Tuesday, November 5, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 3

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Today's Topics:

1. 37ACCMCC in PERTH - Early Bird Deadline - 8 NOV 2013
(Gordon Royle)
2. ACM SenSys, BuildSys, ENSsys, SenseMine 2013 Call for
Participation (SenSys Publicity)
3. Richard-Rado-Preis 2014 (in German) (Thorsten Theobald)
4. [IJRIE]-Call for paper (Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014)
5. The New York Colloquium on Algorithms and Complexity -
Friday, November 15th (Achilleos, Antonios)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 09:26:33 +0800
From: Gordon Royle <gordon.royle@uwa.edu.au>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] 37ACCMCC in PERTH - Early Bird Deadline - 8 NOV 2013

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Combinatorialist

The 37th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and
Combinatorial Computing will be held from December 9th-13th, 2013
at the University of Western Australia in Perth, Western Australia.



for details, and


to register.

The period for registering for this conference at a discounted rate, and with
guaranteed availability of suitable accommodation is now coming to an end, with
the early bird registration closing on 8 NOVEMBER 2013.

(Originally, this date was 4 NOVEMBER 2013, but due to technical problems
in sending this final notice, the deadline has been extended slightly.)

We anticipate having an evening reception on Sunday 8th December, and
scheduling talks from Monday 9th to Friday 13th inclusive. If numbers permit,
we will try to finish the scheduled talks by lunchtime on Friday, but
this may not be possible.

For accommodation, we have block-booked a number of rooms at a rather
nice college, called St George's College, just
five minutes walk from the conference venue. The college was clearly
modelled on an Oxbridge college, with a nice quad, lots of wood panelling etc,
though fortunately, it also has recently renovated modern rooms.

Although a block of rooms has been set aside for conference delegates,
you should organise your accommodation directly with the college. Any of these
rooms that have not been booked and confirmed by 8 November will no longer
be reserved for conference delegates and the college may not have any
rooms available for late registrants.

The college has a range of accommodation that will suit most budgets and tastes,
though if you prefer higher-end hotel-style accommodation, downtown Perth is your
best option, and a 10-minute bus ride from the University.

Early December is early summer in Perth, and the weather is likely to be
warm, dry and mostly sunny. (The average daily maximum temperature in December
is 29C). The university is located adjacent to a huge area of bushland called Kings Park
and is on the banks of the Swan River, and a short bus-ride from spectacular sandy
beaches on the Indian Ocean.

Please remember that all non-Australian citizens MUST HAVE A VISA to enter Australia; for
many countries it is sufficient to get an ETA or an e-Visitor visa online.

Registration includes the conference fee, a compulsory AU$25 CMSA one-year
membership fee (waived for CMSA Life Members), the Sunday evening reception,
and a ticket to the conference dinner. However it does not include the
Wednesday afternoon river cruise. Any ADDITIONAL dinner tickets are AU$90 for adults,
and ALL tickets for the river cruise are a (subsidised) AU$40.

If you have any queries, then please send them direct to 37accmcc@uwa.edu.au,
where they can be answered by the most appropriate organiser.

See you in a few months!

Gordon Royle
Director of the 37ACCMCC Organising Committee


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 12:05:11 -0800
From: SenSys Publicity <sensys@cfpmail.info>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] ACM SenSys, BuildSys, ENSsys, SenseMine 2013 Call
for Participation
Message-ID: <20131104200511.48DEFC0D65@mars.ucmerced.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

[** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. **]


**** ACM SenSys 2013 ****
Rome, Italy
November 11-14, 2013


The 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys
2013) is a highly selective, single-track forum for the presentation
of research results on systems issues in the area of embedded,
networked sensors. SenSys provides a cross-disciplinary venue for
researchers addressing the rich space of networked sensor system
design issues to interact, present and exchange research results, and
demonstrate their work in a hands-on research exhibition. We seek
technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research

This year conference will be held on the campus of the University of
Rome "La Sapienza" and is highlighted by:

* A keynote address by Shahram Izadi of Microsoft Research on the use
of sensing in the next generation of user interfaces.

* A main technical program of 21 peer-reviewed papers on topics such
as crowdsourced sensing, energy efficiency, mobile-phone sensing,
and wireless communication.

