Thursday, January 14, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 10

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Today's Topics:

1. Richard-Rado-Preis (in German) (Tibor Szabo)
2. CFP: Special Issue "Wireless Sensor Networks for Measuring
the Impact of Human Activities over Different Environments" in
(IJDSN) (Sandra Sendra)
3. Graphs as Models 2016 - Call for Papers (Wijs, A.J.)
4. SWAT 2016: 2nd Call for Papers (Christian Konrad)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 20:43:23 +0100
From: Tibor Szabo <>
Subject: [DMANET] Richard-Rado-Preis (in German)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Ausschreibung des Richard-Rado-Preises 2016

Die Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
( schreibt zum zehnten Mal einen Preis
für hervorragende Dissertationen in der Diskreten Mathematik aus.
Der Preis wird vom Springer-Verlag gestiftet und ist in diesem Jahr mit
EUR 1000,- dotiert.

Die Bekanntgabe der Preisträgerin/des Preisträgers und die Übergabe des
wird im Rahmen des Symposiums Diskrete Mathematik 2016 (15./16. Juli 2016)
in Berlin erfolgen (siehe ).
Die Preisträgerin/der Preisträger werden zu diesem Symposium eingeladen,
um ihre/seine Dissertation in einem Vortrag vorzustellen.

Die Entscheidung über die Preisvergabe liegt in den Händen einer
renommierten ausländischen Mathematikerin oder eines renommierten
ausländischen Mathematikers.

Vorschlagsberechtigt sind die Betreuer der Dissertationen. Eigenbewerbung
ist ausgeschlossen. Vorgeschlagen werden können Kandidatinnen/Kandidaten,
deren Dissertation über ein Thema der Diskreten Mathematik zwischen dem
1. Januar 2014 und dem 31. Dezember 2015 abgeschlossen wurde.
Dem Vorschlag sind ein Exemplar der Dissertation sowie ein Gutachten
(in englischer Sprache) der Betreuerin/des Betreuers der Arbeit beizulegen.
Desweiteren legen Sie bitte ein in Englisch verfasstes Abstract der
Dissertation bei, falls diese in deutscher Sprache verfasst wurde.

Die Vorschläge und Gutachten sind bis zum 31. Januar 2016 an eines der
Vorstandsmitglieder der Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik einzureichen:

Prof. Mihyun Kang
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)
Institute of Optimization and Discrete Mathematics (Math B)
Steyrergasse 30
8010 Graz, Austria

Prof. Martin Skutella
TU Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Straße des 17. Juni 136
D-10623 Berlin

Prof. Tibor Szabó
FU Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Arnimallee 6
D-14195 Berlin

Prof. Thorsten Theobald
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
FB 12 - Institut für Mathematik
Robert-Mayer-Straße 10
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 11:41:07 +0100
From: Sandra Sendra<>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: Special Issue "Wireless Sensor Networks for
Measuring the Impact of Human Activities over Different Environments"
in (IJDSN)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN)

Special Issue "Wireless Sensor Networks for Measuring the Impact of Human Activities over Different Environments"

Deadline for manuscript submissions: January 29, 2016



Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are nowadays used in a wide variety of applications, such as military surveillance, scientific exploration, structural monitoring, and environmental monitoring applications, among others. These sorts of networks are complex systems whose correct operation mainly depends on the integration of physical sensors, computation processes, and communication between devices. Advances in smart device and sensor networks will drive innovation in important sectors such as energy efficiency, city/building design, healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing.

Moreover, human actions motivated by achieving various purposes cause side effects on our environment. While the intended effects are usually positive, at least for those who promote action, side effects can be positive but very often are negative. Some most basic actions of how we do our day-to-day routines are the following: the way people move around the city, how people get rid of your waste, excessive cultivation or exploitation of natural resources, misuse of electrical appliances, or celebrating holidays with music and pyrotechnics, among others, which can have a significant impact on our environment, whether natural, social environments, or on our heritage.

For these reasons and taking into account the advantages that WSNs offer, this special issue aims to focus on new proposals and developments of WSNs for monitoring and evaluating the impact of human activity on the environments that surround us. Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished research contributions to this special issue in relevant areas of WSNs, proposing new design concepts, architectures, and applications versus resource constraints and energy conservation.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

- WSN issues and technologies for monitoring the effects of human behaviors on the environment
- Design of energy-efficient WSNs, hardware, software, and systems for monitoring sensitive environments
- Real-world case studies of WSNs where the effects of human behaviors are analyzed
- WSNs data management
- Prototyping of experimental WSNs and its test bench
- Evaluation of WSNs in sensitive scenarios
- WSNs for emergency response in natural/man-made disasters
- New proposals of WSNs architectures
- Efficient communication for WSNs architectures
- WSN for sustainable human behaviors
- Sustainable WSN for environmental sustainability

