Thursday, January 7, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

1. STACS 2016 - call for participation (Nicolas Ollinger)
2. Deadline approaching: postdoc position in Probability at the
University of Bath (Alexandre Stauffer)
3. Call for Nominations: Principles of Distributed Computing
Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016 (Avery Miller)
4. Paper Submission Deadline Approaching - GCIRE2016 Philippines
(Abby Thomer)
5. Deadline Extension: SMART 2016 and URBAN COMPUTING 2016 ||
May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain (Sandra Sendra)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 15:06:12 -0300
From: Nicolas Ollinger <>
Subject: [DMANET] STACS 2016 - call for participation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


STACS 2016 - Call for Participation

33rd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
February 17-20, 2016, Orléans, France

Early registration fee until January 14, 2016

The 33rd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2016) will be held from February 17 to February 20, 2016 (Wednesday through Saturday), on the premises of the Campus of the University of Orléans.


The program, which will soon be available at, is composed of 54 contributed and three invited talks as well as one tutorial.


- Jarkko Kari, Turku: Tutorial on Cellular Automata and Tilings.
- Jérôme Leroux, Bordeaux: Witnesses for Vector Addition Systems.
- Carsten Lutz, Bremen: Complexity and Expressive Power of Ontology-Mediated Queries.
- Virginia Vassilevska Williams: Fine grained complexity and algorithms.

The tutorial is held on Wednesday, February 17, the invited and contributed talks start on Thursday, February 18, at 09:00, and the conference ends on Saturday, February 20, around 13:15.


The authors and titles of the 54 accepted papers are available at


Registration is via the conference website

Early registration fee (until January 14): 250 euros.
Late registration fee (after January 14): 350 euros.


On, we list several hotels in Orléans which offer special prices. The booking code is "STACS 2016". These preferential prices are only guaranteed if you book directly by contacting the hotels, by phone or by e-mail.

CONTACT INFORMATION (for general information) (for scientific matters) (Organizing committee)


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 19:04:19 +0000
From: Alexandre Stauffer <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline approaching: postdoc position in
Probability at the University of Bath
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear colleagues,

We have a 3-year postdoc position available in Probability.
For more information, see below and

The deadline is 20th January.

Please pass this to potential candidates and local mailing lists.
Thank you very much.

Best wishes,


Postdoc in probability at the University of Bath, UK

A postdoc (research associate) position is available in the area of
probability starting from 1st October 2016, or a date to be agreed (but no
sooner than 1st April 2016).
The position will be available for up to 3 years.

The position is funded by the EPSRC fellowship "Mathematical analysis of
strongly correlated processes on discrete dynamic structures" of Dr.
Alexandre Stauffer.
The area of research will be centered on the mathematical analysis of
random large-scale interacting systems, such as interacting particle
systems, random walks and other stochastic processes in random or dynamic
environments, percolation, spin systems, and dynamically evolving graphs.

The ideal candidate is expected to have a strong background in probability
theory, and have a PhD in mathematics, theoretical computer science or
related areas.

The successful applicant will be associated with the probability laboratory
(Prob-L@B) of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of
Bath. Prob-L@B is one of the world's most vibrant probability groups, with
eight permanent members, a large cohort of PhD students and postdocs, and a
large number of different research activities and international visitors.

Applications made to the on-line system should include:
* an updated curriculum vitae (with publication list),
* the names and contact details of three academic referees,
* a one-page research statement describing your research interests, your
experience in the area of the position and your career aspirations.

Deadline for applications: 20th January 2016.
To apply, go to
Interview of short-listed applicants is expected to take place in the week
of 15th February 2016.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr. Alexandre Stauffer (
For more information visit the website of Dr. Alexandre Stauffer ( and Prob-L@B (


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 21:29:02 +0200
From: Avery Miller <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Nominations: Principles of Distributed
Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

The Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award was created in 2012 to acknowledge and promote outstanding research by doctoral (Ph.D.) students on the principles of Distributed Computing.

Nominations for the 2016 dissertation award are now open, and will close on February 29, 2016. A decision will be announced by May 31, 2016. The 2016 award will be presented at DISC 2016.

