Saturday, November 9, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

1. PODC 2014 Call for Papers (George Giakkoupis)
2. ARAG 2014 First Announcement (Cordian Riener)
3. LAGOS2013 - DAM Special Issue Reminder (Miguel Pizana)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:22:07 +0100
From: George Giakkoupis <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] PODC 2014 Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

PODC 2014 First Call for Papers

Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2014)
July 15-19, 2014
Paris, France



Submission: February 10, 2014
Notification: April 20, 2014
Camera-ready: May 13, 2014

All times refer to 23:59 in Honolulu, Hawaii (time zone HAST).


Original contributions to the theory, design, analysis,
implementation, or application of distributed systems and networks,
in particular conceptual innovative results are solicited.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- algorithms for distributed systems and their complexity
- cluster, cloud, grid and high-performance computing
- communication networks: protocols, architectures, services,
- concurrent programming, synchronization, shared and transactional
- cryptographic protocols and system security
- distributed operating systems, databases and programming languages
- dynamic, adaptive and machine learning based distributed algorithms
- formal methods, semantics and verification of concurrent systems
- fault tolerance, reliability, availability of distributed systems
- game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- information theory, codes and reliable communication
- Internet applications, social networks and complex networks
- multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms
- nanonetworks and biological distributed algorithms
- quantum and optics based distributed algorithms
- self-stabilizing, self-organizing and autonomic systems
- sensor, mobile, ad-hoc, robot and peer-to-peer networks

Conference presentations will have two formats:

Regular presentations of 25 minutes accompanied by papers of up to 10
pages in the proceedings. This form is intended for contributions
reporting on original research, submitted exclusively to this

Brief announcements of 5 to 10 minutes accompanied by two page
abstracts in the proceedings. This format is a forum for brief
communications, which may be published in other conferences.


Papers are to be submitted electronically, following the guidelines
available on the conference web page. Authors unable to submit
electronically should contact the program chair to receive

Each submission must be in English, in PDF format, and begin with a
cover page including: (1) the title, (2) the names and affiliations
of all authors, (3) contact author?s email, address and telephone
number, (4) a brief, one paragraph abstract of the paper, (5)
indication whether the paper is a regular submission, or a brief
announcement submission, (6) indication whether the submission is
eligible to be considered for the best student paper award.

A regular submission must not exceed 10 single-column pages (excluding
cover page and references). Additional necessary details may be
included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the
discretion of the program committee. A brief announcement submission
must not exceed 3 single-column pages. All submissions must use at
least 11-point font and have reasonable margins. Any submission
deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without
consideration of its merit.

It is recommended that a regular submission begin with a succinct
statement of the problem or the issue being addressed, a summary of
the main results or conclusions, a brief explanation of their
significance, a brief statement of the key ideas, and a comparison
with related work, all tailored to a non-specialist. Technical
development of the work, directed to the specialist, should follow.
Papers outside of the conference scope will be rejected without review.

If requested by the authors on the cover page, a regular submission
that is not selected for a regular presentation will also be
considered for the brief announcement format. This will not affect
consideration of the paper for a regular presentation.


Regular papers and brief announcements will be included in the
conference proceedings. Extended and revised versions of selected
papers will be considered for a special issue of the Distributed
Computing journal. Two papers will be considered for publication in

Best paper and best student paper awards:

Prizes will be given to the best paper, the best student paper and the
best presentation. A paper is eligible for the best student paper
award if at least one of its authors is a full-time student at the
time of submission. This must be indicated in the cover page. The
program committee may decline to confer the awards or may split awards.


Program Committee:

Joffroy Beauquier (LRI Univ. Paris Sud et CNRS, France)
Harry Buhrman (CWI & Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Christian Cachin (IBM, Switzerland)
Reuven Cohen (Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel)
Shlomi Dolev, Chair (Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
Panagiota Fatourou (Univ. of Crete & FORTH, Greece)
Michael Fischer (Yale Univ., USA)
Paola Flocchini (Univ. of Ottawa, Canada)
Ian Foster (Argonne NL & Univ. of Chicago, USA)
Cyril Gavoille (LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France)
Seth Gilbert (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
Niv Gilboa (Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
Vassos Hadzilacos (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
Prasad Jayanti (Dartmouth College, USA)
Petr Kuznetsov (Telecom ParisTech, France)
Michael Luby (Qualcomm, USA)
Oded Maler (CNRS-VERIMAG, France)
Muriel Medard (MIT, USA)
Mike Paterson (Univ. of Warwick, UK)
Michel Raynal (IUF & IRISA, Univ. Rennes, France)
Luis Rodrigues (INESC-ID, Univ. Lisboa, Portugal)
Elad M. Schiller (Chalmers Univ. Tech., Sweden)
Stefan Schmid (TU Berlin & DT, Germany)
Alexander Shvartsman (Univ. of Connecticut, USA)
Joseph Sifakis (EPFL, Switzerland)
Paul Spirakis (CTI, Greece & Univ. of Liverpool, UK)
Nitin Vaidya (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Jennifer Welch (Texas A&M Univ., USA)
Jeannette Wing (Microsoft, USA)
Rebecca Wright (Rutgers Univ., USA)
Moti Yung (Google & Columbia Univ., USA)
Gil Zussman (Columbia Univ., USA)