* Three workshops (BuildSys, ENSSys, and SenseMine) focusing on
works on emerging topics in the SenSys research community.

* A Doctoral Colloquium for PhD students to present and receive
feedback on in-progress research.

For registration information see: http://sensys.acm.org/2013/reg.html


BuildSys 2013
5th ACM Workshop On Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings
November 13-14, 2013 Rome, Italy | co-located with ACM SenSys 2013

The 5th ACM Workshop On Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficiency In
Buildings (BuildSys 2013) is a selective, single-track forum for the
presentation of research results on systems issues in the area of
embedded, networked sensors systems for energy-efficiency in
buildings. BuildSys provides a cross-disciplinary venue for computer
scientist, behavioral scientist and building science researchers
addressing the rich space of networked sensor system design issues to
interact, present and exchange research results, and demonstrate
their work in a hands-on research exhibition. We seek technical
papers describing original, previously unpublished research results.

The workshop is co-located with SenSys 2013 and it will be held on
the campus of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and is
highlighted by:

* An expanded 1.5 days workshop due to the increased demand and high
quality submissions.

* A keynote address by Tariq Samad of Honeywell Automation and
Control Solutions on the automation and control solutions for
energy-efficient buildings.

* A main technical program of 22 peer-reviewed papers on topics such
as crowdsourced sensing and actuation, building energy efficiency,
user comfort and control, demand-response, building operating
systems, water usage sensing and control, and wireless
communication among others.

* A demo and poster session, including 1-minute madness oral
presentation of the work to be presented in the demo and poster

General Chair:

Karl Henrik Johansson, KTH, Sweden

Steering Committee:

Mario Berges, CMU, USA (Chair)
Alberto Cerpa, University of California Merced, USA
David Culler, University of Berkeley, USA
Rajesh K. Gupta ,UC San Diego, USA
Antonio Ruzzelli, University College Dublin, Ireland
Mani Srivastava, UCLA, USA
Kamin Whitehouse, University of Virginia, USA

Technical Program Co-Chairs:

Michael R Brambley, Pacific Northwest National Lab., USA
Prashant Shenoy, U. of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Demo Co-Chairs:

Anthony Rowe, CMU, USA
Ting Zhu, Binghamton University, USA

Technical Program Committee:

Alan Marchiori, United Technologies and Bucknell Univ, USA
Alberto Cerpa, UC Merced, USA
Amarjeet Singh, IIIT Delhi, India
Anirban Mahanti, NICTA, Australia
Burcu Akinci, CMU, USA
Dane Christensen, National Renewable Energy Labs, USA
David Holmberg, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
David Irwin, UMass, USA
Deva P. Seetharam, IBM Research India
Dirk Pesch, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Fred Jiang, Intel China
Iman Shames, U. Melbourne, Australia
Ines Azevedo, CMU, USA
James Braun, Purdue University, USA
John House, Johnson Controls, USA
Kin Cheong Sou, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden
Krithi Ramamritham, IIT Bombay, India
Mani Srivastava, UCLA, USA
Manish Marwah, HP Labs, USA
Nilanjan Banerjee, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Nuno Nunes, U. of Madeira, Portugal
Philippe Bonnet, IT Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prabir Barooah, Univ. of Florida, USA
Rahul Mangharam, U. Penn, USA
Ram Narayanamurthy, EPRI USA
Ram Rajagopal, Stanford, USA
Roy Smith, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
S. Keshav, U. Waterloo, Canada
Sambit Sahu, IBM Research, USA
Steven Lanzisera, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, USA
Teja Kuruganti, Oakridge National Labs, USA
William Healy, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Zico Kolter, CMU, USA

Publicity Chair:

Nuno Pereira, CISTER/INESC TEC, ISEP, Portugal

Web Chair:

Jose Araujo, KTH, Sweden
Navin Sharma, U. of Massachusetts Amherst, USA


1st International Workshop on Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems
(ENSsys 2013)

The 1st international workshop on Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems
(ENSsys) is being organised in conjunction with SenSys 2013, widely
regarded as one of the most prestigious conferences on sensor network
research. The one-day workshop will take place on 14 November in
Rome, Italy. ENSSys will bring together researchers to systematically
explore the challenges, issues and opportunities in the research,
design, and engineering of energy-harvesting and energy-neutral
sensing systems. These are a technological cornerstone for future
applications in smart energy, future transportation, environmental
monitoring and smart cities. Innovative solutions in on-board
hardware for energy scavenging, energy adaptive algorithms, and power
management policies are the ultimate frontiers, opening the door to
unlimited and uninterrupted operation.

