Saturday, November 16, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 14

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Today's Topics:

1. Postdoc positions in algorithms and complexity at MPI,
Germany (Andreas Karrenbauer)
2. CfP: Diagrams 2014 (workshop proposals due in one week)
(James Burton)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:30:43 +0100
From: Andreas Karrenbauer <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc positions in algorithms and complexity at
MPI, Germany

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"


seeks several


for the Algorithms and Complexity Department

directed by Kurt Mehlhorn

We are looking for applicants from all areas of algorithmics, including
related areas like computer algebra, complexity theory, and discrete
mathematics. We are also explicitly looking for people interested in
computational geometry and topology, algorithm engineering and the
design and implementation of algorithm libraries.

The Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics is located on the campus
of the Universitaet des Saarlandes in Saarbruecken, Germany. Currently,
around 40 researchers from several nationalities work in the Algorithms
and Complexity Department. Our working language is English. The group
collaborates with several of the major research institutions in Europe
and the U.S. and has high international visibility. There is generous
travel support available for all group members. Postdoctoral fellowships
are available for one or two years.

Applications from disabled applicants are appreciated. Our institute
supports the principle of equal opportunity for men and women, and is
therefore interested in applications from women.

Applications must be sent by email as a single PDF file to
d1-office <at> by January 5, 2014.
They must include
* a curriculum vitae,
* list of publications,
* the names of three references with their e-mail addresses,
* a research plan (1 page is enough),
* intended period of stay, and
* your two most "interesting" papers (preferably just URLs).


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:27:51 +0000
From: James Burton <>
Subject: [DMANET] CfP: Diagrams 2014 (workshop proposals due in one
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Dear colleague, apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
message. Please note that workshop proposals for Diagrams 2014 are due
in one week's time.

Call for Papers: Diagrams 2014

Eighth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams

28th July to 1st August
Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia


Diagrams is an international interdisciplinary conference series,
covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of
diagrams. In 2014 it will be held at Swinburne University, Melbourne,
Australia, from the 28th of July 2014 to the 1st of August 2014.
Diagrams 2014 will be co-located with the IEEE Symposium on Visual
Languages and Human-Centric Computing.

Diagrams is the only conference series that provides a united forum
for all areas that are concerned with the study of diagrams, including
architecture, artificial intelligence, biology, cartography, cognitive
science, computer science, education, graphic design, history of
science, human-computer interaction, linguistics, logic, mathematics,
philosophy, psychology, and software modelling. The conference attracts
a large number of researchers from almost all these related fields,
positioning Diagrams as the major international event in the area.

Diagrams 2014 will include presentations of refereed papers, posters,
tutorials, workshop sessions, and a graduate symposium. We invite
submissions that focus on any aspect of diagrams research, as follows.

- long research papers (15 pages)
- short research papers (7 pages)
- posters (3 pages)
- tutorial proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)
- workshop proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)
- graduate symposium submissions (3 pages; see the conference web page
for full details)

All submissions will be fully peer reviewed. The proceedings, which will
include accepted long and short papers and posters, will be published by
Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series,

Full details on the preparation of submissions can be found on the
web site

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- applications of diagrams
- computational models of reasoning with, and interpretation of, diagrams
- design of diagrammatic notations
- diagram understanding by humans or machines
- diagram aesthetics and layout
- educational uses of diagrams
- evaluation of diagrammatic notations
- graphical communication and literacy
- heterogeneous notations involving diagrams
- history of diagrammatic notations
- information visualization using diagrams
- nature of diagrams and diagramming
- novel technologies for diagram use
- psychological issues pertaining to perception, comprehension or
production of diagrams
- software to support the use of diagrams
- usability and human-computer interaction issues concerning diagrams

* Submission Dates *

Abstract submissions: 13th December 2013
Paper submissions: 20th December 2013

Workshop proposal submissions: 22nd November 2013
Poster submission: 20th December 2013
Tutorial proposal submissions: 10th January 2014
Graduate symposium submissions: 18th April 2014
Conference dates: 28th of July 2014 to the 1st of August 2014

* Organising Committee *

General Chair: Tim Dwyer (Monash University)
Program Chairs: Aidan Delaney (University of Brighton),
Helen Purchase (University of Glasgow)
Workshops Chair: Karsten Klein (University of Sydney)
Tutorials Chair: Michael Wybrow (Monash University)
Graduate Symposium Chair: Stephanie Schwartz (Millersville University)
Treasurer: Cagatay Goncu (Monash University)
Publicity Chair: Jim Burton (University of Brighton)

* Program Committee *

Lisa Best, University of New Brunswick
Peter Rodgers, University of Kent
Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware
Sun-Joo Shin, Yale University
Ashok Goel, Georgia Institute of Technology
Emmanuel Manalo, Waseda University
Barbara Tversky, Columbia and Stanford
Beryl Plimmer, University of Auckland
Gem Stapleton, University of Brighton
Jacques Fleuriot, University of Edinburgh
Mark Minas, Universit??t der Bundeswehr M??nchen
Paolo Bottoni, University of Rome
Max Egenhofer, University of Maine
Ian Oliver, Nokia Research Center
Ryo Takemura, Nihon University
Hari Narayanan, Auburn University
Kim Marriott, Monash University
Richard Cox, University of Edinburgh
Yuri Uesaka, University of Tokyo
Lopamudra Choudhury, Jadavpur University
John Howse, University of Brighton
Gerard Allwein, US Navy Research Lab
Nik Swoboda, Universidad Polit??cnica de Madrid
Jim Davies, Carleton University
James Corter, Columbia University
Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria
Jean Flower, Autodesk
Alan Blackwell, Cambridge University
Michael Wybrow, Monash University
Nathaniel Miller, University of Northern Colorado
Luis Pineda Cortes, Universidad Nacional Aut??noma de M??xico
Mateja Jamnik, University of Cambridge
Frithjof Dau, SAP
Peter Cheng, University of Sussex
Mary Hegarty, University of California, Santa Barbara
Stephanie Elzer-Schwartz, Millersville University
Dave Barker-Plummer, Stanford University
Phil Cox, Dalhousie University
John Lee, University of Edinburgh
Atsushi Shimojima, Doshisha University
B. Chandrasekaran, Ohio State University

Apart from submissions to the main Diagrams 2014 conference we are also
soliciting proposals for:

- half-day or full-day workshops

- one or two hour tutorials

- the graduate student symposium

Dr Jim Burton
Senior Lecturer in Computing
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
University of Brighton

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 14

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