Thursday, November 28, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 22

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Today's Topics:

1. Call for paper (Journal of Operational Research and Decision
Science Studies) (
2. Eco Friendly Mobility: Concepts and Algorithms, Call for
participation (Rastislav Sramek)
3. Wissenschaftliche Funktionsstelle an der Fakult?t f?r
Mathematik der TU Chemnitz (Christoph Helmberg)
4. SAM "Probability and Combinatorics", Eurandom, Eindhoven,
January 2014, 1st CfP (Ross Kang)
5. Call for paper (Journal of Operational Research and Decision
Science Studies) (


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:55:21 +0330
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for paper (Journal of Operational Research and
Decision Science Studies)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Dear Professor\Colleagues\Authors
We would like to invite you to submit your research paper for possible
publication in Journal of Operational Research and Decision Science
Studies (JORDS). It is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Novel
Science. The journal focuses on the following topics:
? Continuous Optimization, Computational Intelligence and Information
? mathematical modeling
? Multi-Criteria Decision Methods
? Discrete Optimization and Expert Systems
? Heuristics Mathematical Programming
? Case Studies, Applications in all Areas of Sciences, Engineering and
? Econometric and statistical method
JORDS seeks to provide a forum for debates on practical and policy
implications to ustainable development. This journal also encourages
studies on solutions to improve corporate erformance towards
It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to
contribute innovative research in the field. JORDS carries original and
full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments
in both theoretical and practical aspects of management, applied
mathematics and industrial engineering.
JORDS is devoted to rapid dissemination of significant research and is
the fastest submission-to-online journal. Accepted manuscripts will be
published online immediately for free of publication fee.
The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online
versions are free access and download.
If you are interested in joining the Advisory Board, please send your
C.V. to for review and evaluation.
You can visit us at:
Editorial Office
Journal of Operational Research and Decision Science Studies


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:16:10 +0100
From: Rastislav Sramek <>
Subject: [DMANET] Eco Friendly Mobility: Concepts and Algorithms, Call
for participation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]



Eco Friendly Mobility: Concepts and Algorithms
Zurich, Switzerland, 22nd-23rd of January, 2014

We would like to invite you to the workshop "Eco Friendly Mobility:
Concepts and Algorithms" that will take place on the 22nd and 23rd
of January 2014, in Zurich, Switzerland. The workshop is organized
in the scope of the EU eCOMPASS project (

The aim of the workshop is to provide a meeting place and information
exchange platform among professionals dealing with concepts and
algorithms for eco-friendly mobility, including members of the
eCOMPASS project.

The workshop will consist of invited keynote lectures by high profile
researchers in the area, as well as talks by eCOMPASS project members
detailing their current research in the areas of traffic prediction;
robust, alternative, and time-dependent route planning; road and
multi-modal networks; route planning for vehicle fleets; and tourist
trip planning.

We plan to have one (or more) "Related Activities" session(s)
consisting of short (5-10 minutes) presentations related to
the scope of the workshop and which include (but are not
limited to) current R&D work, project presentations, short
demos/videos, etc. If you wish to make such a presentation,
please fill in the corresponding fields (title and a short
abstract) in the Registration Form. Please note that such
requests will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Please extend this invitation to anyone that might be interested.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Zurich.


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:55:55 +0100
From: Christoph Helmberg <>
Subject: [DMANET] Wissenschaftliche Funktionsstelle an der Fakult?t
f?r Mathematik der TU Chemnitz
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


An der Fakult?t f?r Mathematik der Technischen Universit?t Chemnitz ist
ab dem 01.03.2014 eine Stelle als Wissenschaftlicher
Mitarbeiter/Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (100%, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

vorerst befristet bis zum 28.02.2015 (mit der Option auf Entfristung) zu
besetzen. Die Einstellung erfolgt gem?? den Regelungen des S?chsischen
Hochschulfreiheitsgesetzes (S?chsHSFG) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung.

