Tuesday, December 20, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 106, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

1. IFORS 2016 - OR in Sports (Dries Goossens)
2. CFP: Joint EURO/ORSC/ECCO Conference 2017 on Combinatorial
Optimization -- ECCO XXX (Andrej (Andy) Brodnik)
3. Call for Papers - ACM Workshop SecDef 2017 (Gunes Kayacik)
4. Second Call for Papers - ISNN 2017 (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,
June 21-23, 2017) (Nian Ashlee Zhang)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 14:04:15 +0000
From: Dries Goossens <Dries.Goossens@ugent.be>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] IFORS 2016 - OR in Sports
Message-ID: <552e23f87e8a48198417ec0cc5370f0c@xmail101.UGent.be>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Call for sessions/papers within the stream "OR in Sports"
at the 21st IFORS Conference
July 17-21, 2017 in Quebec, Canada

We (Dries Goossens and James Cochran) are putting together a number of sessions on OR in Sports for the IFORS Meeting next July in Quebec City, Canada (more information about the conference can be found at http://ifors2017.ca).  We'd like to have a sports track covering various areas such as optimization, analytics, graph theory, mathematics, and statistics.

If you plan to present a paper within this stream (or if you want to organize a full session of 3-4 talks), please let us know (dries.goossens@ugent.be or jcochran@cba.ua.edu). We are glad to send you a session code such that you may submit your paper in an invited session. Note that the deadline for abstract submission is February 10, 2017.

Furthermore, if you are interested/involved in any quantitative research that is related to sports in a broad sense, you may want to enjoy a free membership of the "OR in Sports" working group (see orinsports.com). This group also maintains a list of conferences on OR/analytics and sports: http://orinsports.com/index.php/events/.

Best regards,
James and Dries


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 17:56:06 +0100
From: "Andrej (Andy) Brodnik" <andrej.brodnik@fri.uni-lj.si>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: Joint EURO/ORSC/ECCO Conference 2017 on
Combinatorial Optimization -- ECCO XXX
Message-ID: <1552d8b3-744a-5d71-1251-ce9dd8626835@fri.uni-lj.si>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed


Call for Papers

Joint EURO/ORSC/ECCO Conference 2017 on Combinatorial Optimization

Koper, Slovenia, May 3rd - 6th, 2017

The conference is jointly organized by EURO and ORSC. For more
details, please, visit the conference site as the information is added

Aims and objectives

The joint conference aims to bring together researchers, in
particularly from Europe and China, in the field of Combinatorial
Optimization to present their work, share experiences, and discuss
recent advances in theory and applications. The primary objectives
- exchanging results and experiences in solving real-world
combinatorial optimization problems
- strengthen the collaboration between researchers in Combinatorial
Optimization from Europe and China
- reporting on development and implementation of appropriate models
and efficient solution methods for combinatorial optimization
- establishing networking contacts between individuals and research
groups working on related topics
- promoting the work on combinatorial optimization (theory and
applications) to the broader scientific community
- identifying challenging research problems for the field, as well as
promising research outlets (both in theory and applications)
- promoting interactions with researchers in other related fields

Scope and Topics

We seek submissions in all areas of combinatorial optimization from
theory through applications. Suggested, but not exclusive, topics

- theory and applications of combinatorial optimization
- exact solution algorithms, approximation algorithms, heuristics, and
meta-heuristics for combinatorial optimization problems
- integer programming, global optimization, stochastic integer
programming, multi-objective programming, graph theory and network
- application areas include logistics and supply chain optimization
manufacturing, energy production and distribution, land
consolidation telecommunications, bioinformatics, finance, discrete
tomography, discrete and hybrid dynamical systems, and other fields

Abstract submission

Only electronic submissions will be accepted (in pdf format), via EURO
online system:


The submission is limited to a half to one page abstract.