To be eligible for the 2016 award, a nominated dissertation must have been successfully defended in the period January 1st, 2014 through December 31st, 2015. More details about the award, rules, formats, and past years awards can be found at <>

Nominations are accepted via e-mail to the 2016 award committee chair, Andrzej Pelc, <>. All required documents should be in a single .zip file.


The 2016 award committee,

Yoram Moses [2015 DISC PC chair]
Andrzej Pelc (chair) [2007 DISC PC chair]
Paul Spirakis [2015 PODC PC chair]
Roger Wattenhofer [2007 PODC PC chair]


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 10:54:12 +0800
From: Abby Thomer <>
Subject: [DMANET] Paper Submission Deadline Approaching - GCIRE2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Intelligent and
Renewable Energies (GCIRE2016)

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Las Piñas-Manila, Philippines
February 24-26, 2016
The event will be held over three days with presentations delivered by
researchers from the international community, including presentations from
keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures. All registered papers will
be included in the SDIWC Digital Library.


- Benefits of, and barriers to, adopting greener IT practices
- Carbon metering and user feedback
- Climate and ecosystem monitoring
- Energy harvesting, storage, and recycling
- Energy-aware high performance computing and applications
- Energy-aware software
- Energy-efficient network services and operations
- Green IT metrics, maturity models, standards, and regulations
- Green computing models, methodologies and paradigms
- Green networking and communication
- Life-cycle analysis of IT equipment
- Management and profiling tools for energy efficient systems
- Modeling-representations, simulation and validation for energy
consumption optimization problems
- Online dynamic optimization for energy efficient systems
- Power-aware algorithms and protocols
- Power-efficient delivery and cooling
- Renewable energy models and prediction
- Smart buildings and urban development
- Smart homes, buildings, offices, streets
- Stability of smart energy systems
- Using IT to reduce carbon emissions
- Carbon management policies and ecology- related issues with ICT
- Characterization, metrics, and modeling
- Creating green awareness using IT
- Energy-aware computing
- Energy-aware large scale distributed systems, such as Grids, Clouds and
service computing
- Energy-efficient mass data storage and processing
- Governments' roles in fostering and enforcing green initiatives
- Green business process reengineering and management
- Green design, manufacture, use, disposal, and recycling of computers and
communication systems
- Green software engineering
- Low-power electronics and systems
- Matching energy supply and demand
- Network design optimization
- Optimization of energy-efficient protocols
- Power-aware software and hardware
- Reliability, thermal behavior and control
- Robustness and performance guarantees
- Smart grid and microgrids
- Smart transportation and manufacturing
- Sustainable computing


- International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their
Applications (IJNCAA); EISSN 2220-9085, ISSN 2412-3587
- International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF);
EISSN 2225-658X, ISSN 2412-6551
- International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications
(IJDIWC); EISSN 2305-0012
- International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their
Applications (IJNCAA); EISSN 2410-0439


- Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically as pdf
format without author(s) name.
- Full paper must be submitted (abstracts are not acceptable).
- Submitted paper should not exceed 15 pages, including illustrations and
must be without page numbers.
- Paper submission link:


Submission Deadline: January 24, 2016
Acceptance Notification:2-3 weeks from the submission date or Feb. 3, 2016
Camera Ready Deadline: February 14, 2016
Registration Deadline: February 14, 2016
Conference Dates: February 24 - 26, 2016

Please see co-event conferences to be held in the Philippines:
* The International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and
Computing Technologies (ICIISCT2016)
* The Second International Conference on Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, and Mechatronics (EEETEM2016)


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 14:56:42 +0100
From: Sandra Sendra<>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline Extension: SMART 2016 and URBAN COMPUTING
2016 || May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


The submission deadline has been extended to January 19, 2016.

Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to:

- SMART 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies

- URBAN COMPUTING 2016, The International Symposium on Emerging Frontiers of Urban Computing and Smart Cities

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== SMART 2016 | URBAN COMPUTING 2016 | Call for Papers ===============


SMART 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies
General page:
Submission page:

URBAN COMPUTING 2016, The International Symposium on Emerging Frontiers of Urban Computing and Smart Cities
General page:
Submission page:

Events schedule: May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain

- regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- ideas: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- extended abstracts: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- demos: two pages [posted at]
- doctoral forum submissions: [in the proceedings, digital library]

Proposals for:
- mini symposia: see
- workshops: see
- tutorials: [slide-deck posed on]
- panels: [slide-deck posed on]

Submission deadline: January 19, 2016

Sponsored by IARIA,
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:

SMART 2016 Topics (for topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Call for Papers:

Future cities
Digital cities
Senseable city networks
Smart houses
Dynamic urban communications
Knowledge on urban economy
Public display and search
Indoor communications
SHUI (Smart Home User Interfaces)
Smart mobility
Pervasive urban applications
Ubiquitous computing in digital cities
Mobile crowdsourcing applications
Rural communications
Ambient assisted living
Smart multimedia services
Smart antennas
Smart urban electric cars
Smart atmospheric and population migration measurements
Smart energy and optimal consumption
Smart hones
Smart spaces
Micro-payments and Ticketing by NFC mobile device
Ecological cities
Interactions between smart cities
Health informatics in smart cities
Mobility monitoring and control in smart environments
Navigating in smart environments
Smart information processing
Smart analytics
Internet of things in smart environments
Social networking in smart environments
Use Cases for Smart Homes/Cities
Sociocultural challenges in smart environments
Costs associated with smart cities
Citizen tracking systems
Animal tracking systems
Smart systems for animals behavior

URBAN COMPUTING 2016 Topics (for topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)



Navigating the Urban jungle with SmartPhones
Crowdsourced data acquisition in the City
Enhancing City quality of life through mobile services
Urban computing and the Internet of Things
User-data interaction (interfaces, tools, other �sense-making� applications for users to use, mesh or create data)
Using data in heterogeneous environments (towards standard on system integration in Urban computing)
Urban Computing and Smart Cities

Metering infrastructure and Smart Cites
Architectures and protocols for (wireless) smart metering
Semantic sensing (Web sensors) for Urban information gathering
Smart buildings and green-oriented sensing
Smart grid and Urban energy distribution
Urban utility metering (gas, water, electricity, etc.)
Sensing urban mobility
Reliability and security/trust in Urban metering
Monitoring Big/Linked data metering
Standards for Smart Urban metering
Case studies


SMART 2016 Committee:

SMART General Chair
Sandra Sendra Compte, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

SMART Advisory Committee
Wolfgang Leister, Norsk Regnesentral, Norway
Hoyoung Jeung, SAP Research Brisbane, Australia
Petri Koskelainen, Nokia - Sunnyvale, USA
Sherali Zeadally, University of Kentucky, USA
Susana Sargento, University of Aveiro/Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal
Rich Simpson, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Lasse Berntzen, Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway
Jeffrey Soar, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Jerker Delsing, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
Krishna Kant, George Mason University, USA
Luigi Patrono, University of Salento, Italy
Dmitry Namiot, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Francine Krief, University of Bordeaux, France
Pascal Urien, T�l�com ParisTech, France

SMART Industry/Research Chairs
Christian Prehofer, Kompetenzfeldleiter Adaptive Kommunikationssysteme / Fraunhofer-Einrichtung f�r Systeme der Kommunikationstechnik ESK � M�nchen, Germany
Ryosuke Ando, TTRI (Toyota Transportation Research Institute), Japan
Petko Bakalov - Environmental Systems Research Institute, USA
Gregor Broll, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany
Yang Cui, Huawei Technologies - Beijing, China
Rodolfo de Paz Alberola, United Technologies Research Center Ireland � Cork, Ireland
Marko Jaakola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
Hoyoung Jeung, SAP Research Brisbane, Australia
Lieven Trappeniers, Bell Labs Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium
Chengyang Zhang, Teradata Inc., USA
Fabio Pianesi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Trento, Italy
Fabio Moretti, ENEA, Italy

URBAN COMPUTING 2016 Committee:

URBAN COMPUTING 2016 Advisory Committee
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Amnon Dekel, The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
Yan Cimon, University Laval, Quebec-City, Canada
Roberto de Bonis, Telecom Italia, Italy


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 5

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