Monday, January 25, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 22

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Today's Topics:

1. 2016 IEEE WCCI/CEC Theory Special Session *EXTENDED DEADLINE*
(Andrew M. Sutton)
2. iFMCloud'16 2nd CfP: 1st Int'l Workshop on Formal Methods for
and on the Cloud (Razieh Behjati)
3. Sao Paulo School on Algorithms, Combinatorics and
Optimization (Yoshiharu Kohayakawa)
4. CFP: 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
(GECCO 2016) (Per Kristian Lehre)
5. Deadline approaching: 71st (German) Workshop on Algorithms
and Complexity [in German] (Thomas Schwentick)
6. HEUREKA 2017 Call (in German)
7. ThRaSH 2016 Lyngby, Denmark - 2nd Call for Participation
(Christian Gießen)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 11:11:08 +0100
From: "Andrew M. Sutton" <>
Subject: [DMANET] 2016 IEEE WCCI/CEC Theory Special Session *EXTENDED
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

** Deadline extended to January 31, 2016 **


WCCI/CEC 2016 Special Session on
Theoretical Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation

July 25 - 29, 2016, Vancouver, Canada

*** Paper submission deadline: Jan 31, 2016 (FINAL) ***



Bio-inspired search heuristics often turn out to be highly successful
for optimization in practice. The theory of these randomized search
heuristics explains the success or the failure of these methods in
practical applications. Theoretical analyses lead to the understanding
of which problems are optimized (or approximated) efficiently by a
given algorithm and which are not.

The benefits of theoretical understanding for practitioners are

1. Aiding the algorithm design,

2. guiding the choice of the best algorithm for the problem at

3. determining the optimal parameter settings.

The theory of evolutionary computation has grown rapidly in recent
years. The primary aim of this special session is to bring together
people working on theoretical aspects of bio-inspired computation. The
latest breakthroughs in the theory of bio-inspired computation will be
reported and new directions will be set.


Potential authors are invited to submit papers describing original
contributions to foundations of evolutionary computation. Although we
are most interested in theoretical foundations, computational studies
of a foundational nature are also welcome.

The scope of this special session includes (but is not limited to) the
following topics:

* Theoretical foundations of bio-inspired heuristics

* Exact and approximation runtime analysis

* Black box complexity

* Self-adaptation

* Population dynamics

* Fitness landscape and problem difficulty analysis

* No free lunch theorems

* Statistical approaches for understanding the behavior of
bio-inspired heuristics

* Computational studies of a foundational nature

All problem domains will be considered including:

* combinatorial and continuous optimization

* single‐objective and multi‐objective optimization

* constraint handling

* dynamic and stochastic optimization

* co‐evolution and evolutionary learning

Paper Submission

To submit to the special session:

1. prepare your manuscript following the WCCI 2016 paper
submission guidelines (see,

2. submit your manuscript electronically in the CEC 2016 system:,

3. *IMPORTANT* On the submission system you must select
"7bk. Theoretical Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation"
as "Main Research Topic".

Special session papers are treated in the same way as regular
conference papers.

Important Dates

* Paper submissions: January 31, 2016 (FINAL)

* Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2016

* Final paper submission: April 15, 2016

Special Session Organizers

Pietro S. Oliveto
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK

Andrew M. Sutton
Universität Potsdam
Potsdam, Germany

This special session is organized as a part of the IEEE CIS Task Force
on Theoretical Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation

Task Force Website:


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 16:31:38 +0100
From: Razieh Behjati <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] iFMCloud'16 2nd CfP: 1st Int'l Workshop on Formal
Methods for and on the Cloud
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers.]

============================ Call for Papers =============================

iFMCloud 2016

1st International
Workshop on Formal Methods for and on the

co-located with iFM 2016, 1-4 June 2016,
Reykjavik, Iceland

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: February 13, 2016
Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2016
Author notifications: March 25, 2016
Camera-ready copies: April 10, 2016
Workshop date: June 4, 2016

Keynote Speaker

Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)


Cloud solutions are increasingly used for a plethora of purposes, including
solving memory-intensive and computation-intensive problems. Ensuring the
reliability, availability, scalability, and security of cloud solutions, as
networked distributed systems with properties such as dynamic reallocation
of resources, is a challenging problem that requires rigorous modeling,
analysis, and verification tools. Such tools can be devised using the
techniques provided by the formal methods community. On the other hand,
formal analysis and verification tools are memory-intensive and
computation-intensive solutions, which can benefit from the cloud

The goal of the iFMCloud workshop is to identify and better understand
challenges of using formal and semi-formal methods for modeling and
verification of Cloud-based systems and computer and communication
as well as challenges and opportunities in providing formal analysis and
verification as services on the Cloud. We aim to reach these goals by
bringing together researchers and practitioners from these, and other
related fields.


