Wednesday, September 28, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

1. [GECCO 2017] First Call for Proposals for Tutorials,
Workshops and Competitions (Javier Ferrer)
2. Postdocs in Algorithms at the University of Vienna
(Monika Henzinger)
3. The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing
and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2016): Last Call for Papers
(***extended deadline***) (Announce Announcements)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 10:48:49 +0200
From: Javier Ferrer <>
Subject: [DMANET] [GECCO 2017] First Call for Proposals for Tutorials,
Workshops and Competitions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

2017 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017)
July, 2017, Berlin, Germany

Important Dates:

Tutorials, Workshops and Competitions Proposals: November 7, 2016
Conference [tentative]: 15-19 July, 2017

*** Call for Tutorials ***

Tutorials at GECCO 2017 will be presented by domain experts to cover
current topics relevant to evolutionary computation researchers and
practitioners. Each tutorial will be 110 minutes long. We encourage the
inclusion of interactive activities and demos.

Tutorials will be free to all GECCO 2017 attendees. One
instructor/presenter of each accepted tutorial will be able to register
for GECCO at half the regular rate (there are no multiple discounts for
each tutorial).

It is expected that all the instructors involved in a tutorial will
attend the conference. Accepted tutorials' slide sets will be collected
by Sheridan/ACM Press, and published as part of a companion volume to
the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital library.

* Submission Process *

Each tutorial proposal should include:

1. A half-page extended abstract (in plain text) that includes: the
title of the tutorial, the name and affiliation of the instructor(s),
and a description of the tutorial scope and content.
2. Short bio of the instructor(s) (about half page in plain text).
3. [Highly encouraged] A description of any interactive activity or demo
planned within the tutorial presentation.

* Reviewing *

Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the GECCO 2017 organising
committee, based on the GECCO attendees' likely interest in them, the
breadth and depth of the topic(s), and the expertise and credentials of
the instructor(s).

* Information and Submissions *

Petr Posik, GECCO 2017 Tutorials Chair
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Email: petr.posik (at)

*** Call for Workshops ***

GECCO workshops provide the possibility to commonly develop visions
and exchange ideas in an informal setting, especially if focused on an
emerging research field or interdisciplinary research area. In
contrast to regular sessions, workshops can (and should) host
interactive sessions (posters, discussions, demonstrations, etc.).
Attendance at the workshops will be free to all GECCO attendees.

Workshop organisers are responsible for coordination and
publicity. They collect and review papers, and provide a list of
accepted papers and their authors, if applicable. If required, the
GECCO organisers may provide additional support to the workshop
organisers, such as publicity. Note that organisers, participants and
presenters must register for the conference. Accepted workshop papers
will be collected by Sheridan/ACM Press, and published in a companion
volume to the conference proceedings.

* Submission Process *

Each workshop proposal needs to include:

1. A half-page extended abstract (in plain text) that includes: the
workshop title, the name and affiliation of the organiser(s), and a
description of scope and content. Please refrain from using special
characters in the title.
2. Short bio of the organiser(s) (about half-page in plain text).
3. [Highly encouraged] A description of any interactive activity or demo
planned within the workshop.
4. A draft schedule of the workshop, including the estimated duration (1
to max 4 sessions) and type of sessions.
5. If this workshop (or a similar event coordinated by the same
organisers or a subset of them) has taken place in previous years,
either at GECCO or at other events, then include URLs to the event

* Reviewing of Proposals *

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the GECCO 2017 organising
committee, based on GECCO attendees' likely interest, the breadth and
the depth of the topic(s), and the expertise and credentials of the

* Information and Proposal Submissions *

Julia Handl and Markus Wagner, GECCO 2017 Workshops Chairs
Manchester Business School, United Kingdom
University of Adelaide, Australia
Email: julia.handl (at)
markus.wagner (at)

*** Call for Competitions ***

Competitions demonstrate how Evolutionary Computation and related
techniques can be utilized in challenging practical, real-world and
gaming settings. They also enable fair comparisons between algorithms
and (for recurrent competitions) provide the possibility to follow the
development of approaches over time.

* Submission process *

Each competition proposal should include:

1. A half-page abstract (plain text) that includes: competition
title, the name and affiliation of the organiser(s), a description
of the
competition, and web address of last edition if already held before.

