Friday, October 9, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 92, Issue 8

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Today's Topics:

1. CTW 2016: Call for papers (Alberto Ceselli)
2. LSD&LAW 2016 (Robert Mercas)
3. Compressed Data Structures session at DCC 2016 (Travis Gagie)
4. ISAIM 2016: Second Call for Papers (Dimitris Diochnos)
5. 6th International Conference on Optimization and Control with
Applications --- Changsha, China --- co-organized by POP
(Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)
6. Call for Papers: Diagrams 2016 (9th Int'l Conference on the
Theory and Application of Diagrams) (Stephanie Schwartz)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:13:35 +0200
From: Alberto Ceselli <>
Subject: [DMANET] CTW 2016: Call for papers
Message-ID: <1444227215.2943.9.camel@alpha>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


14th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs & Combinatorial Optimization
Gargnano, Italy
June 6-8, 2016.

* Website:
* Deadline for submission: February 14, 2016
* Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2016
* Workshop dates: June 6-8, 2016

The 14th CTW welcomes contributions on theory and applications of
discrete optimization algorithms, graphs and combinatorial structures in
a wide sense. Following a well established tradition, the 14th edition
of the workshop aims to disseminate scientific results, especially by
doctoral students and young researchers, in a friendly and interactive

If you want to submit a contribution, please prepare an extended
abstract of at most 4 pages by February 14, 2016 following the
guidelines on the workshop website at

Workshop proceedings will be published as Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics (ISSN: 1571-0653).

A special issue of an international journal, containing selected full
length papers, refereed according to high standards, is also planned.

Ali Fuat Akaya (U Marmara)
Alberto Ceselli (U Milano)
Roberto Cordone (U Milano)
Ekrem Duman (U Ozyegin)
Ulrich Faigle (U Cologne)
Johann L. Hurink (U Twente)
Leo Liberti (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Bodo Manthey (U Twente)
Gaia Nicosia (U Roma Tre)
Andrea Pacifici (U Roma Tor Vergata)
Stefan Pickl (UBw Muenchen)
Giovanni Righini (U Milano)
Rainer Schrader (U Cologne)
Ruediger Schultz (U Duisburg-Essen)

Alberto Ceselli, Roberto Cordone, Marco Premoli, Giovanni Righini,
Andrea Taverna

For further details, please contact:


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 13:15:37 +0200
From: Robert Mercas <>
Subject: [DMANET] LSD&LAW 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear all,

We will be hosting LSD & LAW 2016 (London Stringology Days & London Algorithmic Workshop 2016) at King's College London on the 4th and 5th of February 2016 ( <>).

If you would like to give a talk (around 25 mins) at this two-day workshop, we would be grateful if you send us the Title and Abstract by 15th December 2016 (please send the titles and/or abstracts to <>). We particularly encourage talks with relevance to the additional theme of the 2016 LSD & LAW meeting: From Symbolic Dynamics to Approximation Methods.

There won't be a formal registration, but to help us with preparations, please let us know if you are planning to attend the workshop.

We hope to see you in London!

Best Regards,
Golnaz Badkobeh, Jakub Radoszewski, and Robert Mercas
on behalf of the LSD & LAW 2016 organising committee.


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 17:42:22 +0300
From: Travis Gagie <>
Subject: [DMANET] Compressed Data Structures session at DCC 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear Colleague,

The deadline for the 2016 *Data Compression Conference* (DCC) is now less
than a month away. We remind you that the conference will include a
special session on *Compressed Data Structures*, and encourage you to
submit new results you may have on this topic.

The session will be an opportunity for members of our community to confer
with each other and reinforce our topic's relevance to the wider field of
data compression. If we receive sufficiently many high-quality papers, we
will try to arrange a special issue in an appropriate journal for
substantially extended versions of papers from the session.

Papers are due by *November 2nd*, 2015 (23:59 PST) and the conference will
take place from March 29th to April 1st, 2016, in Snowbird, Utah (a premier
ski resort in the Rocky Mountains). The DCC submission process (see will allow authors to direct
their papers to the special session, but submissions are otherwise handled
in the same way, will be subject to the same review process and, if
accepted, will be included in the same proceedings.

Best regards,
Gonzalo Navarro and Travis Gagie
(session co-chairs)

PS There will also be a special session on Genome Compression, which may be
of interest to our community.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 19:42:30 -0400
From: Dimitris Diochnos <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] ISAIM 2016: Second Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Fourteenth International Symposium on
ISAIM 2016
January 4-6, 2016
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM) is a biennial meeting that fosters interactions between mathematics, theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence. ISAIM 2016 is the fourteenth Symposium in the series, which is sponsored by the journal Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence and by Florida Atlantic University.

We seek submissions of recent results, with a particular emphasis on the foundations of AI and mathematical methods used in AI. Papers describing applications are also encouraged, but the focus should be on principled lessons learned from the development of the application. Traditionally, the Symposium attracts participants from a variety of disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for scientific exchange. The three-day Symposium includes invited speakers, presentations of technical papers, and special topic sessions.

Work that has already been published as of the ISAIM submission deadline should not be submitted to ISAIM unless it introduces a significant addition to the previously published work. However, the ISAIM web site proceedings are not archival, so papers submitted to ISAIM can be under review at the time of submission and can be submitted elsewhere after ISAIM.

