Saturday, December 17, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 106, Issue 20

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Today's Topics:

1. Scholarships for masters at ENS de Lyon, France
(Nicolas Trotignon)
2. Reminder for submission:Special Session on Model Reduction
in Multi-Objective and Robust Design Optimization ,IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017 (Liqiang Hou)
3. Second: CFP for the BeyondMR 2017 workshop at SIGMOD (Jan Hidders)
4. BBC 2017 - Deadline Extension (Riccardo Dondi)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 09:06:58 +0100
From: Nicolas Trotignon <>
Subject: [DMANET] Scholarships for masters at ENS de Lyon, France
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I send this message again, because some links were wrong, sorry.

Here is an announcement for scholarships for the master program at ENS de Lyon, France. In particular, applications to the master in Fundamental Computer Science at ENS de Lyon will be considered. Continuing with a phd is possible. The list of courses for 2017-2018 can be found here.

The ENS de Lyon and its partners offer scholarships for international students to enrol in its Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts, and Human and Social Sciences.

- The Ampère Scholarships of Excellence of the ENS de Lyon provide students with the opportunity to enrol in one of the ENS de Lyon Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts or the Human and Social Sciences.

- The MILYON Laboratory of Excellence (Labex MILYON) offers scholarships for enrolment in the Masters programs in Advanced Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science.

The maximum financial support is 1,000 Euros per month for twelve months.

Students from all countries are eligible. Last year laureates had come from Cameroon, Vietnam, Brazil, Mali, United Kingdom, Burkina Faso, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Italy, Korea, Czech Republic, Russia, Turkey, and United States.

Further information and the application form can be found on our website:

Closing date for application: 9 January 2017 12h00 pm (Time at Lyon ‐ France)

Contact :
Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon ‐ International Mobility Office Tel: +33 4 37 37 66 82


Nicolas Trotignon
CNRS, LIP, Équipe MC2
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Département d'informatique
Tél : (+33 | 0) 4 37 28 76 43


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 09:26:17 +0000
From: Liqiang Hou <>
Subject: [DMANET] Reminder for submission:Special Session on Model
Reduction in Multi-Objective and Robust Design Optimization ,IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Submission deadline: January 16, 2017.


IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017, Donostia - San
Sebastián, Spain, June 5-8, 2017


Special Session on Model Reduction in Multi-Objective and Robust
Design Optimization


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to kindly remind that the submission deadline for the
Special Session on Model Reduction in Multi-Objective and Robust
Design Optimization ,IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017
(CEC2017), January 16, 2017, is getting closer.

**Important date**

Deadline for contribution paper submission: January 16, 2017.
Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2017
Final paper submission: March 12, 2017
Conference dates:
June 5-8, 2017

IEEE CEC 2017 is a world-class conference that aims to bring together
researchers and practitioners in the field of evolutionary computation
and computational intelligence from all around the globe. The
special session aims to promote research on theoretical and practical
aspects of multi-objective optimization, surrogate assisted
optimization and robust design optimization, etc.

*Scope and Motivations*

With model reduction, e.g. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD, also
called Principal Components Analysis, PCA) based model reduction,
expenses of optimization process can be greatly reduced. Take the
standard ZDT series test functions for example, it takes around 20
iterations for the MOO with POD model reduction to search the true
Pareto front. The model reduction can also be used in surrogate
assisted optimization and evidence approximation. With model
reduction, surrogate and evidence computation can be constructed on a
reduced data set, thus the sample size can be greatly reduced.

The optimization with model reduction shows advantages over
conventional MOOs and can be potentially extended to the scenarios
such as optimization problems with many objectives. However, to
implement successfully the methods in design optimization with
expensive model under uncertainty, a series of issues such as evidence
approximation, model fidelity management, optimization algorithm and
the strategy to integrate them, etc. should be resolved. We therefore
propose the special issue on Model Reduction in Multi-objective and
Robust Optimization.

**Scope and Topic:**

The session seeks to promote discussion and presentation of related
novel works. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Multi-objective optimization
Many-objective optimization
Robust design optimization
Multi-Fidelity optimization
Uncertainty modeling
Parameter reduction
Data mining in Multi-objective and Many-objective Optimization
Model fidelity management
Surrogate of expensive model
Model reduction in Multi-objective and Many-objective Optimization
Infill strategy of surrogate
Surrogate assisted optimization
Evidence approximation of epistemic uncertainty
Multi-objective robust optimization under uncertainty
Applications of design optimization with prarameter reduction,
particularly the aerospace engineering design
Preliminary space mission design under uncertainty
Multi-objective optimization in preliminary space mission design


Dr. Liqiang Hou, State Key Laoratory of Astronautic Dynamics, Xi'an
Staellite Control Center, Xi'an, China
Dr. Tapabrata Ray, School of Engineering and Information Technology
University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia
Dr. Edmondo Minisci, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
 of University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 11:36:37 +0100
From: Jan Hidders <>
Subject: [DMANET] Second: CFP for the BeyondMR 2017 workshop at SIGMOD
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

* Call for papers *

The 4th Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond, May 19, 2017.

Held in conjunction with SIGMOD 2017
Raleigh, NC, USA, May 14-19, 2017


Author: Ke Yi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

Title: The relationships among coarse-grained parallel models


The third BeyondMR workshop aims to explore algorithms, computational
models, architectures, languages and interfaces for systems that need
large-scale parallelization and systems designed to support efficient
parallelization and fault tolerance. These include specialized programming
and data-management systems based on MapReduce and extensions, graph
processing systems, data-intensive workflow and dataflow systems.

