Thursday, November 14, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

1. Abstract Submission Deadline Approaching: EURO
mini-Conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences
(Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)
2. Polynomial Optimization: final CfP (Letchford, Adam)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:55:03 +0200
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
Subject: [DMANET] Abstract Submission Deadline Approaching: EURO
mini-Conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Call for Abstracts (Extended dates)
EURO mini-Conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences
(EURO mini 2014)

Dear Colleagues,

the organizers of the EURO mini-Conference on Optimization in the
Natural Sciences (EURO mini 2014) have a pleasure to invite you to
take part in this conference to be held in Aveiro, Portugal on 5-9
February, 2014,

The conference aims at discussing the latest research in
optimization and its applications to the Natural Sciences. The main
objective of the meeting is to encourage the exchange of knowledge
and recent achievements, and to establish collaborations among
researchers and practitioners working in the areas of
Computer Science / Optimization / Statistics, and Physics /
Chemistry / Biology / Medical Sciences.

We welcome abstracts related to any aspects of optimization in the
Natural Sciences, in particular,
related to the following topics:

o Analysis of microarray data or next generation sequencing
o Applications of modeling and optimization in physics, biology,
chemistry, and medicine
o Billiard theory and applications
o Biomedical engineering
o Design optimization
o Data visualization for optimal decisions
o Image processing
o Infinite and semi-infinite optimization with applications
o Inverse problems
o Linear and nonlinear optimization and applications
o Multi-criteria optimization with applications
o Multi-scale optimization with applications
o Optimal control applied to biological models
o Optimal mass transfer
o Optimization in bioinformatics and computational biology
o Shape optimization
o Solution of optimization problems using statistical methods
o Statistics in high-dimensional data
o Statistical methods and visualization
o Statistical and probabilistic modeling
o Wave scattering

Abstracts should be written in English and contain no more than 600
characters (no formulas or mathematical notations are allowed). Each
attendee is allowed to present ONE paper at the conference. To submit
an abstract, please use the abstract submission system of EURO-Online
available on the conference website (

Location and Venue
The conference will be held in Aveiro city (Portugal). Aveiro is
located about 80km from the Porto Airport and 250km from Lisbon
Airport. However is quite easy and quick to travel from any of these
cities to Aveiro: 2h30 from Lisbon and 40min from Porto.

Aveiro is situated on the estuary of Vouga river and is surrounded
by a system of marshlands that run 50km parallel to the sea. The town
has famous channels where typical boats (moliceiro) sail, bridges and
pastel-coloured houses that are somewhat reminiscent of Amsterdam or
Venice. A special attention deserve: Aveiro Cathedral (15th-18th
centuries) and its gothic cross; Miseric?rdia Church; S?o Bartolomeu
and Senhora das Barrocas chapels; 18th-century churches of Santo
Ant?nio, Nossa Senhora da Apresenta??o and S?o Gon?alo; the Regional
Museum (housed in the ancient Convento de Jesus); the city hall and
beautiful building in the New Art style; the train station and the
beautiful tiles of the old Fonte Nova factory (1916) where the
Cultural and
Congress Center is situated now; the Infante D. Pedro park; the
Barra and Costa Nova beaches (the last one is also known for its
typical beach houses); Humberto Delgado square; Carcavelos bridge and
S. Roque channel.

Invited Speakers
o Aleksander Dudin, Belarusian State University, Belarus,
o Giuseppe Buttazzo, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa,
o Gueorgui Smirnov, University of Minho, Portugal,
o Leonid Bunimovich, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA,<>
o Michael Greenacre, Department of Economics and Business,
University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain,
o Sergey Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Mathematics, USA,

Important Dates
o Extended deadline for abstract submission: 15/11/2013
o Notification of acceptance: 30/11/2013
o Deadline for registration fee payment for inclusion in the
abstract book: 15/01/2014

Registration Fee
o Regular early (up to 7/12/2013): 285 euros
o Regular late (up to 15/01/2014): 360 euros
o Student early (up to 1/12/2013): 150 euros
o Student late (up to 15/01/2014): 200 euros
o Accompanying person: 50 euros
Conference fee includes a get-together party, coffee breaks,
participant's package, abstract book and participation in all the

Organizing Institutions
================= =================================
o EURO - The Association of European Operational Research Societies,<>.
o EUROPT - EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization,
o CIDMA - Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and
o Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro,

Neusa Lagarto,<>.

For all questions please contact:<>.
Please visit our website for more information.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:33:40 +0000
From: "Letchford, Adam" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Polynomial Optimization: final CfP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

FINAL Call for Papers

Polynomial Optimization (PO) refers to optimization problems in which all
objective and constraint functions are polynomials. Such problems form an
important and remarkably general class of NP-hard global optimization
problems. A fascinating feature of PO is that it can be approached from
several different directions. Indeed, in addition to traditional techniques
drawn from operational research, computer science and numerical analysis,
new techniques have recently emerged based on concepts taken from
algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and moment theory. For this
reason, PO is a rapidly expanding field.

We are pleased to announce this special issue of Mathematical Programming
Series B on PO, the deadline for which is 30th November 2013. We welcome
papers on all aspects of PO, whether concerned with theory, applications,
algorithms or software. Since we expect a large number of submissions,
all papers that we receive will be refereed to a high standard. Papers that
are deemed to be of high quality, yet are not included in the special issue,
may be forwarded to either Mathematical Programming Series A or
Mathematical Programming Computation for consideration (with the agreement
of both the authors and the respective editor-in-chief).

Manuscripts must be submitted on-line via:
When prompted to Choose Article Type, please select
"S.I. : Polynomial Optimization - Series B" from the menu. Due to limits in
page volume, we request that initial submissions be no more than 25 pages
in length. We also request that papers use the standard Springer LaTeX
style "svjour3". The necessary files are available at:

Many thanks in advance for your contributions to this special issue.

The guest editors:
Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse)
Adam Letchford (Lancaster, UK)
Pablo Parrilo (MIT)
David Steurer (Cornell).


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 12

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