Authors of a selected set of papers from the Symposium will be invited to submit full versions of their papers for inclusion in a special volume of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, published by Springer. Those invited submissions will be subject to refereeing at the usual standards of the journal, and authors will receive more details with the acceptance notice. Papers must of course be new and unpublished to be considered for the special volume.


Papers should be submitted in PDF and formatted in AAAI format, removing the AAAI copyright note.

To remove the AAAI copyright note, put the line \nocopyright in your .tex file anywhere in the preamble after the line \usepackage{aaai}.

The AAAI LaTeX files aaai.sty and aaai.bst are available from the AAAI Author's Instructions page

For other AAAI style files please refer to the sections on "Templates" and "LaTeX Macros and Instructions" of AAAI's Author's Instructions page (do not forget to change the copyright restriction to your own name).


Authors should list their names on their papers: the review process is not double blind.


Papers submitted to review must not exceed six (6) pages, not counting bibliography. Final versions of accepted papers must not exceed eight (8) pages, not counting the bibliography.


To submit a paper, please go to

Any questions regarding paper submission should be sent to the program committee chairs (Francesca Rossi and Kristen Brent Venable) at the email address


Paper submission: October 25, 2015
Notification: November 25, 2015
Final version due: December 14, 2015
Symposium dates: January 4-6, 2016


Endre Boros Rutgers University
Berthe Choueiry University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dimitrios I. Diochnos University of Virginia
Juergen Dix Clausthal University of Technology
Agostino Dovier Universita degli Studi di Udine
Sean Fulop Fresno State University
Vijay Ganesh University of Waterloo
Martin Charles Golumbic University of Haifa
John Hooker Carnegie Mellon University
Peter Jeavons University of Oxford
Maurice Pagnucco University of New South Wales
Francesca Rossi University of Padova and Harvard University
Arkadii Slinko University of Auckland
Miroslaw (Mirek) Truszczynski University of Kentucky
K. Brent Venable Tulane University and IHMC
Toby Walsh NICTA and University of New South Wales
Neil Yorke-Smith American University of Beirut

Join to receive announcements related to ISAIM.


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:32:32 +0300
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
Subject: [DMANET] 6th International Conference on Optimization and
Control with Applications --- Changsha, China --- co-organized by POP
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

A very valuable conference at the end of the year:

"6th International Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications",

in Changsha, China, during 11-14 December, 2015.


- a conference supported by

The Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group (POP).


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 15:46:08 +0000
From: Stephanie Schwartz <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers: Diagrams 2016 (9th Int'l Conference
on the Theory and Application of Diagrams)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Call for Papers: Diagrams 2016
Ninth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams<>

7th to 10th August, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Diagrams is an international interdisciplinary conference series, covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of diagrams. In 2016 it will be held near Philadelphia at the ACE Conference Center in Lafayette, Pennsylvania, USA. Diagrams 2016 will run from 7th of August 2016 to the 10th of August 2016. It will be co-located with Spatial Cognition 2016<> (2-5 August) and Cognitive Science 2016<> (10-13 August).

Diagrams is the only conference series that provides a united forum for all areas that are concerned with the study of diagrams, including architecture, artificial intelligence, biology, cartography, cognitive science, computer science, education, graphic design, history of science, human-computer interaction, linguistics, logic, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and software modelling. The conference attracts a large number of researchers from almost all these related fields, positioning Diagrams as the major international event in the area. Diagrams 2016 is the ninth conference in the bi-annual series that started in 2000.

Diagrams 2016 will include presentations of refereed papers, posters, tutorials, workshop sessions, and a graduate symposium. We invite submissions that focus on any aspect of diagrams research, as follows:

- long research papers (15 pages)

- short research papers (7 pages)

- posters (3 pages)

- tutorial proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)

- workshop proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)

- graduate symposium submissions (3 pages; see the conference web page for full details)

All submissions will be fully peer reviewed. The proceedings, which will include accepted long and short papers and posters, will be published by Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Submissions will be administered via Easychair with details following on the conference web site. Full details on the preparation of submissions can be found on the conference web site.

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- applications of diagrams
- computational models of reasoning with, and interpretation of, diagrams
- design of diagrammatic notations
- diagram understanding by humans or machines
- diagram aesthetics and layout
- educational uses of diagrams
- evaluation of diagrammatic notations
- graphical communication and literacy
- heterogeneous notations involving diagrams
- history of diagrammatic notations
- information visualization using diagrams
- nature of diagrams and diagramming
- novel technologies for diagram use
- psychological issues pertaining to perception, comprehension or production of diagrams
- software to support the use of diagrams
- usability and human-computer interaction issues concerning diagrams

* Submission Dates *

Abstract submissions: 4 January 2016
Paper and poster submissions: 11 January 2016
Workshop proposal submissions: 18 January 2016
Tutorial proposal submissions: 18 January 2016

Initial Paper Notification (for rebuttal): 19 February 2016
Final Paper Notification: 14 March 2016

Graduate symposium submissions: 21 March 2016

Conference dates: 7 to 10 August 2016

* Organising Committee *

General Chair: Stephanie Schwartz (Millersville University, USA)
Program Chairs: Mateja Jamnik (The University of Cambridge, UK),
Yuri Uesaka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Local Chair: Richard Burns (West Chester University, USA)
Workshops and Tutorials Chair: Aidan Delaney (The University of Brighton, UK)
Graduate Symposium Chair: Luana Micallef (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland)


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 92, Issue 8

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