Authors can submit their manuscripts via the Manuscript Tracking System at:


Manuscript Due: Friday, 29 January 2016
First Round of Reviews: Friday, 22 April 2016
Publication Date: Friday, 17 June 2016


Lead Guest Editor

Prof. Dr. Jaime Lloret Mauri (
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Guest Editors

Dr. Sandra Sendra (
Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Dr. Danda B. Rawat (
Georgia Southern University, Georgia, USA

Dr. Kayhan Z. Ghafoor (
Salahaddin University, College of Engineering, Kirkuk Road Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq



Message: 3
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 12:02:52 +0000
From: "Wijs, A.J." <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Graphs as Models 2016 - Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Call for Papers for the 2nd International Workshop


a Satellite Event of ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven -- 02-03 April 2016

=== Important Dates ===

- Deadline for submission: 22nd January 2016
- Notification: 26th February 2016
- Final manuscript: mid/end March 2016
- Workshop: 2nd + 3rd April 2016

=== Description ===

Graphs are used as models in all areas of computer science: examples are
state space graphs, control flow graphs, syntax graphs, UML-type models
of all kinds, network layouts, social networks, dependency graphs, and
so forth. Once such graphical models are constructed, they can be
analysed and transformed to verify their correctness within a domain,
discover new properties, or produce new equivalent and/or optimised

Graphs as Models combines the strengths of two pre-existing workshop
series: GT-VMT (Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques)
and GRAPHITE (Graph Inspection and Traversal Engineering), but also
solicits research from other related areas, such as Social Network

Graphs as Models' main focus is the exchange and collaboration of
researchers from different backgrounds. The workshop serves as platform
to boost inter- and transdisciplinary research and foster new ideas and
collaborations. Thus, besides classical research presentations, the
workshop is highly geared toward numerous interactive sessions.

=== Topics ===

This workshop seeks to attract and stimulate research on the techniques
for graph analysis, inspection and transformation, on an abstract level
rather than in any specific domain. Thus, the concept of a graph (in its
many guises) is central. Contributions should address scenarios for the
use of graphs in a modelling context that potentially transcend specific
settings and can be applied across domains. We welcome contributions on
any of the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:

* The use of graph-based and graph-transformation-based models within
various general approaches such as:
- visual modelling languages (including aspects of meta modelling,
grammars, and graphical parsing),
- model-to-model and model-to-X transformations,
- stochastic processes on graphs, and
- compositional models (e.g. graphs-with-boundary, nominal graphs,
string diagrams),
and applications to concrete domains, including (but not restricted
- software development (e.g., synthesis, planning, bug mitigation,
repair & model driven development),
- software analysis (e.g., verification, testing, static analysis,
and simulation),
- concurrency,
- constraint based reasoning, and
- social network analysis;

* Algorithms on graphs (with focus on scalability and efficiency),
for example
- graph search optimization (including search space reduction
- analysis of large graphs and graph transformation systems,
- graph matching, isomorphism checking, etc.,
- graph properties that support efficient algorithms regarding
quality properties (like real-time, safety, reliability, and
energy consumption),
- approaches exploiting concurrency/parallelism and dedicated
hardware, and
- simulation of models.

* The visualization of large graphs
(including the simulation of transformation systems).

* New ways of applying graphs and graph transformation based

* Case studies and tools.

=== Workshop Format ===

This is a one-day-and-a-half day workshop programmed as a mixture of:

* Submitted paper presentations and

* Fully interactive sessions.

=== Submissions ===

The workshop seeks submissions of three kinds:

1.) Full papers: We solicit papers of up to 15 pages, in the EPTCS
LaTeX format, containing original results. Accepted papers will
be published in EPTCS (Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
Computer Science).

2.) Work-in-progress papers: We solicit papers of up to 15 pages, in
the EPTCS LaTeX format, describing ongoing research. Accepted papers
will be presented at the workshop and might be selected for publication

3.) Presentation abstracts: We solicit an abstract of 1-2 pages, in
the EPTCS LaTeX format, describing ongoing research. Accepted
abstracts will lead to a presentation at the workshop and will be
included in the workshop's webpages.

4.) Informal tool demo proposals: Tool demos limited to 10 minutes.
Proposals will not be reviewed, unless selection turns out to be needed.

All submissions have to adhere to the EPTCS format available at

All contributions have to be submitted through EasyChair at:

Details can be found on the workshop's webpage.

