Thursday, January 14, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 11

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Today's Topics:

1. One Ph.D. position in Approximation Algorithms at IDSIA,
University of Lugano, Switzerland (Fabrizio Grandoni)
2. PostDoc position in Bio-inspired Computing at the University
of Adelaide, Australia (Frank Neumann)
3. CFP: V. EURO CBBM Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 21-24 August
2016 (Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)
4. [3rd CFP] ANTS 2016: Tenth International Conference on Swarm
Intelligence (Carlo Pinciroli)
5. computational optimization (Stefka Fidanova)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 17:04:52 -0500
From: Fabrizio Grandoni <>
Subject: [DMANET] One Ph.D. position in Approximation Algorithms at
IDSIA, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The Algorithms and Complexity Group of IDSIA, University of Lugano
(Switzerland), opens one Ph.D. position in the area of approximation
algorithms. The position is supported by the SNSF Grant "Approximation
Algorithms for Network Problems", that already supports another Ph.D.
student and one PostDoc.

The position is for 3 years, with the possibility of an extension by 1
year (subject to approval by SNSF). The gross salary is roughly 50.000
CHF per year (low taxes). There is generous travel support.

The ideal candidate should be bright and creative, and hold (or be
close to obtaining) a Master Degree in Computer Science or related
areas. A solid background in Algorithms, Computational Complexity,
Discrete Mathematics, Probability Theory, and/or Graph Theory is
helpful. A good knowledge of written and spoken English is also
required (while knowledge of Italian is not needed).

Team members will have the opportunity to cooperate with the
Algorithms and Complexity group at IDSIA, which currently consists of
8 researchers. IDSIA offers an international working environment.

Lugano is a tidy and lively town, with a wonderful view on Ceresio
lake and mountains around. Ticino Canton offers many opportunities for
hiking, biking, skiing, etc. Restaurants serve very good (Italian
style!) food.

Further details about the project, the position, and how to apply can
be found at:

The position will be filled as soon as a strong candidate will apply.
For any question, do not hesitate to contact:

Prof. Fabrizio Grandoni


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 15:45:16 +1030
From: Frank Neumann <>
Subject: [DMANET] PostDoc position in Bio-inspired Computing at the
University of Adelaide, Australia
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 07:50:23 +0200
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: V. EURO CBBM Conference, Istanbul, Turkey,
21-24 August 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

V. EURO CBBM Conference on Operational Research in
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine

Istanbul, Turkey 21-24 August 2016

Call for Abstracts

The organizers of the V. EURO CBBM Conference on Operational
Research in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine have a
pleasure to invite you to take part in this conference to be held in
Istanbul, Turkey, August 21-24, 2016.

Abstract submission deadline has been extended until April 1, 2015!

Aims and Scope of the conference
The objective of the V. EURO CBBM Conference is to bring together researchers
developing and using computational methods to solve problems in computational
biology, bioinformatics and medicine. The conference intends to be an
effective forum
for the exchange of ideas and discussion of current issues and future trends.

WE WELCOME SUBMISSIONS on all aspects of biomolecular sequence analysis,
comparative genomics, metabolic network modeling and analysis, modeling
and prediction of gene patterns, microarray informatics, protein and RNA
structure prediction, protein interactions, genetic networks, analysis of
genetic variations, systems biology, gene classification, docking and drug
design, phylogenetics, and other related topics.

INVITED TALKS will be given by:
- John B. Hogenesch
Department of Molecular Biology and Cellular Physiology
University of Cincinnati

- Marta Szachniuk
Institute of Computing Science
Poznan University of Technology

- Tolga Can
Department of Computer Engineering
Middle East Technical University

- Hilal Ozdag
Biotechnology Institute
Ankara University

Conference venue
The conference will be hosted at the Koc University campus, Istanbul, Turkey.
A number of single and double dormitory rooms are available at a
discounted rate.

Abstract submission
Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 600
characters (no formulae or mathematical notations are allowed). Each
attendee is allowed to present one paper at the conference. To submit an
abstract, use the abstract submission system of EURO-Online available from
the conference website

Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 01/04/2016
Notification of acceptance: 01/05/2016
Deadline for early registration: 15/05/2016

Special issue
Selected conference papers can be submitted for peer-reviewed publication
in the Special Issue of Central European Journal of Operations Research.

Program Committee:
Paola Bertolazzi (Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica
"Antonio Ruberti" ? CNR, Italy)
Jacek Blazewicz (Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of
Technology, Poland) Chair
Giovanni Felici (Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica, Italy)
Jon Garibaldi (University of Nottingham, UK)
I. Halil Kavakli (Koç University, Turkey)
Ceyda Oguz (Koç University, Turkey)
Metin Turkay (Koç University, Turkey)
Aleksandra Swiercz (Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University
of Technology, Poland)
Piotr Lukasiak (Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of
Technology, Poland)
Gerhard Wilhem Weber (Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU, Turkey)

Organizing Committee:
Jens Allmer (Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey)
Mehmet Serkan Apaydin (Istanbul City University, Turkey)
Jacek Blazewicz (Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University
of Technology, Poland)
Mehmet Gonen (Koc University, Turkey)
Cem Iyigun (METU, Turkey)
Ceyda Oguz (Koç University, Turkey)
Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu (Boston Biosciences, USA)
Nurcan Tuncbag (Informatics Institute, METU, Turkey)
Metin Turkay (Koç University, Turkey) Chair
Gerhard Wilhelm Weber (Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU, Turkey)
Fadime Uney-Yuksektepe (Istanbul Culture University, Turkey)


A limited number of scholarships for Ph.D. students, covering
participation costs is also available due to EURO sponsorship. Interested
persons may apply at the above address.
We would also greatly appreciate if you could forward this announcement to
anybody who may be interested.