Die Aufgaben umfassen:

* Lehr- und Betreuungst?tigkeiten f?r Studierende in allen
mathematischen Studieng?ngen sowie im Service f?r andere Fakult?ten,
vornehmlich der Fakult?t f?r Wirtschaftswissenschaften
* Unterst?tzung der verantwortlichen Vorlesenden bei der
Lehrorganisation und der Koordinierung von Betreuungsaufgaben sowie bei
der Anleitung von ?bungsleitern und Tutoren
* Organisation der Fachinformation und Pflege des Bibliotheksbestandes
der Fakult?t f?r Mathematik

Erfahrung in und Freude an Gestaltung, Organisation und Durchf?hrung
akademischer Lehre werden vorausgesetzt. Die Lehrbefugnis in einem
mathematischen Fachgebiet ist von Vorteil, ebenso ein
Forschungsschwerpunkt in einem Bereich nahe der Wirtschaftsmathematik
und Interesse an Themen der Statistik und Stochastik. Dar?ber hinaus
wird nachhaltiges Interesse an eigenst?ndiger Forschung, die
Bereitschaft zur Kooperation mit den Forschungsgruppen der Fakult?t f?r
Mathematik sowie zur Mitwirkung an organisatorischen Belangen der
Fakult?t erwartet.

Einstellungsvoraussetzung ist ein abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches
Hochschulstudium auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik, welches zur Zulassung
zum h?heren Dienst berechtigt. Weiterhin sind die
Einstellungsvoraussetzungen gem?? ? 71 des S?chsischen
Hochschulfreiheitsgesetzes zu erf?llen.

Die Technische Universit?t Chemnitz strebt einen hohen Anteil von Frauen
in der Lehre und Forschung an. Qualifizierte Frauen sind deshalb
ausdr?cklich aufgefordert sich zu bewerben. Schwerbehinderte Menschen
werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt ber?cksichtigt.

Bewerbungen mit den ?blichen Unterlagen senden Sie bitte bis zum
02.01.2014 als pdf-file an sowie
zus?tzlich schriftlich an:

Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann
Technische Universit?t Chemnitz
Fakult?t f?r Mathematik
09107 Chemnitz


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 00:48:13 +0100
From: Ross Kang <>
Subject: [DMANET] SAM "Probability and Combinatorics", Eurandom,
Eindhoven, January 2014, 1st CfP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

We are excited to announce the Stochastic Activity Month (SAM) on
?Probability and Combinatorics".

The event takes place at Eurandom, on the campus of Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands during the month
of January 2014.

Activities include:

- A workshop on "Probability and Graphs", 6-10 January. To be opened
by Joel Spencer, one of the central researchers in the area. The focus
is on random graphs, probabilistic combinatorics and graph limits.

- A mini-course week. "Graph limits", 13 January, Christian Borgs and
Yufei Zhao. "Analysis of Boolean functions", 14-16 January, Guy
Kindler. "Probabilistic aspects of Minimal Spanning Trees", 15-16
January, Louigi Addario-Berry, Nicolas Broutin, Christina Goldschmidt,
Gr?gory Miermont.

- A short workshop on "Networks with community structure", 22-23
January. The meeting concerns models, processes and algorithms
relating to networks and graphs with community structure.

We are proud to count on the involvement of many of the most prominent
researchers in probability and combinatorics.

Some more information, including registration and practical details,
can be found at

We look forward to welcoming you to Eindhoven for one or more of these

The organizers,

Nikhil Bansal
Jan Draisma
Remco van der Hofstad
Ross Kang
Julia Komj?thy
Tobias M?ller


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 08:43:39 +0330
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for paper (Journal of Operational Research and
Decision Science Studies)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Dear Professor\Colleagues\Authors
We would like to invite you to submit your research paper for possible
publication in Journal of Operational Research and Decision Science
Studies (JORDS). It is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Novel
Science. The journal focuses on the following topics:
? Continuous Optimization, Computational Intelligence and Information
? mathematical modeling
? Multi-Criteria Decision Methods
? Discrete Optimization and Expert Systems
? Heuristics Mathematical Programming
? Case Studies, Applications in all Areas of Sciences, Engineering and
? Econometric and statistical method
JORDS seeks to provide a forum for debates on practical and policy
implications to ustainable development. This journal also encourages
studies on solutions to improve corporate erformance towards
It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to
contribute innovative research in the field. JORDS carries original and
full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments
in both theoretical and practical aspects of management, applied
mathematics and industrial engineering.
JORDS is devoted to rapid dissemination of significant research and is
the fastest submission-to-online journal. Accepted manuscripts will be
published online immediately for free of publication fee.
The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online
versions are free access and download.
If you are interested in joining the Advisory Board, please send your
C.V. to for review and evaluation.
You can visit us at:
Editorial Office
Journal of Operational Research and Decision Science Studies


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 69, Issue 22

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