We invite submissions on topics such as:

Frameworks for Large-Scale Analytical Processing:
- Models, architectures and languages for data processing pipelines,
data-intensive workflows, networks of operations/MapReduce jobs, dataflows,
and data-mashups.
- Analysis of programs for workflow systems, e.g., Spark.
- Expressing and parallelising iterations, incremental iterations, and
programs consisting of large networks of operations.
- Approaches to achieving fault tolerance and to recovering from failures.

Algorithms for Large-Scale Data Processing:
- Methods and techniques for designing efficient algorithms for MapReduce
and similar systems.
- Experiments and experience with new algorithms in these settings.

Cost Models and Optimization Techniques:
- Formal definitions of models that evaluate the efficiency of algorithms
in large-scale parallel processing systems taking into account the
requirements of such systems in different applications.
- Testing and benchmarking of MapReduce extensions and data-intensive

Resource Management for Many-Task Computing:
- Scheduling of tasks and load-balancing techniques.
- Study of cases where automatic data distribution in MapReduce and
similar systems does not provide sufficient data balancing.
- Algorithms, methods and frameworks to address data skewness.

Papers submission deadline: Wed Jan 27, 2017
Authors notification: Sun March 5, 2017
Deadline for camera-ready copy: Sun March 19, 2017
Workshop: Fri May 19, 2017

We invite full research or experience papers (up to 10 pages), or short
papers (up to 4 pages) describing research in progress, formatted using
the ACM double-column style

The workshop proceedings will be published in ACM DL and the organizers
will prepare a SIGMOD Record report.

- Foto Afrati National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
- Jan Hidders Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Paris Koutris University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Jacek Sroka University of Warsaw, Poland
- Jeffrey Ullman Stanford University

Program Committee

- Paris Koutris, University of Wisconsin-Madison (CHAIR)
- Foto Afrati, National Technical University of Athens
- Sourav S. Bhowmick, Nanyang Technological University
- Yingyi Bu, Couchbase
- Ahmed Eldawy, University of California, Riverside
- Todd Green, LogicBlox
- Jan Hidders, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Asterios Katsifodimos, Technical University of Berlin
- Paraschos Koutris, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Nectarios Koziris, National Technical University of Athens
- Ulf Leser, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Dionysios Logothetis, Facebook
- Frank McSherry
- Frank Neven, Hasselt University
- Daniel de Oliveira, Fluminense Federal University
- Krzysztof Onak, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- Fabio Porto, National Laboratory of Scientific Computation
- Chris Re, Stanford University
- Krzysztof Rzadca, University of Warsaw
- Semih Salihoglu, University of Waterloo
- Mark Santcroos, Rutgers University
- Francesco Silvestri, IT University of Copenhagen
- Yogesh Simmhan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- Jacek Sroka, University of Warsaw
- Dan Suciu, University of Washington
- Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford University
- Theodore Vassilakis, Microsoft
- Jianwu Wang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Zhengkui Wang, National University of Singapore
- Ke Yi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Eiko Yoneki, University of Cambridge
- Matei Zaharia, Stanford University


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 15:38:23 +0100
From: Riccardo Dondi <>
Subject: [DMANET] BBC 2017 - Deadline Extension
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

BBC 2017 : 10th Workshop on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges
for Computer Science - BBC 2017
Zurich, Switzerland, June 12-14, 2017

Emerging technologies in genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics and
other life science areas are generating an increasing amount of
complex data and information. Traditionally, bioinformatics has been
focused on the design of methods and technologies facilitating the
acquisition, storage, organization, archiving, analysis and
visualization of biological and medical data. However, recent changes
related to the emerging technologies have made the role of computer
science (both theoretical and applied aspects) much more critical in
all the bioinformatics research directions.

Computational biology, on the other hand, has emphasized mathematical
and computational techniques facilitating the modelling and simulation
of biomedical processes and systems.

In recent years the distinction between these two fields has become
increasingly blurred. In order to tackle the growing complexity
associated with emerging and future life science challenges,
bioinformatics and computational biology researchers and developers
need to explore, develop and apply novel computational concepts,
methods, tools and systems.

Many of these new approaches are likely to involve advanced and
large-scale computing techniques, computational approaches,
technologies and infrastructures such as:

High-performance architectures and systems (e.g. multicore, GPU);
Distributed computing (e.g. grid, cloud, peer-to-peer, Web services,
Computational simulation (mechanistic, stochastic, multi-model);
Algorithms (theoretical and experimental aspects);
Applied bioinformatics (analysis pipelines, tools, applications);
Artificial and computational intelligence (machine learning, agents,
evolutionary techniques, bio-inspired methods).
Together, these topics cover the key bioinformatics and computational
biology techniques and technologies encountered in modern life science

Advanced computing architectures/infrastructures
Data/information management and integrationData/information analysis
and knowledge discovery
Integration of quantitative/symbolic knowledge into executable
biomedical "theories" or models.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together computer and life
scientists to discuss emerging and future directions in these areas.


When Jun 12, 2017 - Jun 14, 2017
Where Zürich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2017 (Extended)
Notification Due March 10, 2017
Final Version Due Mar 31, 2017

This is the 10th edition of this workshop, which was previously held
in Kraków (2008), Baton Rouge (2009), Amsterdam (2010), Singapore
(2011), Omaha (2012), Barcelona (2013), Cairns (2014), Reykjavìk
(2015), and San Diego(2016).

Giuseppe Agapito, University Magna Græcia of Catanzaro, Italy
Mario Cannataro, University Magna Græcia of Catanzaro, Italy (CHAIR)
Mauro Castelli, NOVA IMS – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Riccardo Dondi, University of Bergamo, Italy
Italo Zoppis, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 106, Issue 20

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