. of Padova, Italy
Philippas Tsigas - Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden
Charalampos Tsourakakis - Harvard Univ., USA
Sergei Vassilvitskii - Google, USA


Kalliopi Giannakopoulou
Ioannis Katsidimas
Spyros Kontogiannis
George Michalopoulos
Andreas Paraskevopoulos
Christos Zaroliagis (chair)



Message: 3
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 11:00:44 +0100
From: Klaus-Tycho F?rster <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] CfP: ALGOSENSORS 2015 - 11th International Symposium
on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks. Deadline:
June 22
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed


Call for Papers


11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless
Sensor Networks

ALGOSENSORS will be in Patras, Greece, as part of ALGO

Submission: June 22, 2015
Notification: July 20, 2015
Camera Ready: August 10, 2015
Symposium: September 18, 2015




ALGOSENSORS is an international symposium dedicated to the algorithmic
aspects of wireless networks. Originally focused on sensor networks, it
now covers algorithmic issues arising in wireless networks of all types
of computational entities, static or mobile, including sensor networks,
sensor-actuator networks, autonomous robots. The focus is on the design
and analysis of algorithms, models of computation, and experimental

This year ALGOSENSORS has three tracks:
Distributed & Mobile
Experiments & Applications
Wireless & Geometry

Each paper must be submitted to a single track that fits the topic of
the paper best. While the tracks Distributed & Mobile and Wireless &
Geometry deal primarily with algorithmic and theoretical results, the
Experiments & Applications track covers papers where the evaluation is
of more practical nature (tests, simulations, experiments, position papers).
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Approximation Algorithms
Communication Protocols
Complexity and Computability
Computational Models
Cryptography, Security and Trust
Cyber Physical Systems
Data Aggregation and Fusion
Energy Management
Error Correcting Codes
Experimental Analysis
Fault Tolerance and Dependability
Game Theoretic Aspects
Infrastructure Discovery
Medium Access Control
Mobility & Dynamics
Obstacle Avoidance
Pattern Formation
Performance Evaluation
Power Saving Schemes
Randomized Algorithms
Resource Efficiency
RFID Algorithms
Routing and Data Propagation
Self-stabilization, Self-* Properties
Swarm Computing
Systems and Testbeds
Time Synchronization
Topology Control
Virtual Infrastructures


Prosenjit Bose, Carleton University, Canada (Chair Track Wireless &
Leszek Antoni G?sieniec, University of Liverpool (Chair Track
Distributed & Mobile)
Kay Roemer, TU Graz, Austria (Chair Track Experiments & Applications)
Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Program Chair)


Josep Diaz, U.P. Catalunya, Spain
Magnus M. Halldorsson, Reykjavik U., Iceland
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, U. of Southern California, USA
P.R. Kumar, Texas A&M U., USA
Sotiris Nikoletseas, U. of Patras and CTI, Greece (Chair)
Jose Rolim, U. of Geneva, Switzerland
Paul Spirakis, U. of Patras and CTI, Greece
Adam Wolisz, T.U. Berlin, Germany


As in previous years, the proceedings of ALGOSENSORS will be published
by Springer-Verlag as a volume of the LNCS series. Selected papers will
be invited to a special issue of the Journal Theoretical Computer Science.


Full papers are to be submitted electronically using the EasyChair
server at
Original research papers must contain results that have not previously
appeared and have not been concurrently submitted to a journal or
conference with published proceedings. Each paper should select one of
the three tracks (Distributed & Mobile, Experiments & Applications, or
Wireless & Geometry) for submission. Authors need to ensure that for
each accepted paper at least one author will register and attend the
symposium. Submissions are limited to twelve (12) single-column pages in
the LNCS format (see LNCS author guidelines at This
includes figures, but excludes references and an optional appendix (to
be read at the program committee's discretion).


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 85, Issue 22

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