* Information and Submissions *

Mike Preuss, GECCO 2017 Competitions Chair ERCIS/Westfaelische
Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster
Email: geccocompetitions (at)

GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special
Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ACM SIGEVO).

Javier Ferrer Urbano
E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática
University of Málaga
Tel: +34 95213 2815
Fax: +34 95213 1397

Publicity Chair for GECOO 2017


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 11:17:21 +0200
From: Monika Henzinger <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdocs in Algorithms at the University of Vienna
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed



Two postdoc positions are available in the research group "Theory and

Applications of Algorithms" as part of the ERC Project of Professor Monika Henzinger. See

for more information.

The positions are available starting January 1, 2017 (or later) and will be

of 2 years.

If you are interested, please send your application(CV and names of 3
references) to
by October 30, 2016.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:16:35 +0300
From: Announce Announcements <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Signal
Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2016): Last Call for
Papers (***extended deadline***)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed

*** Last Call for Papers ***

The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and
Information Technology (ISSPIT 2016)

December 12-14, 2016, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus

*** Extended deadline: Oct 6th, 2016 ***

IEEE ISSPIT 2016 is the sixteenth in a series of international symposia that
aims to cover a wide range of topics in the intersection of signal processing
and information technology and to become a fertile ground for discussions
between the two research and development communities. Apart from
sessions that will present new research results, tutorials and special sessions
will be offered as well. Papers describing original work are invited in the
general fields covered by ISSPIT, with an emphasis on the topics listed below.
Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of IEEE ISSPIT 2016 and
will be available via IEEE Xplore. Acceptance will be based on quality,
relevance, and originality. A contest for Best Paper Awards (senior and
student) will be held.

Papers are invited in the following (non exclusive) topics:

· Signal Processing Theory and Methods
· Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
· Design & Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
· Image, Video & Multidimensional Signal Processing
· Multimedia Signal Processing
· Biological Image and signal processing
· Audio and Acoustic signal Processing
· Health Informatics and e-Health
· Sensor Arrays
· Big Data Analytics in Signal Processing and IT
· Radar Signal Processing
· Internet Software Architectures
· Multimedia and Image Based Systems
· Mobile Information Systems
· E-Commerce
· Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
· Information Processing
· Geographical Information Systems
· Object Based Software Engineering
· Speech Processing
· Computer Networks
· Neural Networks
· Social Networks Analysis
· Internet of Things
· Engineering Systems of Systems

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 6-page (max) papers in
two-column formats including diagrams and references. Authors can submit
their papers as PDF files through the online submission system to be found
on the ISSPIT 2016 website: The
title page should include author(s) name(s), affiliation, mailing address,
telephone, fax, and e-mail address. The author should indicate one or two of
the above categories that best describe the topic of the paper.


· Regular paper submission: October 6th, 2016 (extended)
· Notification of acceptance: October 27th, 2016
· Camera-ready version with registration: November 15th , 2016


· Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus, Greece
· Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
· Andreas Spanias, Arizona State University, USA


· Ioannis Kyriakides, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
· Veselin Rakocevic, City University, UK
· Thanos Stouraitis, Khalifa University, UAE


· Reda Ammar, University of Connecticut, USA


· Josephine Antoniou, University of Central Lancanshire, Cyprus
· Christophoros Christophorou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
· Angeliki Tsioliaridou, Foundation of Research and Technology, Greece


· Marios Lestas, Frederick University, Cyprus (
· Vasos Vassiliou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (


· Christos Liaskos, Foundation of Research and Technology, Greece (
· Vicky Lesta Papadopoulou, European University Cyprus (


· Suvendi Rimer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
· Cristiano Silva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ñ UFMG, Brazil


· George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus


· Kyriakos Georgiades, Easy Conferences, Cyprus


· E. Abdel-Raheem, Ain Shams University, Egypt
· R. Ammar, University of Connecticut, USA
· F. Elguibaly, University of Victoria, Canada
· A. Elmaghraby, University of Louisville, USA (Chair)
· A. Tantawy, IBM, Egypt, USA
· A. Tewfik, University of Minnesota, USA


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 21

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