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 02:15:05 -0500
From: Carlo Pinciroli <>
Subject: [DMANET] [3rd CFP] ANTS 2016: Tenth International Conference
on Swarm Intelligence
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence

September 7-9, 2016. Brussels, Belgium

Call for papers prepared on October 5, 2015
More details and up-to-date information at

Scope of the Conference

Swarm intelligence is the discipline that deals with the study of
self-organizing processes both in nature and in artificial systems.
Researchers in ethology and animal behavior have proposed a number of
models to explain interesting aspects of social insect behavior such
as self-organization and shape-formation. Recently, algorithms and
methods inspired by these models have been proposed to solve difficult
problems in many domains.

An example of a particularly successful research direction in swarm
intelligence is ant colony optimization, the main focus of which is on
discrete optimization problems. Ant colony optimization has been
applied successfully to a large number of difficult discrete
optimization problems including the traveling salesman problem, the
quadratic assignment problem, scheduling, vehicle routing, etc., as
well as to routing in telecommunication networks. Another interesting
approach is that of particle swarm optimization, that mainly focuses
on continuous optimization problems. Here too, a number of successful
applications can be found in the recent literature. Swarm robotics is
another relevant field. Here, the focus is on applying swarm
intelligence techniques to the control of large groups of cooperating
autonomous robots.

ANTS 2016 will give researchers in swarm intelligence the opportunity
to meet, to present their latest research, and to discuss current
developments and applications.

The three-day conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on September
7-9, 2016.

Relevant Research Areas

ANTS 2016 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of swarm
intelligence. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:

Behavioral models of social insects or other animal societies that
can stimulate new algorithmic approaches.

Empirical and theoretical research in swarm intelligence.

Application of swarm intelligence methods, such as ant colony
optimization or particle swarm optimization, to real-world problems.

Theoretical and experimental research in swarm robotics systems.

Publication Details

Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS.

The journal Swarm Intelligence will publish a special issue dedicated
to ANTS 2016 that will contain extended versions of the best research
works presented at the conference. Further details will soon be
published on the web site.

Conference Location

Auditorium R42.4.502, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and
Management, Campus du Solbosch, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Av. F.D. Roosevelt 42, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.

Best Paper Award

A best paper award will be presented at the conference.

Further Information

Up-to-date information will be published on the web site For information about local
arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the
above-mentioned web site or contact the local organizers at the
address below.

Conference Address

ANTS 2016
IRIDIA CP 194/6 Tel +32-2-6502729
Université Libre de Bruxelles Fax +32-2-6502715
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium email:

Important Dates

Submission deadline March 2, 2016
Notification of acceptance May 4, 2016
Camera ready copy May 18, 2016
Conference September 7-9, 2016

ANTS 2016 Organizing Committee

General chair
Marco Dorigo, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Mauro Birattari, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Thomas Stützle, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Technical program chairs
Manuel López-Ibáñez, University of Manchester, UK
Xiaodong Li, RMIT University, Australia
Kazuhiro Ohkura, Hiroshima University, Japan

Publication chair
Carlo Pinciroli, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 11:06:44 +0200
From: Stefka Fidanova <>
Subject: [DMANET] computational optimization
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Call for Papers

9th International Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO 2016)
Gdansk, Poland, September 11 - 14, 2016)

FedCSIS - 2016


We invite original contributions related with both theoretical and
practical aspects of optimization methods.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

* unconstrained and constrained optimization
* combinatorial optimization
* continues optimization
* global optimization
* multiobjective optimization
* optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
* large scale optimization
* parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
* random search algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and other
derivative free optimization methods
* nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant
colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune artificial
systems etc)
* hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing
techniques and other global and local optimization methods
*computational biology and optimization
* distance geometry and applications
* optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
* application of optimization methods on real life and industrial problems
* computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics,
finance, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering etc.


Important dates:

18.04.2016 (April 18, 2016) – Full paper submission

30.05.2016 (May 30, 2016) - Position paper submission

13.06.2016 (June 13, 2016) – Notification of acceptance

04.07.2016 (July 04, 2016) – Camera-ready version of the accepted paper


Submission and Publication

* Authors should submit draft papers as PDF.
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages for full
paper and 4 pages for short papers (IEEE style). IEEE style templates
are available at
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
* Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore database (pending) and
indexed in the DBLP.
* Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference
will be published as Special Issue(s) of Springer Studies of
Computational Intelligence.

If you have any question do not hesitate to send a mail to .

Organizing Committee

Stefka Fidanova, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
Daniela Zaharie, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Antonio Mucherino, IRISA, France

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 11

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