Monday, September 26, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

1. Postdoctoral positions in algorithms research and/or time and
space lower bounds (Raphael C)
2. IPDPS 2017 - Call for papers (Ana Lucia Varbanescu)
3. Post-doctoral Position in Proof Theory, Vienna University of
Technology (Stefan Hetzl)
4. Postdoc position in Montpellier, France (Vincent Berry)
5. CFP CPSCom2016 (Yu Wang)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 20:06:28 +0100
From: Raphael C <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoctoral positions in algorithms research and/or
time and space lower bounds
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Application deadline 2 October, 2016.

Start date negotiable but ideally before end of 2016.

Salary: 35,609 to £40,082 UK pounds

This is a fixed term appointment terminating end of December 2017.

The Algorithms team in the Department of Computer Science at Bristol
University is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher in the areas
of algorithms research and/or time and space lower bounds. The post
will require a high level of expertise in areas which may include but
not be limited to algorithms, discrete probability, discrete
mathematics and combinatorics.

Our current work focuses on algorithms and lower bounds for streaming
and dynamically changing data however we also have a broader interest
in other aspects of algorithms/theory research.

The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in theoretical computer science
("Track A") or closely related mathematical area together with a
strong track record of international publications in algorithms or
theoretical computer science ("Track A") venues. This may include for

Please see for full details both of the post
and the application process.

Informal enquires should be made to Raphael Clifford at


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:30:55 +0200
From: Ana Lucia Varbanescu <>
Subject: [DMANET] IPDPS 2017 - Call for papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

IPDPS 2017 Call For Papers

September 20, 2016 release

31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
May 29 – June 2, 2017
Orlando, Florida USA

See the full CfP at

... Abstracts due October 18, 2016 AOE
... Submissions due October 23, 2016 AOE

*** SCOPE ***
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that present original
unpublished research in all areas of parallel and distributed
processing, including the development of experimental or commercial
systems. Work focusing on emerging technologies and interdisciplinary
work covering multiple IPDPS areas are especially welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Parallel and distributed algorithms;
* Applications of parallel and distributed computing;
* Parallel and distributed architectures;
* Parallel and distributed software.

Papers that cross the boundaries of the four traditional tracks of
IPDPS (Algorithms, Applications, Architecture and Software) are
encouraged and can be submitted to a newly established
multidisciplinary track. During submission of multidisciplinary
papers, authors should indicate their subject areas that can come from
any track.

The program committee will nominate papers for recognition in several
categories including the four conference topic areas as well as best
multidisciplinary paper and will consider other paper attributes that
merit recognition from the conference. The five top best papers will
be selected for presentation and the others will receive honorable
mention in the conference program.

Abstracts must be submitted by October 18th; submitted abstracts may
not exceed 500 words. Manuscripts must be submitted by October 23rd;
submitted manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced
double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages
(IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references.
The submitted manuscripts should include author names and
affiliations. Style templates are available on

Files should be submitted by following the instructions at the
EasyChair portal available at

All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed. Submissions will be judged
on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance,
potential impact, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance
to the conference scope. Submitted papers should NOT have appeared in
or be under consideration for another conference, workshop or journal.
There will be a one week review feedback and author response period
from November 28th to December 5th. Questions may be sent to


- October 18, 2016: Registration of papers with abstracts will be
accepted up to end of day ANYWHERE ON EARTH.
- October 23, 2016: Submission of registered papers will be accepted
up to end of day ANYWHERE ON EARTH.
- Review feedback to authors.......November 28, 2016
- Author response to feedback......December 5, 2016
- Author notification..............January 8, 2017
- Camera-ready due.................February 15, 2017


Michela Taufer (University of Delaware, USA)

Marc Snir (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA)

Pierre Fraigniaud (IRIF, France)
Robert D. Moser (UT Austin, USA) &
George Biros (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
Hillery Hunter (IBM Research, USA) &
Robert Senger (IBM Research, USA)
Pavan Balaji (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) &
Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware, USA)
Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Anu Bourgeois (Georgia State University, USA)

Bora Uçar (CNRS and ENS Lyon, France)

Erik Saule (University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA)

Ramachandran Vaidyanathan (Louisiana State University, USA)

Kyle Chard (University of Chicago, USA)

Olivier Beaumont (Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France)
Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware, USA)
Ananth Kalyanaraman (Washington State University, USA)
Chris J. Newburn (CJ) (Nvidia, USA)
Cynthia A. Philips (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Sivasankaran Rajamanickam (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Min Si (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Alan Sussman (University of Maryland, USA)
Jesper Larsson Traff (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Trilce Estrada (University of New Mexico, USA)

Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

Francesco Silvestri (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

USA: Lena Oder (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
EUROPE: Ana Varbanescu (University of Amsterdam, NL)
CHINA & PACIFIC ASIA: Hongzi Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Jun Wang (University of Central Florida, USA)

Bill Pitts (Retired, IEEE Volunteer & Computer Society BOG-2012, USA)

Sally Jelinek Westrom (Electronic Design Associates, Inc., USA)

Ümit V. Çatalyürek (Ohio State University, USA)

...Follow us on Facebook at
...Follow us on Twitter at
...Follow us on Linkedin at
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel
In cooperation with
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture, and
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 14:47:18 +0200
From: Stefan Hetzl <>
Subject: [DMANET] Post-doctoral Position in Proof Theory, Vienna
University of Technology
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

A position as post-doctoral researcher is available in the group for
Computational Logic ( at the Faculty
of Mathematics of the Vienna University of Technology. This position
is part of a research project on the proof theory of induction. The
aim of this project is to further deepen our understanding of the
structure of proofs by induction and to develop new algorithms for the
automation of inductive theorem proving. Techniques of relevance
include cut-elimination, witness extraction, Herbrand's theorem.

The successful candidate is expected to have (or be close to
completing) a PhD in mathematics or computer science and a strong
background in proof theory. Experience in one or more of the following
areas is an advantage: formal languages, computational complexity,
automated theorem proving, unification theory. The ability to work in
a team is an important prerequisite.

The employment is full-time (40h / week). The salary is EUR 33.300,-
after taxes per year. The position is initially for 1 year - an
extension is possible in case of mutual interest. The starting date is
negotiable, but should be within 6 months of the application deadline.
The application deadline is October 21, 2016.

The application should contain:
- cover letter (Why are you interested in this position? Why are you qualified?)
- curriculum vitae
- list of publications
- scan of graduation diploma and/or other relevant certificates
- preferred starting date
- up to two references or letters of recommendation

Send informal inquiries and your application to:

Stefan Hetzl <stefan.hetzl AT>


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 15:32:47 +0200
From: Vincent Berry <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc position in Montpellier, France
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear colleagues,

The LIRMM ( <>), and ISE-M ( <>) at Université de Montpellier, France, invite applications for an 18 month post-doctoral position in computational biology.

The research will take place in the context of a project bringing together specialists in computer science, applied mathematics and agronomy, to make use of the recent production of crop reference genomes. Such resources open opportunities to more efficient use of plant diversity in breeding programs. The full exploitation of these data requires development of new theoretical models and methods, as well as new bioinformatic tools. The successful candidate will closely collaborate with Celine Scornavacca (ISE-M), Fabio Pardi & Vincent Berry (LIRMM), and will benefit from the strong research environment of an internationally acknowledged site in computational biology and biomathematics (IBC), and in agronomy (CGIAR, Agropolis).

Objectives of the research:
Current crop genomes usually derive from a few domesticated ancestors that mainly follow a tree-like evolution, but subject to some hybridization events (recombination between different varieties). The history of these genomes is thus represented by a network (directed acyclic graph), rather than by a simple tree. The project aims at recovering this "phylogenetic" network from the study of the mosaic structure of current plant genomes, where different portions have different ancestral origins. This implies extending current tree inference / interpretation models and algorithms, and then applying the developed methodologies to genome-wide data.

Candidates should have a PhD degree or equivalent. Previous postdoc experience is a plus. Candidates can be from different backgrounds: computational biology, computer science, or biomathematics (maximum likelihood optimization or statistics applied to evolutionary models). No deep knowledge of biology is required, as the necessary information will be acquired during the project. The candidates should be familiar with some techniques from the following areas: mathematical modeling, algorithmics, parameterized complexity, data structures, maximum likelihood, optimization and graph combinatorics.

Required qualities:
- Rigor, sense of initiative.
- Appeal for solving real problems and for interdisciplinary work.
- Communication skills (written and verbal) in English. Prior knowledge of French is not required.
- Programming skills are mandatory, though local engineers and students will back the successful candidate.

Salary and terms of employment:
The appointment will be based on the standards at Université de Montpellier, ensuring a net month salary of 2130€, which is largely adequate to the cost of living in Montpellier.

Workplace and period of employment:
The workplace is the main campus at Université de Montpellier (Triolet Campus), at 10mn by tram from the historical city center, and 15km from the Mediterranean Sea.
Expected start date of the contract is November 1, 2017, but a later start date may be negotiated. The position is intended for 18 months.

Deadline for application: October 15, 2016.
Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing all materials to be given consideration. The file must include: application cover letter, CV, PhD diploma, list of references, list of publications.



