Monday, December 12, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 106, Issue 14

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Today's Topics:

1. Call for Papers: The 6th International Workshop on Parallel
and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and
Big Data Analytics (ParLearning 2017) (Arindam Pal)
2. Multiple Faculty Positions in CS at NIIT University,
Rajasthan, India (Prosenjit Gupta)
3. CSR 2017: Reminder (Edward A. Hirsch)
4. [GECCO 2017] SIGEVO SUMMER SCHOOL (Javier Ferrer)
5. Call for papers: International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps
(EOM 2017) (Thomas van Dijk)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2016 12:45:43 +0530
From: Arindam Pal <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers: The 6th International Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning
and Big Data Analytics (ParLearning 2017)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The 6th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing
for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics
May 29, 2017

In Conjunction with
31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
May 29 - June 2, 2017
Buena Vista Palace Hotel
Orlando, Florida USA

Call for Papers

Scaling up machine-learning (ML), data mining (DM) and reasoning algorithms
from Artificial Intelligence (AI) for massive datasets is a major technical
challenge in the times of "Big Data". The past ten years has seen the rise
of multi-core and GPU based computing. In parallel and distributed
computing, several frameworks such as OpenMP, OpenCL, and Spark continue to
appear to facilitate scaling up ML/DM/AI algorithms using higher levels of
abstraction. We invite novel works that advance the trio-fields of ML/DM/AI
through development of scalable algorithms or computing frameworks. Ideal
submissions would be characterized as scaling up X on Y, where potential
choices for X and Y are provided below.

Scaling up

recommender systems
gradient descent algorithms
deep learning
sampling/sketching techniques
clustering (agglomerative techniques, graph clustering, clustering
heterogeneous data)
classification (SVM and other classifiers)
probabilistic inference (bayesian networks)
logical reasoning
graph algorithms and graph mining


Multi-core architectures/frameworks (OpenMP)
Many-core (GPU) architectures/frameworks (OpenCL, OpenACC, CUDA, Intel TBB)
Distributed systems/frameworks (GraphLab, MPI, Hadoop, Spark, Storm, Mahout

Journal publication

Selected papers from the workshop will be published in a Special Issue of
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier's International Journal of
eScience. Special Issue papers will undergo additional review.

Best Paper Award: The program committee will nominate a paper for the Best
Paper award. In past years, the Best Paper award included a cash prize.
Stay tuned for this year!

Travel awards:Students with accepted papers have a chance to apply for a
travel award. Please find details on the IEEE IPDPS web page.


General chair: Anand Panangadan (California State University, Fullerton,
Technical Program co-chairs: Henri Bal (Vrije Universiteit, The
Netherlands) and Arindam Pal (TCS Research, India)
Publicity chair: Charalampos Chelmis (University at Albany, State
University of New York, USA)
Steering Committee chair: Yinglong Xia (Huawei Research, USA)

Technical Program Committee

Brojeshwar Bhowmick, TCS Research, India
Danny Bickson, GraphLab Inc., USA
Vito Giovanni Castellana, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Tanushyam Chattopadhyay, TCS Research, India
Daniel Gerardo Chavarria, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Sutanay Choudhury, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Valeriu Codreanu, SURFsara, The Netherlands
Lipika Dey, TCS Research, India
Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University, China
Anand Eldawy, University of Minnesota, USA
Dinesh Garg, IBM Research, India
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIEST Shibpur, India
Dianwei Han, Northwestern University, USA
Renato Porfirio Ishii, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS),
Ananth Kalyanaraman, Washington State University, USA
Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Carson Leung, University of Manitoba, Canada
Animesh Mukherjee, IIT Kharagpur, India
Debnath Mukherjee, TCS Research, India
Francesco Parisi, University of Calabria, Italy
Himadri Sekhar Paul, TCS Research, India
Aske Plaat, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Chandan Reddy, Wayne State University, USA
Rekha Singhal, TCS Research, India
Weiqin Tong, Shanghai University, China
Cedric van Nugteren, TomTom International BV
Zhuang Wang, Facebook, USA
Jianting Zhang, City College of New York, USA

Important Dates

Paper submission: January 13, 2017 AoE
Notification: February 10, 2017
Camera Ready: March 10, 2017

Paper Guidelines

Submitted manuscripts should be upto 10 single-spaced double-column pages
using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style),
including figures, tables, and references. Format requirements are posted
on the IEEE IPDPS web page.

