Wednesday, September 21, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 15

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Today's Topics:

1. Junior Faculty Tenure-Track Position in Operations Research
(Willem-Jan van Hoeve)
2. Annals of Telecommunications: special issue DRCN 2016
(DEADLINE EXTENTION: oct. 15) (Eric Gourdin)
3. Tenure-track Westerdijk Fellowship Computer Science Utrecht
(Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans))


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 11:46:38 -0400
From: Willem-Jan van Hoeve <>
Subject: [DMANET] Junior Faculty Tenure-Track Position in Operations
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

The Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University seeks
candidates for a tenure-track faculty position in Operations Research at
the Assistant Professor level, beginning in September 2017. Applicants
are expected to have a Ph.D. in Operations Research or a related field
at the time of appointment, a demonstrated potential for outstanding
research, and strong teaching skills.

The specialty of the candidate may be in the broad area of Optimization
with connections to Business Analytics and Machine Learning. The ideal
candidate will be able to contribute to the school's analytical approach
to business education, and engage in cross-disciplinary research
activities within the Tepper School and Carnegie Mellon University.

Carnegie Mellon University seeks to meet the needs of dual-career
couples and is a member of the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
(HERC) that assists with dual-career searches.

Applicants should submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, up to
three publications or working papers, research and teaching statements,
and three recommendation letters. Questions about the application can
be addressed to Mr. Philip Conley at or 412-268-6212.

To receive full consideration, applications must be submitted by January
1, 2017.

Application Procedure: Faculty applications and all supporting documents
must be submitted to:

Carnegie Mellon University is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the diversity of its community on a range of
intellectual and cultural dimensions. Carnegie Mellon welcomes faculty
applicants who will contribute to this diversity through their research,
teaching and service, including women, members of minority groups,
protected veterans, individuals with disabilities, and others who would
contribute in different ways.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 19:05:02 +0000
From: Eric Gourdin <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Annals of Telecommunications: special issue DRCN
2016 (DEADLINE EXTENTION: oct. 15)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Following the 12th International Workshop DRCN 2016 that was held in CNAM Paris, March 14-17, 2016, we invite submissions for a forthcoming issue of Annals of Telecommunications.
Submissions should be sent to one of the Guest Editors:

§ Eric Gourdin,<>, Orange, France

§ Deep Medhi,<>, University of Missouri Kansas-City, USA

§ Achille Pattavina,<>, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
This special issue will invite extended versions of the selected papers presented at DRCN 2016. We also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate to the conference to submit papers for this call.
Papers must be written in English and describe original research not published or currently under review by other journals or conferences. The length of the article file should not exceed 35,000 characters including spaces (i.e. around 5,500 words). The manuscripts that are outside the expected length are likely to be rejected. All relevant papers submitted will go through an external review process.
The detailed CfP can be found here:
Submissions should be prepared and sent according to the instructions available at:


· Manuscript submission September 15th, 2016, October 15th, 2016

· Notification of acceptance (after revision) January 31st, 2017

· Online with DOI as soon as accepted

· Printed issue July-December 2017

Eric Gourdin
mob : 06 71 26 44 06


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Thank you.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:35:06 +0000
From: "Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans)" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Tenure-track Westerdijk Fellowship Computer Science
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

The Department of Computer Science of Utrecht University has a call for applicants to a fellowship, called the Westerdijk fellowship for young female researchers in all areas of computer science. The application deadline is soon: September 30, 2016. This position can be of interest to female readers of DMAnet. Here some additional information:

The Westerdijk fellowship is a very prestigious position for young female researchers offered jointly by our faculty and the department. Beside the standard employment conditions (tenure track) the Westerdijk fellowship offers the following benefits:
- A (fully financed) PhD position;
- Technical and/or secretarial support;
- Additional budget of € 50,000 for personal development, facilities and travel.

The department is looking for an outstanding candidate with complementary yet connectable research interests to those of the current departmental research staff.

More details and the link to the Utrecht University application system can be found on:


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 15

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