Two special issues (Journal of the Operations Research Society of
China, snd Discrete Applied Mathematics) will be dedicated to the

Important dates

Abstract submission starts: December 1st, 2016
Abstract submission closes: March 1st, 2017
Notification of acceptance: March 19th, 2017
Deadline for early registration: April 1st, 2017
Conference: May 3rd-6th, 2017

Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Robert Bixby, Rice University, USA
Xiaotie Deng, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Bernard Ries, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gerhard Woeginger, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


General Conference Committee
Xiaodong Hu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Silvano Martello, University of Bologna
Gerhard Wäscher, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Program Committee
Andrej Brodnik, University of Primorska and University of Ljubljana -
Guochuan Zhang, Zhejiang University - co-chair
Jacek Blazewicz, Poznan University of Technology
Xujin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Van-Dat Cung, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
Alain Hertz, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
Liying Kang, Shanghai University
Minming Li, The City University of Hong Kong
Xiwen Lu, East China University of Science and Technology
Silvano Martello, University of Bologna
Paolo Toth, University of Bologna
Dachuan Xu, Beijing University of Technology
Gerhard Wäscher, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Zhao Zhang, Zhejiang Normal University

Organizing Committee
Andrej Brodnik, University of Primorska and University of Ljubljana -
Degang Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences - co-chair
Guangting Chen, Taizhou University
Rok Požar, University of Primorska
Xin Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yindong Shen, Huazhong Univeristy of Science and Technology

Andrej (Andy) Brodnik

University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Computer and Information Science


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 14:04:45 -0800
From: Gunes Kayacik <gunes.kayacik@gmail.com>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers - ACM Workshop SecDef 2017
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Call for Papers - ACM Workshop SecDef 2017


Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the fourth ACM Workshop on Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation in Defense, Security, and Risk Management
(SecDef'2017) will be held in conjunction with the ACM Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) in Berlin, Germany, July 15-19,

With the constant appearance of new threats, research in the areas of
defense, security and risk management has acquired an increasing importance
over the past few years. These new challenges often require innovative
solutions and computational intelligence techniques can play a significant
role in finding them.

We invite completed or ongoing work, with the aim to encourage
communication between active researchers and practitioners to better
understand the current scope of efforts within genetic and evolutionary
computation on defense, security and risk. The ultimate goal is to
understand, discuss, and help set future directions for our community.
Authors are invited to submit papers that fall into or are related to one
or multiple topic areas listed below:

- Intrusion Detection
- Anomaly Detection
- Signature-Based Detection
- Behavior Monitoring
- Network Traffic Analysis
- System Data Analysis
- Application Data Analysis
- Attack Prevention and Defense Systems
- Threat Forecasting Systems
- Anti Spam and/or Antivirus Systems
- Bring Your Own Device
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Advanced Persistent Threats

- Design of Military Systems and Sub-Systems
- Logistics and Scheduling of Military Operations
- Strategic Planning and Tactical Decision Making
- Logistics and Scheduling of Military Operations
- Examining Trade-offs in Military and Counter-Terrorism Procedures
- Automated Discovery of Tactics and Procedures for Military and Defense
- Cyber Warfare
- Cyber Fraud
- Identification, Prevention, Monitoring, and Handling of Risks
- Risk Impact and Probability Estimation Systems
- Contingency Plans,
- Real Time Risk Management
- Policy Management

The submission deadline is March 15, 2017. A detailed description of the
workshop and submission instructions may be found at:

We look forward to receiving your papers and meeting you at the conference!

Best regards,

Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Gunes Kayacik, Qualcomm Research Silicon Valley, USA
Frank W. Moore, University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Nur Zincir-Heywood, Dalhousie University, Canada


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 15:13:19 -0500
From: Nian Ashlee Zhang <nian.zhang6@gmail.com>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Second Call for Papers - ISNN 2017 (Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan, June 21-23, 2017)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

*Call for Papers*

*The 14th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2017), Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan, June 21-23, 2017*

The 14th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2017) will be
held in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan during June 21-23, 2017, following the
successes of previous events. Located in northern island of Hokkaido,
Sapporo is the fourth largest Japanese city and a popular summer/winter
tourist venue. ISNN 2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum
for scientists, engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of
neural network research and applications in related fields. The symposium
will feature plenary speeches given by world renowned scholars, regular
sessions with broad coverage, and special sessions focusing on popular

Authors are invited to submit full-length papers by the submission deadline
through the online submission system. The submission of a paper implies
that the paper is original and has not been submitted under review or is
not copyright-protected elsewhere and will be presented by an author if
accepted. All submitted papers will be refereed by experts in the field
based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
Papers presented at ISNN 2017 will be published in the EI-indexed
proceedings in the Springer LNCS series and selected good papers will be
included in special issues of several SCI journals.

*Important Dates*

- Paper submission: January 1, 2017

- Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2017

- Camera-ready copy and author registration: March 1, 2017

- Conference: June 21-23, 2017


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 106, Issue 21

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