All submissions must be uploaded electronically at

Arindam Pal, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
TCS Research


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2016 06:35:12 +0000
From: Prosenjit Gupta <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Multiple Faculty Positions in CS at NIIT University,
Rajasthan, India

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

NIIT University, Neemrana, Rajasthan, India invites applications for faculty positions in Computer Science and Engineering. Candidates in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering may apply but those with specialization in the areas of Computer Security, Networking, Databases, Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing & Data Sciences, Information Security, Data Analytics will be given preference. Positions remain open until filled.

Candidates must have earned (or expect shortly) a Ph.D for Assistant Professor, Ph.D with 6 years of experience for Associate Professor, Ph.D with 10 years of experience for Professor in the above disciplines. Candidates must have a good publication record; proven ability to establish an independent research program; demonstrate flair for innovation; be open to participate in developing new interdisciplinary programs of study; have the commitment to excel both in research and teaching and establish strong linkages with industry. Industry experience and/or post-doctoral experience will be considered an asset.

NIIT University is located about 100 Kms from New Delhi Airport. The University provides an intellectual environment and is committed to academic excellence. The four core principles of NIIT University, namely, Industry-linked, Research-driven, Technology-based, and Seamless define the DNA of the University. For more information, please visit the university website

NIIT University offers a competitive compensation at par with the best academic institutions in India. In addition, NU provides a start up research grant at the time of joining, travel support for presenting papers in reputed International Conferences and Workshops. NU provides research incentives, such as monetary award for refereed Journal publications. In line with the Industry-linked as a core principle, the university will enable faculty to consult with industry in India and abroad.

Interested applicants who are keen to re-locate to India are invited to submit their curriculum vitae including employment history, a statement outlining research and teaching interests, list of consultancies and projects undertaken and names of at least three referees.

Applications may be sent electronically in PDF format to HR Manager, or the Area Director,

Phone: +91-9251083130

NIIT University is committed to principles of fair employment & is an equal opportunity employer. We will extend equal opportunity to all individuals based on merit without regard for race, religion, sex, national origin or age.

Prosenjit Gupta,
Dean (Faculty of Engineering)
Area Director and Professor (Computer Science), NIIT University NH-8, Delhi-Jaipur Highway, Neemrana, District Alwar, Rajasthan - 301705, India

Visit us at:

Visit us at:
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2016 10:02:13 +0300
From: "Edward A\. Hirsch" <>
Subject: [DMANET] CSR 2017: Reminder
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso8859-1

Dear Colleagues,

The CSR-2017 deadline is fast approaching (December 15).

This is just a reminder of this fact.

Best regards,
Edward Hirsch


Call for Papers
The 12th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR-2017
Kazan, Russia
June 8-12, 2017

CSR is an annual conference that intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in computer science. The topics covered vary from year to year, but in general try to cover as much of the contemporary computer science as possible.

They include, but are not limited to:

algorithms and data structures
combinatorial optimization
constraint solving
computational complexity
combinatorics in computer science
formal languages and automata
algorithms for concurrent and distributed systems, networks
applications of logic to computer science, e.g. proof theory, model
checking and verification
formal and algorithmic aspects of bio-informatics
current challenges such as quantum computing

Important dates

Deadline for submissions: December 15, 2016 (23:59 anywhere on Earth).
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2017.
Conference dates: June 8-12, 2017.

Invited lectures

Thierry Coquand (Chalmers), distinguished opening lecture
Javier Esparza (Munich)
Elham Kashefi (Paris and Edinburgh)
Andrew McGregor (Amherst)
Ronitt Rubenfeld (MIT)
Marc Zeitoun (Bordeaux)

Submission and publication

Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original research in the conference topics, in electronic form (pdf format) via EasyChair.

Submissions must be unpublished, not under review for publication elsewhere, and provide sufficient information to judge their merits.

Submissions must be in English, and not exceed 12 pages, including the title page, in Springer's LNCS LaTeX style (instructions available here). Additional material, to be read at the discretion of reviewers and PC members, may be provided in a clearly marked appendix or by reference to a manuscript on a web site.

Accepted papers will be published in an LNCS volume by Springer. Instructions for formatting camera-ready versions will be communicated to the authors of accepted papers.

For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, one of the authors must commit to presenting the paper at the conference.