**Workshop General Co-Chairs**
Davide Brunelli, University of Trento, Italy
Geoff Merrett, University of Southampton, UK

**Technical Programme Committee**
Pai Chou, Uni. California, Irvine, USA
Emanuael Popovici, Uni. Cork, Ireland
Christian Renner, Uni. L??beck, Germany
Paul Wright, UC Berkeley, USA
Yogesh Ramadass, Texas Instruments, USA
Paul Mitcheson, Imperial College London, UK
Aravind Kailas, Uni. NC Charlotte, USA
Alex Weddell, Uni. Southampton, UK
Vana Jelicic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Jacopo Iannacci, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK, Italy
James Brusey, Coventry University, UK

Further information can be found on the workshop's website:


SenseMine 2013
First International Workshop on Sensing and Big Data Mining
in conjunction with SenSys 2013
November 14, 2013
Rome, Italy

The numbers and modalities of digital information sources being
captured to monitor our traffic, weather, power, personal context,
goods, factories, utilities, ports, health, IT infrastructure, and
social networks, is continuing to grow at an incredible rate.
Commercial, government organizations, and individuals depend on the
ability to automatically mine data from different types of sensor
platforms (from large sensor networks to an individual's smartphone)
in order to monitor, alert, learn from, and in some cases affect and
control our surroundings.

The research involved in developing applications for these classes of
problems lies at the intersection of several diverse disciplines,
including sensing systems, signal processing, machine learning and
data mining, data management, and large-scale distributed systems -
for both online as well as offline analysis. In this workshop,
colocated with AMC SenSys 2013, we will include state-of-the-art
approaches and technical solutions in the area of extracting
knowledge, by mining data from sensor networks in large-scale
settings. The goal of the workshop is to establish a new research
community and a venue for researchers, practitioners, and academics
to present their results in these disciplines. We expect this
workshop to be a long-term, continued venue for this research
community, and to also lead to the setup of appropriate special
issues and journals.

Technical Program Committee Chairs:

Emiliano Miluzzo, AT&T Labs Research
Deepak S. Turaga, IBM Research

Technical Program Committee (Preliminary):

Deborah Estrin (Cornell)
Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth College)
Yanyong Zhang (Rutgers University)
Marco Conti (CNR Italy)
Immanuel Schweizer (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
Jing Gao (SUNY Buffalo)
Wei Fan (Huawei)
Tarek Abdelzahar (UIUC)
Charu Aggarwal (IBM Research)

Further Details:


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 22:12:38 +0100 (CET)
From: Thorsten Theobald <theobald@math.uni-frankfurt.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Richard-Rado-Preis 2014 (in German)
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; format=flowed; charset=US-ASCII

Ausschreibung des Richard-Rado-Preises 2014

Die Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
schreibt zum neunten Mal einen Preis fuer hervorragende Dissertationen in
der Diskreten Mathematik aus. Der Preis wird vom Springer-Verlag gestiftet
und ist in diesem Jahr mit EUR 1000,- dotiert.

Die Bekanntgabe der Preistraegerin/des Preistraegers und die Uebergabe
des Preises wird im Rahmen des Symposiums Diskrete Mathematik 2014
(9./10. Mai 2014) in Frankfurt am Main erfolgen
(siehe www.math.uni-frankfurt.de/dm2014/ ).
Die Preistraegerin/der Preistraeger werden zu diesem Symposium eingeladen,
um ihre/seine Dissertation in einem Vortrag vorzustellen.

Die Entscheidung ueber die Preisvergabe liegt in den Haenden einer
renommierten auslaendischen Mathematikerin oder eines renommierten
auslaendischen Mathematikers.