Steering Committee:

Shlomi Dolev (Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
Chryssis Georgiou (Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Magnus Halldorsson (Reykjavik Univ., Iceland)
Alessandro Panconesi (Sapienza Univ., Italy)
Alexander Shvartsman, Chair (Univ. of Connecticut, USA)
Gadi Taubenfeld (IDC, Israel)
Nitin Vaidya (Univ. of Illinois, USA)


Conference Committee:

Sylvie Delaet, Organizing Co-Chair (Univ. Paris Sud, France)
Shlomi Dolev, PC Chair (Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
Chryssis Georgiou, Treasurer (Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus)
George Giakkoupis, Communication Chair (INRIA Rennes, France)
Magnus Halldorsson, General Chair, (Reykjavik Univ., Iceland)
Darek Kowalski, WS Co-Chair (Univ. of Liverpool, UK)
Maria Potop-Butucaru, Organizing Co-Chair (LIP 6, France)
Sebastien Tixeuil, Organizing & WS Co-Chair (LIP 6, France)
Mark Tuttle, Publicity Chair (Intel, USA)



Message: 2
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 13:52:58 +0100 (CET)
From: Cordian Riener <>
Subject: [DMANET] ARAG 2014 First Announcement
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; format=flowed; charset=US-ASCII

First announcement and call for contributed talks


ARAG 2014

Applications of Real Algebraic Geometry

Aalto University, Helsinki Finland,
February 27 - March 2, 2014

Further information:


The conference aims to present recent developments in the field of
applications of real algebraic geometry.

Speakers include both well-known senior experts and junior participants
contributing with talks or posters.

This conference is funded by the Aalto Science Institute ( and there will be no registration fee.

The conference will comprise invited talks, regular talks, as well as a
poster session.

Invited speakers:

Christine Bachoc
Saugata Basu
Jean Bernard Lasserre
Mihai Putinar
Kristian Ranestad
Marie-Francoise Roy
Claus Scheiderer
Markus Schweighofer
Caroline Uhler
Frank Vallentin

Please sign up using the online form. You can contact the organizers if
you are interested in the possibilities of giving a contributed talk or
present a poster.


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 09:35:43 -0600
From: Miguel Pizana <>
Subject: [DMANET] LAGOS2013 - DAM Special Issue Reminder
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

This is a kind reminder that the deadline for the special issue of
Discrete Applied Mathematics dedicated to LAGOS2013 is December 31,
2013. Call for paper follows.

Best regards,
Miguel Piza?a.

Call for Papers
Discrete Applied Mathematics

Special Issue:
LAGOS?13 VII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization
Symposium, Playa del Carmen ? 2013

Following the tradition of LAGOS, a special issue of Discrete Applied
Mathematics will be prepared for LAGOS2013. All interested researchers
are invited to contribute to this special issue. The topics should
relate to the themes of the workshop:

?Algorithms: analysis of algorithms; approximation algorithms;
randomized algorithms; computational geometry
? Operations Research and Mathematical Programming: combinatorial
optimization; integer programming; polyhedral combinatorics;
operations research and management science
? Graph Theory: cliques, dominating and independent sets; coloring of
graphs and hypergraphs; covering and packing, factorization, matching;
digraphs, tournaments; graph algorithms; graphs and matrices;
hypergraphs; perfect graphs; random graphs; structural
characterization of types of graphs
? Applications: mathematical programming; combinatorial optimization;
continuous optimization; heuristics, and metaheuristics; applications
to real-world problems

Submissions of contributions not presented at the symposium are also
welcome. If your contribution was indeed presented at the symposium,
the full version articles should differ substantially from the
extended abstract published in ENDM (for example, proofs of the
results, further results, etc. can be added).

All articles will be thoroughly refereed according to the high
standards of Discrete Applied Mathematics.

The full papers must be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial System
( using the guidelines for Discrete
Applied Mathematics
When submitting your paper, be sure to select the article type Special
Issue: LAGOS2013.

The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2013.

Accepted papers will be published online individually, before print publication.

We are looking forward to receiving your contribution.

The Guest Editors,

Jes?s de Loera
Miguel Piza?a
Gelasio Salazar
Jayme Szwarcfiter


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 7

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