Additionally, selected papers will be invited to a special issue of Theory of Computing Systems and will be refereed according to the journal's procedure.

Yandex Awards

for the best paper and for the best student paper will be given by the PC.

Organizers and sponsors

CSR is organized by Kazan Federal university (Volga region), with the support of (tentative list):

The Russia Foundation for Basic Research,
Kazan Federal University,

Organizing committee (tentative)

The organizing committee can be reached at the following address:

Farid Ablayev (KFU), chair
Aida Gainutdinova (KFU)
Anton Marchenko (KFU)
Daniil Musatov (MIPT)
Alexander Vasiliev (KFU)
Valeria Volkova (KFU)
Mansur Ziatdinov (KFU)
Marsel Sitdikov (KFU)

Program Committee

Farid Ablayev (Kazan, RU)
Ittai Abraham (Jerusalem, IL)
Isolde Adler (Leeds, UK)
Frédérique Bassino (Paris Nord, FR)
Véronique Bruyère (Mons, BE)
Maike Buchin (Bochum, DE)
Hubie Chen (San Sebastian, ES)
Anuj Dawar (Cambridge, UK)
Stéphanie Delaune (Cachan, FR)
Anna Frid (Marseille, FR)
Elena Grigorescu (Purdue, US)
Krishna S (Mumbai, IN)
K.N. Kumar (Chennai, IN)
Frédéric Magniez (Paris, FR)
Meena Mahajan (Chennai, IN)
Grigory Marshalko (Moscow, RU)
Catuscia Palamidessi (Saclay, FR)
Victor Selivanov (Novosibirsk, RU)
Kavitha Telikepalli (Mumbai, IN)
Thomas Thierauf (Aalen, DE)
Szymon Torunczyk (Warsaw, PL)
Hélène Touzet (Lille, FR)
Mikhail Volkov (Ekaterinburg, RU)
Dorothea Wagner (Karlsruhe, DE)
Pascal Weil (Bordeaux, FR), chair

Steering Committee for the CSR series

Edward A. Hirsch (St.Petersburg, RU)
Juhani Karhumäki (Turku, FI)
Ernst W. Mayr (Munich, DE)
Alexander Razborov (Chicago, US and Moscow, RU)
Mikhail Volkov (Ekaterinburg, RU)

Previous CSR conferences

CSR 2016 took place in St.Petersburg, Russia
The list of previous CSR webpages can be found at

UNSUBSCRIPTION: If you do not wish to receive any news
regarding CSR conferences, please reply to this mail
and we will remove you from the mailing list.


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 10:59:53 +0100
From: Javier Ferrer <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

*** S I G E V O S U M M E R S C H O O L
*** For GECCO students!
*** We have grants to ease your participation!
.......... Held along with ACM GECCO 2017 Conference ..........

July 14-20-21 (plus activities in July 15-19) BERLIN


>>> Only 30 positions are available for students: tell us on your
participation during the registration process of GECCO 2017 <<<

*** Call for Participation***

SIGEVO is a special interest group of ACM always looking for new ways to
improve the research and learning on genetic and evolutionary computation.

In this quest for disseminating the knowledge and making activities in
this domain we will organize, for the first time, a Summer School around
GECCO 2017 in Berlin: S3 (Sigevo Summer School).

We seek for PhD students to participate in this great event, offering:

1. One day before GECCO (July 14th), with lectures and interactions to
world class researchers in this domain.

2. Two days after GECCO (July 20th and 21st) of discussions,
presentations, and joint works.

3. Oriented interactions and learning in tutorials and sessions of GECCO.

4. Great networking opportunities and up to 6 awards to recognize
outstanding performance.

The many appealing activities during S3 will include:

- A first day (get together) where students will meet each other, form
groups, and listen to short lessons. An assignment will be done to
students and links for a close interaction to mentors will be created
for the whole school and conference duration.

- Questions, competitions and awards (economic plus diploma prizes) will
be offered to the students who perform the best, granted at the end of
the summer school. We have up to 6 awards in different categories: come
and participate!

- Opportunities to attend a big number of high quality GECCO tutorials
plus continuous interaction to the summer school staff and mentors, what
will raise the abilities and vision of students: don't miss this.

- The first day after GECCO, students will discuss with mentors, so as
to finish their assignments. Also, the staff in S3 will evaluate during
this day the solution to the questions made the first day and offer, on
the very last day, the results and winners.

