Friday, November 22, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

1. CFP: 2014 IEEE CEC Special Session on Theoretical Foundations
of Bio-inspired Computation (Andrew M. Sutton)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 14:12:39 -0700
From: "Andrew M. Sutton" <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: 2014 IEEE CEC Special Session on Theoretical
Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** Apologies for multiple postings **


CEC 2014 Special Session on
Theoretical Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation

July 6 - 11, 2014, Beijing, China

*** Paper submission deadline: December 20, 2013 ***



Bio-inspired search heuristics often turn out to be highly successful
for optimization in practice. The theory of these randomized search
heuristics explains the success or the failure of these methods in
practical applications. Theoretical analyses lead to the understanding
of which problems are optimized (or approximated) efficiently by a
given algorithm and which are not.

The benefits of theoretical understanding for practitioners are

1. Aiding the algorithm design,

2. guiding the choice of the best algorithm for the problem at

3. determining the optimal parameter settings.

The theory of evolutionary computation has grown rapidly in recent
years. The primary aim of this special session is to bring together
people working on theoretical aspects of bio-inspired computation. The
latest breakthroughs in the theory of bio-inspired computation will be
reported and new directions will be set.


Potential authors are invited to submit papers describing original
contributions to foundations of evolutionary computation. Although we
are most interested in theoretical foundations, computational studies
of a foundational nature are also welcome.

The scope of this special session includes (but is not limited to) the
following topics:

* Theoretical foundations of bio-inspired heuristics

* Exact and approximation runtime analysis

* Black box complexity

* Self-adaptation

* Population dynamics

* Fitness landscape and problem difficulty analysis

* No free lunch theorems

* Statistical approaches for understanding the behavior of
bio-inspired heuristics

* Computational studies of a foundational nature

All problem domains will be considered including:

* combinatorial and continuous optimization

* single?objective and multi?objective optimization

* constraint handling

* dynamic and stochastic optimization

* co?evolution and evolutionary learning

Paper Submission

You should follow the IEEE CEC 2014 submission website at:

On the submission system you must select "SS4. EC04: Theoretical
Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation" as "Main Research Topic".

Special session papers are treated in the same way as regular
conference papers.

Important Dates

* Paper submissions: December 20, 2013

* Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2014

* Final paper submission: April 15, 2014

Journal Special Issue

Papers of the highest quality among those published in this special
session will be selected for invitation to a special issue of the
?Evolutionary Computation? journal published by MIT Press.

Special Session Organizers

Pietro S. Oliveto
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK

Andrew M. Sutton
Department of Computer Science
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, USA

Programme Committee

Youhei Akimoto
Dirk Arnold
Sandra Astete
Dimo Brockhoff
Tianshi Chen
Francisco Chicano
Kalyanmoy Deb
Benjamin Doerr
Carola Doerr
Tobias Friedrich
Marcus Gallagher
Christian Gie?en
Thomas Jansen
Timo K?tzing
Per Kristian Lehre
Andrea Mambrini
Alexander Melkozerov
Alberto Moraglio
Rachael Morgan
Samadhi Nallaperuma
Frank Neumann
G?nter Rudolph
Jonathan Shapiro
Dirk Sudholt
Olivier Teytaud
Markus Wagner
Carsten Witt
Xin Yao
Yang Yu
Christine Zarges

This special session is organized as a part of the IEEE CIS Task Force
on Theoretical Foundations of Bio-inspired Computation

Task Force Website:


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 18

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