Vorschlagsberechtigt sind die Betreuer der Dissertationen. Eigenbewerbung
ist ausgeschlossen. Vorgeschlagen werden koennen Kandidatinnen/Kandidaten,
deren Dissertation ueber ein Thema der Diskreten Mathematik zwischen dem
1. Januar 2012 und dem 31. Dezember 2013 abgeschlossen wurde. Dem
Vorschlag sind zwei Exemplare der Dissertation sowie ein Gutachten
(in englischer Sprache) der Betreuerin/des Betreuers der Arbeit beizulegen.
Desweiteren legen Sie bitte ein in Englisch verfasstes Abstract der
Dissertation bei, falls diese in deutscher Sprache verfasst wurde.

Die Vorschlaege und Gutachten sind bis zum 10. Januar 2014 an eines der
Vorstandsmitglieder der Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik einzureichen:

Prof. Christian Krattenthaler
Universitaet Wien
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Nordbergstrasse 15
A-1090 Wien

Prof. Martin Skutella
TU Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematilk
Strasse des 17. Juni 136
D-10623 Berlin

Prof. Tibor Szabo
FU Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 6
D-14195 Berlin

Prof. Thorsten Theobald
Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt
FB 12 - Institut fuer Mathematik
Robert-Mayer-Strasse 10
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 10:09:58 +0330
From: ijrie.admin@nvlscience.com
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] [IJRIE]-Call for paper (Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014)
Message-ID: <20131105100958.112362cfuy6dnyda@www.nvlscience.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Call for Paper

Greetings and call for paper for Vol. 3, No.1.
International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering
ISSN: 1925-7805; E-ISSN: 1925-7813
Publisher: Novel Science Inc.
Submissions open for Volume 3, Number 1, March 2014.

Dear researchers
Let me introduce about IJRIE. International Journal of Research in
Industrial Engineering (IJRIE) is an international academic online
journal which publishes global research in the areas of Industrial
Engineering. The journal provides a forum for dispersion of research
and review articles related to all fields of Industrial Engineering.
With an open access publication model of this journal, all interested
readers around the world can freely access articles online without
Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the
journal and association. All submitted articles should report
original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or
theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the
journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration
for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the
journal and are subject to both review and editing.

Frequency: 4 Number per year
Status: published Online
Subject Category: All aspects of Industrial Engineering
The journal provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest
empirical research findings in the areas of (not limited to):
Supply Chain Management & Logistic Risk Management
Operations Research Reliability & Maintenance
Manufacturing Systems Project management
Flexible Manufacturing System Application of meta-heuristics
Production Planning & Management Strategic management
Knowledge Management Data Mining
Project Control Scheduling
Mathematical Modeling Telecommunications
Network management Human resources management
Economics Other Related Subject

Kindly Visit our website www.nvlscience.com/index.php/ijrie for more details.
(It is mandatory for authors to submit their papers via above
mentioned website address).

We are looking forward to receiving quality submissions from you and
your colleagues in near future.

IJRIE Office,


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 02:44:39 -0500
From: "Achilleos, Antonios" <AAchilleos@gc.cuny.edu>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] The New York Colloquium on Algorithms and Complexity
- Friday, November 15th
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

We are pleased to invite you to NYCAC 6

Friday, November 15, 2013, New York City
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Room 4102 (Science Center)

NYCAC, the New York Colloquium on Algorithms and Complexity is an annual event. Its purpose is to give the opportunity to graduate students in New York to observe talks of researchers from all areas of the theory of Algorithms and Computational Complexity.

The website for this year's NYCAC, where you can register and find information is http://www.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~zachos/nycac6/

The schedule of talks:

8:30 Registration and coffee
8:50 Charalampos (Babis) Papamanthou: Trustworthy Computing with Untrusted Resources
9:30 Rosario Gennaro: A Survey of Verifiable Delegation of Computations
10:10 Valia Mitsou: The Computational Complexity of the Game Set and its Theoretical Applications.
10:50 Break
11:05 Eric Allende: Revisiting some Questions about the Structure of Complete Sets
11:45 Kenneth W. Regan: Analyzing Quantum Circuits Via Polynomials
12:25 Wen-Ju Cheng: Random Walks and Log Space Complexity
13:00 Break
13:45 Costantinos Daskalakis: Reductions from Mechanism to Algorithm Design
14:25 Steve Homer: Trading Mutual Information for Efficient Computation
14:55 Dimitris Paparas: The Complexity of Non-Monotone Markets
15:30 END

We hope to see you there.
On behalf of the organizers,
Antonis Achilleos


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 3

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