Tuesday, September 6, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 4

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Today's Topics:

1. FM 2016: 21st International Symposium on Formal Methods --
Call for Participation (Announce Announcements)
2. MATCOS - student session: Last CFP (Andrej (Andy) Brodnik)
3. PhD position in Computer Networks and Telematics, University
of Freiburg (Sven Köhler)
4. PhD position in Robust Data Driven Decision Making at
Strathclyde University, Scotland (Annalisa Riccardi)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2016 16:30:11 +0300
From: Announce Announcements <announce@cs.ucy.ac.cy>
To: dmanet <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] FM 2016: 21st International Symposium on Formal
Methods -- Call for Participation
Message-ID: <X6U0YK1C-S2L1-1XMD-LU37-JJL5O55Y7UZ5@cs.ucy.ac.cy>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed

FM 2016: 21st International Symposium on Formal Methods
Limassol, Cyprus, 7-11 November 2016
Early Registration Deadline: 6 October 2016

FM 2016, the 21st International Symposium on research and practice in Formal Methods, will be held this year on the ancient and beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Every 18 months, the FM symposium attracts practitioners and researchers from industry and academia to present and discuss the most recent results and experience in formal methods. Those who join us in Cyprus this year will enjoy a highly selective programme of papers covering the broad range of formal methods, as well as a featured track on industry practice. Workshops will provide an opportunity to work in smaller groups on current challenges; tutorials will allow the acquisition of new skills; and a doctoral symposium will offer advice and encouragement to researchers just beginning their careers in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.
The conference will take place in Limassol, Cyprus. Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus. It is located on the south coast of the island, between the ancient towns of Amathus and Kourion. Limassol is renowned for its extensive cultural traditions, and it offers a wide spectrum of activities and a number of museums and archaeological sites to the interested visitor. Indeed, this richly cultured, cosmopolitan, seaside city has become one of the most important tourism destinations in Cyprus. The venue of the summer school will be the 5-star St. Raphael Resort, located on one of the most renowned and largest beaches, only a short coastal drive from the lively centre of Limassol.

You can register at the FM 2016 website: http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~george/lm/lm.php?tk=ZG1hbmV0CQkJZG1hbmV0QHpwci51bmkta29lbG4uZGUJRk0gMjAxNjogMjFzdCBJbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsIFN5bXBvc2l1bSBvbiBGb3JtYWwgTWV0aG9kcyAtLSBDYWxsIGZvciBQYXJ0aWNpcGF0aW9uCTY1CUxpc3RzCTI0NwljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffm2016.cs.ucy.ac.cy%2Fregistration.html

- 44 regular papers and ten short papers reflecting the current state of research and practice in formal methods, including a track on industry practice
- Three world-class keynote speakers
- A Doctoral Symposium, six specialist workshops and eight tutorials
- Presentation of the first FME Lucas Award for a Highly Influential Publication
- Launch of Springer's new LNCS Formal Methods subline

- Manfred Broy, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Peter O'Hearn, University College London and Facebook, UK
- Jan Peleska, University of Bremen and Verified Software International, Germany

WORKSHOPS (http://fm2016.cs.ucy.ac.cy/workshops.html)
- ESSS 2016: 5th International Workshop on Engineering Safety and Security Systems
- F-IDE 2016: 3rd Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment
- FM-Priv 2016: 1st Workshop on Formal Methods for Privacy
- Overture 2016: 14th Overture Workshop
- TLA+ 2016: International Workshop on the TLA+ Method and Tools
- USE 2016: 2nd Workshop on Usages of Constraint Solving and Symbolic Execution

DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM (http://fm2016.cs.ucy.ac.cy/cfpdoctoralsymposium.html)
This symposium aims to provide a helpful environment in which selected PhD students can present and discuss their ongoing work, meet other students working on similar topics, and receive helpful advice and feedback from a panel of researchers and academics.
- Keynote Speaker: John S. Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK

TUTORIALS (http://fm2016.cs.ucy.ac.cy/tutorials.html )
- Abstraction and Rely/Guarantee Thinking
Tutors: Cliff Jones, Newcastle University, UK; Ian Hayes, University of Queensland, AU
- Compositional Verification using AADL and the Assume Guarantee Reasoning Environment (AGREE)
Tutor: Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA
- Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering: Next Generation Foundations, Methods and Tools
Tutors: John Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK; Peter Gorm Larsen, Aarhus University, DK; Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK; Ken Pierce, Newcastle University, UK; Simon Foster, University of York, UK
- First-Order Theorem Proving and Vampire
Tutors: Laura Kovacs, Chalmers University of Technology, SE; Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester, UK
- KeYmaera X Tutorial - Tactics and Proofs for Cyber-Physical Systems
Tutors: Stefan Mitsch, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Nathan Fulton, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; André Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Modelling and Analysis of Collective Adaptive Systems
Tutors: Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh, UK; Michele Loreti, Università di Firenze, IT
- Session Types for Concurrent and Distributed Programming: Principles and Practice
Tutors: Raymond Hu, Imperial College London, UK; Jorge A. Pérez, University of Groningen, NL; Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London, UK
- The CProver Suite of Verication Tools
Tutors: Daniel Kroening, University of Oxford, UK; Martin Brain, University of Oxford, UK; Peter Schrammel, University of Sussex, UK

ACCEPTED PAPERS (Research Track)


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 02:05:53 +0200
From: "Andrej (Andy) Brodnik" <andrej.brodnik@fri.uni-lj.si>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] MATCOS - student session: Last CFP
Message-ID: <574b56c0-45f3-d587-0188-33ebc9731ddd@fri.uni-lj.si>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

Appologizing for X-posting.