Message: 5
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 10:30:21 -0400
From: Yu Wang <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP CPSCom2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical
and Social Computing (CPSCom2016)

Dec. 15th-18th, 2016, Chengdu, Sichuan, China


As an emerging cross-disciplinary research area, the Cyber Physical
System (CPS) is attracting attention worldwide. A Cyber-Physical
System is a system featuring a combination of computational and
physical elements, all of which are capable of interacting, reflecting
and influencing each other. Furthermore, social systems are evolving
with cyber systems and physical systems along with the popularity of
online/mobile social networking. With the advent of ubiquitous sensing
and networking, future social networks turn into cyber-physical
interactions, which are attached with associated social attributes.
The emergence of the cyber-physical-social computing (CPSCom) will
significantly change the way we watch the world. Meanwhile, the
convergence of the cyber, physical, and social spaces will exhibit a
variety of complicated characteristics, which brings more open issues
and challenges for research communities.

The goal of this symposium is to promote community-wide discussion
identifying the Computational Intelligence technologies and theories
for Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing. We seek submissions of
papers which invent new techniques, introduce new methodologies,
propose new research directions and discuss approaches for unsolved

CPSCom 2016 will be held on 15-28 December 2016 in Chengdu, Sichuan,
China, co-located with GreenCom 2016, Smart Data 2016 and iThings
2016. It aims to bring together computer scientists, industrial
engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange experimental and
theoretical results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case
studies, and trend-setting ideas in the areas of dependability,
security, trust and/or autonomic computing systems. Topics of
particular interests include the following tracks, but are not limited

A.Wireless Sensing and Networking where intelligent entities exchange
information to achieve improved overall performance for both cyber and
physical components.
- sensor, vehicular, robot, camera, aerial and social smartphone networks
- smartphone/wearable sensing,
- non-intrusive sensing
- wireless networking technologies and opportunistic networks
- internet of things and machine-to-machine communications
- hybrid and complex networks for CPSCom
- scalability of complex networks

B. System Modeling and Control where mathematical and computational
methods are developed and applied to facilitate innovative design,
in-depth analysis, and novel insights of the fundamental principles of
CPSCom.- modeling of cyber-physical-social systems
- control theory with a clear cyber-physical tone
- autonomy with apps in mobile sensor networks, internet connected
cars, robotics, etc.
- resource-constrained systems (low power, energizing, device miniaturization)
- real-time systems and distributed computing
- generic framework and middleware for cyber-physical-social systems

C. Data-Driven Cyber-Physical-Social Systems where novel methods are
developed to reliably gather, store, transfer, and analyze large
amount of data and dataflow.- cyber-physical-social data model
- data management and data mining
- big data intelligence
- social and community intelligence
- crowd computing models
- pervasive and ubiquitous computing
- fusion/integration of data from cyber-physical-social spaces

D. Novel Applications and Services where novel designs and
implementations of test-beds, platforms, and apps will significantly
improve the speed, efficiency, and reliability of next generation
- smart city and urban computing
- smartphone and wearable apps
- personalization and social network apps
- intelligent transportation systems
- internet of robotics and intelligent industry
- healthcare and well-being
- big-data-driven apps
- business intelligence

E. Emerging Research Areas where new challenges and new ideas are shaping
- security, trust, and privacy issues in CPSCom
- social impacts of CPSCom
- cross-space sensing and computing
- human-in-the-loop systems

General Chairs
Ljiljana Trajkovic, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Tei-wei Kuo, Taiwan University, Taiwan
Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada

Executive Chairs
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, University of South Australia, Australia
Xingang Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Program Chairs
Bin Guo, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Nic Lane, University College London & Bell Labs, UK
Yu Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Program Vice-Chairs
Peizhao Hu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Raghu Ganti, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Dong Wang, University of Notre Dame, USA

Steering Committee
Zhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, China (Chair)
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan (Chair)
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada (Chair)
Feng Xia, Dalian University of Technology, China
Huansheng Ning, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Workshop Chair
Mazin Yousif, T-Systems International, USA

Demo/Poster Chairs
Flora Salim, RMIT, Australia
Fan Li, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Xiaojuan Ma, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong, China

Publicity Chairs
Jemal Abawajy , Deakin University, Australia
Kehua Guo, Central South University, China

International Liaison
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Special Issue Chair
Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research, Switzerland

Submission Deadline : Sep. 30, 2016
Author Notification: Oct. 31, 2016
Final Manuscript Due: Nov. 15, 2016
Registration Due: Nov. 15, 2016

Papers need to be prepared according to the IEEE format, and submitted
in PDF format via the CPSCom 2016 submission site:

Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE
Conference Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press (indexed by EI).
Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to
register and present their work at the conference, otherwise their
papers will be removed from the digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI
after the conference.

Selected high quality papers will be recommended to relevant special
issues in SCI-indexed journals. Please visit the CPSCom 2016 website
for the complete listing of special issues.



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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 18

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