- The last day of the summer school (two days after GECCO) students will
present their assignments to the whole board of mentors. Enjoy this
boosting to your knowledge, your PhD thesis, and your networking to this

- Attend *ALL* the 1+2 days of S3, plus attending some tutorials and
sessions of GECCO 2017.

- Have a valid registration to GECCO itself, plus a small fee of 100
euros to participate in the school.

- Fulfill an assignment, participate in the school challenges, and
follow the standards of proper social and research behavior.

Students of the S3 will be eligible for travel, register and lodging
grants of GECCO.

See the special section on S3 that will appear soon in the web page of

Any comments or questions on the school organization, please contact
Prof. Enrique Alba (


Prof. Enrique Alba
University of Malaga

Javier Ferrer
E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática
University of Málaga
Tel: +34 95213 2815
Fax: +34 95213 1397
ferrer [at]

Publicity Chair for GECCO 2017


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 11:19:59 +0100
From: Thomas van Dijk <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for papers: International Workshop on Exploring
Old Maps (EOM 2017)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps (EOM 2017)
April 6 and 7, 2017 *** University of Wuerzburg

After last year's success, we are happy to announce the return of the
International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps (EOM). Many libraries own
an extensive collection of historical maps. Beside their value as
historical objects, these maps are an important source of information
for researchers in various scientific disciplines. This ranges from the
actual history of cartography and general history to the geographic and
social sciences. With the progressing digitisation of libraries and
archives, these maps become more easily available to a larger public. A
basic level of digitisation consists of scanned bitmap images, tagged
with some basic bibliographic information such as title, author and year
of production. In order to make the maps more accessible, further
information describing the contained information is desirable. This
would enable more user-friendly interfaces, relevant queries of a
database, and automatic analyses.

The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for the communication
of results (which may appear elsewhere) that may be useful to the
community. Researchers and practitioners of all areas working on
unlocking the content of old maps are welcome to participate. We welcome
humanities scholars, developers, computer and information scientists as
well as librarians, archivists and curators. Submissions are welcome
from researchers at all career stages.

Relevant topics are (but are not limited to) the following:
* Spatial analysis and applications of GIS concerning old maps
* Design and application of algorithms for analysis and visualisation
* Digital media, digitisation, curation of digital objects
* Crowdsourcing, user research, citizen science, and public humanities
* Digital Libraries for old maps
* Visualisation of old maps
* Virtual Research Environments and Infrastructures


Authors are invited to submit abstracts for presentations, posters and

The workshop will not have formal proceedings. Therefore, abstracts
submitted to the EOM 2017 may report on work in progress, be submitted
to other places, and they may even already have appeared or been
accepted elsewhere. We particularly welcome submissions that have the
potential to stimulate the collaboration between the humanities and
computer science. The reviewing process will mainly determine whether a
submitted abstract promises to fit into the scope of this workshop.
Based on the review and its mandate to create a balanced and varied
program, the Program Committee will decide about the acceptance of

The authors of the papers accepted for EOM 2017 will be invited to
submit the final versions of their abstracts for on-line publication in
the digital workshop booklet and will be considered for a special issue
in an appropriate journal. Abstracts must be submitted to EOM 2017 via
EasyChair<>. Each
submission must specify its type in the EasyChair submission form. The
abstracts must not exceed 2 pages and the second page must contain only
references and figures. All submissions must use the provided Word or
in DIN A4. Abstracts for demonstrations should include descriptive
screenshots and a description of the system's functionalities.

Submissions of abstracts: February 1, 2017 (hard deadline)
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2017
Workshop Exploring Old Maps: Thursday April 6 (afternoon) and Friday
April 7, 2017

Program Chairs
* Christoph Schommer, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Luxembourg
* Thomas van Dijk, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg
* Geoffrey Caruso, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning,
University of Luxembourg
* Alexander Wolff, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg

Organising Committee
* Benedikt Budig, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg
* Thomas van Dijk, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg
* Alexander Wolff, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg

The workshop will take place at the University of Wuerzburg, campus Am
Hubland. Modestly priced hotels (~80 EUR/night) are available downtown,
with a good bus connection to the workshop location. (But be sure to
reserve the hotel in advance.)

The workshop's website is available at
For any question concerning the workshop, please feel free to contact us


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 106, Issue 14

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