Wednesday, October 21, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 92, Issue 17

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Today's Topics:

1. PhD position in Structural Graph Theory, Logic and
Parameterized Algorithms, in Brno, CZ, since 2016 (Petr Hlineny)
2. MADALGO PhD student and Post Doc positions (Lars Arge)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 08:51:10 +0200
From: Petr Hlineny <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD position in Structural Graph Theory, Logic and
Parameterized Algorithms, in Brno, CZ, since 2016
Message-ID: <1445323870.22151.3.camel@ph-sciron>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
announces an open call for a PhD position starting from February 2016,
in the following area:

* Topic: Structural Graph Theory and Algorithmic Metatheorems
Supervisor: Prof. Petr HlinÄ›ný,

The perspective student shall work on width and depth parameters
(such as tree-width and tree-depth and other) of graphs and
other relational structures, and apply the theoretical results
in algorithmic metatheorems on restricted graph classes. The
focus shall be on investigation of sparse graph classes and on
complementary "dense" depth parameters such as the new
shrub-depth, and on metatheorems for problems formulated in FO
logic. Prior introductory knowledge of structural graph theory,
logic and parameterized complexity is welcome.

The deadline for application is January 12, 2016.

General information
Perspective PhD students are expected to show their research background
and skills in the area of the selected PhD topic. They should also be
proficient in English; knowledge of Czech is NOT necessary.

The PhD position is funded with a stipend of net value 20000CZK per
month, which is approximately 750Eur and is on the level of an average
net salary in the Czech Republic. The stipend is granted to successful
applicants for the first 2 years, with an expected renewal (after an
evaluation) for another 2 years. The total length of study is 4 years.

Application procedure
Applicants are strongly advised to contact their perspective supervisor
( for more specific details, well ahead of the
See for general information:


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 13:51:30 +0200
From: Lars Arge <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] MADALGO PhD student and Post Doc positions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO), is a basic research
center funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The center is
located in the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University,
Denmark, but also includes researchers at CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and at
Frankfurt University. The center covers all areas of the design,
analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures for
processing massive data (interpreted broadly to cover computations where
data is large compared to the computational resources), with focus on
I/O-efficient, cache-oblivious and streaming algorithms. See for more information.

Starting February 1, 2016 or later, positions are available at MADALGO
under the supervision of Professor Lars Arge (,
Associate Professor Gerth S. Brodal (,
Associate Professor Peyman Afshani (, and
Assistant Professor Kasper Green Larsen (

Several PhD student positions may be available. The positions are
administered through the Graduate School of Science and Technology at
Aarhus University ( and include
full tuition waiver and a very competitive scholarship. Applications are
welcomed from students with at least three years of full-time study by
February 2016. Students with a strong background in the design and
analysis of algorithms will be preferred.

One or more MADALGO postdoc positions at the level of Research Assistant
Professor of Computer Science are also available. Postdoc positions are
initially for one year, but can be extended with an additional year by
mutual consent. MADALGO welcomes postdoctoral researchers with clearly
demonstrated experience and skills in the design and analysis of
algorithms and data structures. Researchers with experience with
I/O-efficient, cache-oblivious or streaming algorithms, as well as with
implementation of such algorithms (algorithm engineering experience) are
preferred. The responsibilities of MADALGO postdocs include work on
algorithms for massive dataset problems in collaboration with center
researchers, along with modest teaching responsibilities.

The application deadlines for PhD student and postdoc positions are
November 1 and November 15, 2015, respectively. Applicants for PhD
student positions should apply using the Aarhus Graduate School of
Science and Technology application system also accessible from Applicants for postdoc positions should apply by
uploading a letter of interest and a CV, as well as indicate at least
two names of references for recommendations, using the application form
available at

For further information, contact Center Director, Professor Lars Arge at


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 92, Issue 17

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