We particularly encourage position papers and experience reports, which
identify and structure open challenges and research questions. We are
interested in all topics related to synergies between the fields of formal
and semi-formal methods and the fields of cloud computing and computer and
communication networks, including but not limited to:

* Formal and semi-formal methods for modeling, analysis, and verification
of Cloud-based systems and computer and communication networks:
- Methods for analysis and design of cloud infrastructures
- Methods for analysis and design of cloud applications
- Modeling and verification of networked systems, in particular
SDN-based systems
- Runtime analysis, monitoring, and performance evaluation
* Formal analysis and verification as services on the Cloud
- Opportunities and challenges of providing formal analysis and
verification as services on the Cloud
- Distributed algorithms for analysis and verification
* Testing as a service on the Cloud
* Case studies and experience reports
* Position statements setting a research agenda for collaboration between
the formal methods community, the cloud computing community, and other
related fields

Submission guidelines

Authors are invited to submit position papers and experience reports (max 8
pages) in
EPTCS proceedings format. Submissions must be original, and will be
selected based on
the relevance to the workshop topics and the suitability to trigger
discussions. All
submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program
Accepted papers will be published in an EPTCS volume. Papers should be
submitted via
Easychair at:

Contact Information

To contact the organizers, please send an email to:

Organizing Committee

Razieh Behjati, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Ahmed Elmokashfi, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

Program Committee

Eva Darulova, MPI-SWS, Germany
Fatemeh Ghassemi, University of Tehran, Iran
Arnaud Gotlieb, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Ernst Gunnar Gran, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Hossein Hojjat, Cornell University, USA
Geir Horn, University of Oslo, Norway
Andreas Kassler, Karlstad University, Sweden
Steven Latre, University of Antwerp - iMinds, Belgium
Meriem Ouederni, IRIT/INPT Toulouse, France
Rosario Pugliese, University of Florence, Italy
Sven-Arne Reinemo, Fabriscale Technologies, Norway
Hamideh Sabouri, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Jesus Escudero Sahuquillo, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Sagar Sen, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Marjan Sirjani, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Martin Steffen, University of Oslo, Norway
Amirhossein Taherkordi, University of Oslo, Norway


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 17:43:50 -0200
From: Yoshiharu Kohayakawa <>
Subject: [DMANET] Sao Paulo School on Algorithms, Combinatorics and
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

FIRST CALL: São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization, July 2016, Brazil

The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (SPSAS-ACO) will be held from 18 to 29 July 2016, at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

The school is aimed at Master's students, PhD students, and young researchers. Exceptional undergraduate students may also qualify.


- Robert Kleinberg (Cornell), Combinatorial stochastic search and selection

- Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (USP), The regularity method and blow-up lemmas for sparse graphs

- Alexandr Kostochka (UIUC), Coloring sparse graphs with few colors

- Daniel Král' (Warwick), Graph limits and their applications in extremal combinatorics

- Cláudio L. Lucchesi (UFMS), The perfect matching polytope, solid bricks and the perfect matching lattice

- Flávio K. Miyazawa (UNICAMP) and Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho (USP), Geometric packing

- Rob Morris (IMPA), The method of hypergraph containers

- Sinai Robins (USP), Harmonic analysis on polytopes and cones

- Levent Tunçel (Waterloo), Semidefinite programming techniques in combinatorial optimization

- Eli Upfal (Brown), Sample complexity and uniform convergence

- David Williamson (Cornell), Recent progress in approximation algorithms for the traveling salesman problem (to be confirmed)

Additionally, there will be a series of talks on advanced research topics and participants will be invited to present their work in poster sessions. The school will provide a congenial environment for participant interactions.

Participants may choose the courses they will attend, but are expected to stay for the whole duration of the school (arrival date: 17 July; departure date: 30 July). We expect to have around 85 students and young researchers.


Local expenses of all participants will be fully covered. Help towards travelling expenses will also be provided to most participants.


Funding applications sent by March 28 will receive full consideration.

An online application form will soon be available at


The school is financed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), under the SPSAS program:


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 00:50:58 +0000
From: Per Kristian Lehre <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference (GECCO 2016)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

** Final Call for Papers **

2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2016)
July 20-24, 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2016) will present
the latest high-quality results in genetic and evolutionary computation.
Topics include: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies,
evolutionary programming, memetic algorithms, hyper heuristics, real-world
applications, evolutionary machine learning, evolvable hardware, artificial
life, adaptive behavior, ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence,
biological applications, evolutionary robotics, coevolution, artificial immune
systems, and more.

The GECCO 2016 Program Committee invites the submission of technical papers
describing your best work in genetic and evolutionary computation. Abstracts
need to be submitted by January 27, 2016. Full papers are due by the
non-extensible deadline of February 3, 2016.

Each paper submitted to GECCO will be rigorously evaluated in a double-blind
review process. The evaluation is on a per-track basis, ensuring high interest
and expertise of the reviewers. Review criteria include significance of the
work, technical soundness, novelty, clarity, writing quality, and sufficiency
of information to permit replication, if applicable. All accepted papers will
be published in the ACM Digital Library. Researchers are invited to submit
abstracts of their work recently published in top-tier conferences and
journals to the Hot Off the Press track. Contributions will be selected based
on quality and interest to the GECCO community.

By submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted,
they will:

- Submit a final, revised, camera-ready version to the publisher on or
before the camera ready deadline
- Register at least one author to attend the conference on or before
the advance registration deadline
- Attend the conference (at least one author)
- Present the accepted paper at the conference

Important Dates:

Abstract Deadline: January 27, 2016
Submission of Full Papers: February 3, 2016
Conference: 20-24 July, 2016

Please note that abstracts can still be modified in the final paper submission.


GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special
Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ACM SIGEVO).


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 08:26:03 +0100
From: Thomas Schwentick <>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline approaching: 71st (German) Workshop on
Algorithms and Complexity [in German]
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir möchten daran erinnern, dass in einer Woche die Deadline für
Einreichungen zum

**** 71. Workshop über Algorithmen und Komplexität *****

am *** 15. und 16. Februar 2016 *** (Montag und Dienstag)

an der TU Dortmund ist.

Wir laden Sie herzlich zu diesem Workshop ein und Sie bitten, in Ihren Gruppen auf ihn hinzuweisen.

Aktuelle Informationen finden Sie jeweils unter

(Leider haben wir unsere Webseiten gerade erst erneuert und es könnte sein, dass Ihr Browser dieser Seite nicht vertraut)

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie mit einem Vortrag zum Programm des Workshops beitragen könnten. Teilen Sie uns dies gegebenfalls bitte mit und senden Sie bis zum *** 1. Februar 2016*** einen Abstract per Email an Statt eines Abstracts können Sie auch einen maximal 5-seitigen Artikel einreichen.

Das Programm wird auch einen eingeladenen Vortrag von Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen) umfassen.

Wenn Sie teilnehmen wollen ohne einen Vortrag zu halten, melden Sie sich bitte bis zum ***8.2.2016*** an, damit wir genügend viele Heiß- und Kaltgetränke bereit stellen können.

Der Workshop soll am 15.2.. gegen Mittag beginnen und am 16.2. gegen Mittag enden.

Zusammengefasst sind die „important dates" also:

- 1.2.: Anmeldung Vorträge (und Einreichung Abstracts/Papers)
- 8.2.: Anmeldung Teilnehmer
- 15./16.2.: Workshop

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Beate Bollig
Johannes Fischer
Thomas Schwentick
Christian Sohler
Nils Vortmeier

PS: Falls Sie dauerhaft Interesse an dieser Workshopreihe haben, können Sie sich über die Webseite in die Mailingliste eintragen.


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 09:08:48 +0100
Subject: [DMANET] HEUREKA 2017 Call (in German)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr,

mit dieser Nachricht möchte ich Sie auf die folgende Konferenz und den
zugehörigen Call for Papers hinweisen:

Am 22. und 23. März 2017 findet die nächste HEUREKA Konferenz in Stuttgart
statt. Die HEUREKA sucht forschungs- und anwendungsorientierte Beiträge zu
Entscheidungs- und Optimierungsverfahren aus allen Bereichen des Verkehrs
(Intermodaler Verkehr, Individualverkehr, Öffentlicher Verkehr,
Güterverkehr). Einsendeschluss für die Einreichung von Beiträgen ist der

08. Juli 2016,

weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Seite:

Abschließend habe ich noch zwei kleine Bitten: Leiten Sie bitte den Call
for Papers auch an Kollegen und/oder Mitarbeiter weiter, von denen Ihnen
aktuelle Aktivitäten aus den genannten Bereichen bekannt sind - und bitte
sehen Sie mir etwaiges "cross-posting" mit anderen einschlägigen
Mail-Verteilern nach. ;-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christian Liebchen
S-Bahn Berlin GmbH


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:44:41 +0100
From: Christian Gießen <>
Subject: [DMANET] ThRaSH 2016 Lyngby, Denmark - 2nd Call for
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15

Call for Abstracts and Participation

The 10th Workshop on Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics (ThRaSH
2016) 18-19 March 2016, Lyngby (Copenhagen), Denmark


Deadline for abstract submission: 18 February, 2016 Notification of
accepted talks: 25 February, 2016 Deadline for registration: 29
February, 2016

Abstract submission and registration (no fee) by e-mail to

The 10th Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics workshop continues the
tradition of discussing theoretical aspects of randomised search
heuristics such as evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimisation,
particle swarm optimisation, simulated annealing, and other heuristics
inspired by natural or physical processes. It provides a forum to
discuss novel and ongoing work, new trends and ideas, and aims at
stimulating interactions within the research field and between related
disciplines. The tenth workshop of the series will take place in Lyngby
(Greater Copenhagen), Denmark on the 18th and 19th of March, 2016;
details about the venue as well as all other information pertaining to
the workshop can be found on the workshop homepage

We invite researchers working on theoretical aspects of randomized
search heuristics who would like to present and discuss their work to
submit a short abstract (a single page, either in plain text or pdf). As
always at ThRaSH, the primary focus is on discussing recent ideas and
detecting challenging topics for future work, rather than on the
presentation of final results.

Registration to the workshop is free. However, we ask participants to
register by the registration deadline. Please let us know if you have
any dietary requirements so that we can take this into account in the

Carsten Witt and Christian Gießen (Technical University of Denmark)


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 95, Issue 22

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