=== Chairs ===

- Alexander Heußner, University of Bamberg
- Aleks Kissinger, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Anton Wijs, Eindhoven University of Technology

=== Program Committee ===

- Paolo Bottoni, Sapienza University Rome
- Dimitrios Christopoulos, Modul University Vienna
- Andrew Fish, University of Brighton
- Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester
- Keijo Heljanko, Aalto University
- Karsten Klein, University of Sidney
- Christian Krause, SAP Innovation Center Potsdam
- Barbara König, University of Essen-Duisburg
- Leen Lambers, HPI Potsdam
- Renaud Lambiotte, University of Namur
- Yngve Lamo, University of Bergen
- Frédéric Lang, INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
- Mieke Massink, CNR-ISTI Pisa
- Ugo Montanari, University of Pisa
- Arend Rensink, University of Twente
- Leila Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Andy Schürr, TU Darmstadt
- Scott Smolka, Stony Brook University
- Pawel Sobocinski, University of Southhampton
- Bernhard Westfechtel, University of Bayreuth
- Tim Willemse, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology

=== Steering Committee ===

- Stefan Edelkamp, University of Bremen
- Frank Hermann, Carmeq GmbH
- Barbara König, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Arend Rensink, University of Twente
- Anton Wijs, TU Eindhoven


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 13:37:48 +0000
From: Christian Konrad <>
Subject: [DMANET] SWAT 2016: 2nd Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


SWAT 2016 - Call for Papers

15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory
June 22-24, 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland

Submission deadline: Feb 14, 2016


The symposium, which alternates with the Algorithms and Data Structures
Symposium (WADS), is a forum for researchers in the area of design and
analysis of algorithms and data structures. We invite submissions of
papers presenting original research on algorithms and data structures.
Though we welcome experiments, the theoretical results in the articles
will be the main measure for evaluating their merits. Algorithmic
approaches of interest include, but are not limited to: approximation
algorithms, parametrized algorithms, distributed algorithms, parallel
algorithms, external-memory algorithms, data structures, exponential
time algorithms, online algorithms, randomized algorithms, streaming
algorithms, sub-linear algorithms. The algorithmic problems considered
may be motivated by applications, e.g. in optimization, geometry and
topology, graph analysis, bioinformatics, visualization, string
processing, information retrieval, machine learning, algorithmic game
theory, or mechanism design.


Contributors must submit their papers using the Easychair system.
Submissions should be in LIPIcs format (without font size, margin, or
line spacing changes), and not exceed 12 pages including front page and
references. See
for instructions. Additionally, if full details of proofs do not fit
into the page limit, a clearly marked appendix containing the remaining
details must be included; this appendix will not be regarded as part of
the submission and will be considered only at the discretion of the
program committee. Submissions deviating substantially from this format
risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously
unpublished work. At the time the paper is submitted to the symposium,
and for the entire review period, the paper (or essentially the same
paper) must not be under review by any other conference with published
proceedings or by a scientific journal. However, we encourage authors to
make a preprint of their paper available at a public repository such as
arXiv. At least one author of every accepted paper is expected to register
and present the paper at the symposium. Symposium proceedings will be
published in the "Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics"
(LIPIcs) series.

Submission server:


Submission deadline: Feb 14, 2016
Author notification: Early April, 2016
Symposium: June 22-24, 2016


- Christos Papadimitriou, University of California at Berkeley
- Daniel Marx, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Julia Chuzhoy, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago


A prize will be awarded to the author(s) of the best student-authored
paper. A paper is eligible if all of its authors are full-time students
at the time of submission. This must be indicated in the submission


- Christian Sohler, Technische Universität Dortmund
- Christian Wulff-Nilsen, University of Copenhagen
- Dimitris Fotakis, National Technical University of Athens
- Djamal Belazzougui, University of Helsinki
- Ely Porat, Bar-Ilan University
- Fabio Vandin, University of Padova
- Faith Ellen, University of Toronto
- Francois Le Gall, University of Tokyo
- Gerhard Woeginger, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Gonzalo Navarro, University of Chile
- Kasper Green Larsen, Aarhus University
- Marek Karpinski, University of Bonn
- Marina Papatriantafilou, Chalmers University of Technology and
Göteborg University
- Nodari Sitchinava, University of Hawaii, Manoa
- Ola Svensson, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Petteri Kaski, Aalto University
- Pinar Heggernes, University of Bergen
- Rasmus Pagh, IT University of Copenhagen (chair)
- Rob van Stee, University of Leicester
- Seth Pettie, University of Michigan
- Stefan Langerman, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Suresh Venkatasubramanian, University of Utah
- Therese Biedl, University of Waterloo


- Magnús M. Halldórsson, Reykjavík University (chair)
- Christian Konrad, Reykjavík University
- Páll Melsted, University of Iceland
- Tigran Tonoyan, Reykjavík University


- Andrzej Lingas, Lund University
- Esko Ukkonen, University of Helsinki
- Jan Arne Telle, University of Bergen
- Lars Arge, Aarhus University
- Magnús M. Halldórsson, Reykjavík University


- (general information)


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 10

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