Call for Papers
Student session in the frame of

Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science

Koper, Slovenia, October 12th and 13th, 2016.

Scope and Topics The Middle-European Conference on Applied
Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS-16) is held in Koper at the
Slovenian Adriatic Coast, 12th and 13th of October, 2016. MATCOS-16
will be held in the frame of the 19th Multi-Conference on Information
Society (http://is.ijs.si/).

Scope and Topics

During the MATCOS-16 conference, a student session is organized for
which we invite papers from distinguished MSc students and early stage
PhD students pursuing research under the guidance of a supervisor.
Preliminary research results and papers reporting ongoing research are
also being sought.

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include:

- Algorithms and data structures,
- Computational complexity,
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning,
- Optimization, approximation methods, NP-hard problems,
- Graph theory,
- Automata and formal languages, computability,
- Computational geometry.

Special emphasis on use in applications such as simulation,
bioinformatics, digital signal and image processing, data compression,
logistics etc.

The student session of MATCOS-16 is collocated with the 3rd Student
Computer Science Research Conference:

Program Committee

Jacek Blazevicz (Poznan, Poland)
Andrej Brodnik (Koper, Ljubljana, Slovenia), chair
Angel Corberan (Valencia, Spain)
Ruben Dorado Vicente (Jaén, Spain)
Elena Fernandez (Barcelona, Spain)
Gábor Galambos (Szeged, Hungary)
Gabriel Istrate (Timisoara, Romania)
Miklós Krész (Szeged, Hungary)
Silvano Martello (Bologna, Italy)
Benedek Nagy (Famagusta, Cyprus, Turkey)
Gerhard Reinelt (Heidelberg, Germany)
Giovanni Rinaldi (Rome, Italy)
Borut Žalik (Maribor, Slovenia)

Keynote speaker

Sándor Fekete (TU Braunschweig, Germany)

Paper submission

Papers presenting student research in conference topics are being
sought. Papers must be in English and the supervisor should be also
represented. Submissions are limited to 4 pages. Revised versions of
selected full papers will appear in post-conference proceedings
published by the University of Primorska Press. Instructions for
preparing the papers can be downloaded from Conference Website.

Only electronic submissions will be accepted (in pdf format), via


Important dates
Paper submission: September 5th, 2016.
Notification: September 15th, 2016.

Website and Contacts

More detailed on-line information is displayed at
http://matcos.iam.upr.si Personal inquires should be sent to

Organized by University of Primorska, Institute Andrej Marušič, and
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.

Andrej (Andy) Brodnik

University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Computer and Information Science


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 11:35:45 +0200
From: Sven Köhler <koehlers@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
To: DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] PhD position in Computer Networks and Telematics,
University of Freiburg
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

The chair of Computer Networks and Telematics at the University of
Freiburg, Germany, invites applications for a PhD position in computer
science. The successful candidate will work in the project SoNaTe
(Social Neighborhood and Technology). The initial duration of the
position is 2 years with the possibility of extension.

The position requires good knowledge of the German language.

All further details about the position and details about the project are
available through the following link (Germany only):


Dr. Sven Köhler
Rechnernetze und Telematik
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 51
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 761 203 8175


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 10:16:22 +0000
From: Annalisa Riccardi <annalisa.riccardi@strath.ac.uk>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] PhD position in Robust Data Driven Decision Making
at Strathclyde University, Scotland
Message-ID: <mailman.2.1473156006.29601.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Strathclyde University (Glasgow, UK) is looking for a PhD candidate to work on a research topic focused on Robust Data-Driven Decision Making for aerospace engineering applications.

*Project Aims and Objective*
The recent world has seen an explosion of available data, from structured data as the one gathered from sensors, experiments or direct measurements, to unstructured data as the one that can be extrapolated from online resources, reports and surveys. The engineering world is shifting from model-centred simulations to the assimilation of data into the engineering process of modelling, decision making and optimisation. This opens up a wide area of research where large datasets are used to fine tuning engineering models, design uncertainty sets and infer knowledge about unknown parameters.
Robust data-driven decision making is going to substitute traditional methods of robust optimisation where exact problem parameters and distributions of uncertain variables are known or assumed to be known a priori. Optimisation processes run on models, whose inputs are assumed to be exact or subject to erroneous estimation of distributions, can lead to solutions that are infeasible or far from the real optimum. The proposed research wants to overcome this problem by introducing real data into the optimisation process for having a more accurate estimation of the region of uncertainties and resilient optimal solutions. Statistical analysis test are run to detect the best distribution on non-linear regions of uncertainties, whereas a minmax problem needs to be solved to find the worst case scenario optimal solution. The focus will be mainly on combinatorial optimisation under uncertainties for which exist a wide range of applications in the aerospace field. The optimisation of air traffic control networks and airport scheduling for passengers, aircraft and operations are examples of aeronautical applications where a variety of freely available historical datasets from US and UK civil aviation services are available. The optimisation of ground station observations, with uncertainties on measurements and field of view, for the tracking of low earth orbit satellites are an example of a space related combinatorial problem.

Master degree in computer science, applied mathematics, statistics or aerospace engineering*

Experience in the field of optimisation and/or machine learning techniques is desirable

*Student eligibility*
UK and EU students.

For any enquires please contact:
Annalisa Riccardi, PhD
Lecturer in Computational Intelligence
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Strathclyde University
James Weir Building, 75 Montrose Street
G1 1XJ Glasgow


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 103, Issue 4

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