Friday, May 2, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 75, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

1. Don't miss the ACM PODC Workshop on Software-Defined
Networking (Stefan Schmid)
2. Post doctoral researcher in network analysis and modelling,
University of Reading, UK (Danica Vukadinovic Greetham)
3. 1st Greifswald Phylogenetics Meeting (Mareike Fischer)
4. Engineering, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral positions in Bordeaux
(Francois Vanderbeck)
5. Full professor opening at Warwick (Dan Kral)
6. CLAIO Monterrey 2014: Abstract extended deadline (Roger Z Rios)
7. Post-Doctorate position in Operations Research / Discrete
Optimization (Igor Averbakh)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 05:54:13 -0400
From: "Stefan Schmid" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Don't miss the ACM PODC Workshop on Software-Defined
Message-ID: <068a01cf645a$254225c0$6fc67140$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


PODC Workshop on Distributed Software-Defined Networks (DSDN)

July 15, 2014
Paris, France


-????????? Confirmed Invited Speakers: Nate Foster (Cornell University,
USA), Marco Canini (UC Louvain, Belgium), Yehuda Afek (TAU, Israel)


The Workshop on Distributed Software-Defined Networks (DSDN) is a forum to
discuss new algorithmic and distributed computing challenges offered by the
emerging field of
Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN abstracts the cumbersome task of
computer network management to a distinct control plane with a standard
programming interface.
Distributed implementations of the control plane give rise to new and
interesting concurrency scenarios to be addressed by the distributed
computing community.


The workshop is going to take place on 15 July in Paris, France, co-located
with PODC 2014.

The program will combine peer-reviewed presentations (around 30min) with
invited talks (between 30 and 60 min), both from researchers in the field of
computing as well as from researchers in the field of networking. As such,
the goal of the DSDN workshop is to provide a forum where the distributed
computing and
networking communities can meet and learn from their respective fields.


Submissions (in PDF) are done by email to and, and
should briefly (in 1-2 pages)? describe the content of
the presentation. The abstracts will appear on the DSDN website, but will
not be included in the PODC proceedings.

The presentations can report on and summarize previous work, present early
new results or put forward new and outrageous ideas.


? Submission deadline: May 30, 2014
? Notification: June 10, 2014


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:47:08 +0100
From: Danica Vukadinovic Greetham <>
Subject: [DMANET] Post doctoral researcher in network analysis and
modelling, University of Reading, UK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

As a part of EPSRC funded Horizon Hub, we have a 9 months fixed term
position for a post-doctoral researcher in social network analysis and
modelling. The position is based in the Centre for the mathematics of
human behaviour (CMoHB, ), Department
of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading and will be
focused on analysis and modelling of dynamics and mood on social
networks, based on two small human studies and a large online social
network dataset.
Deadline for applications: May 22, 2014.

Contact information
For further inquiries please contact:
Dr. Danica Greetham (

For more information about this vacancy please check


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:40:01 +0200
From: Mareike Fischer <>
Subject: [DMANET] 1st Greifswald Phylogenetics Meeting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Attention! Only few slots still available! Due to various requests, even though the deadline for registration and abstract submission has already passed, we will fill additional slots on a first-come, first-serve basis. So if you are interested to attend our meeting or if you know someone who might be, please spread the word!!!

I herewith want to announce the 1st Greifswald Phylogenetics Meeting,
which will be held in Greifswald (north eastern Germany) from the 14th
till the 16th of July 2014.

Registration is now open and the deadline (both for registration as well as for abstract submission) has been postponed due to various requests. There are still a few free slots, so please register asap!

Our conference poster can be found here: Feel free to print it and forward it to anybody who might be interested! For more details, please visit the conference website:

This meeting will have a particular focus on mathematical (e.g. graph
theoretical, combinatorial, probabilistic and algebraic) aspects of
evolutionary tree or network reconstruction, but it will also bring
together scientists from different disciplines in order to provide the
opportunity of close collaboration.


Phylogenetics is an interdisciplinary research area that aims at
reconstructing the evolutionary history of biological systems such
as, for example, collections of species, populations or groups of
bio-molecules. To achieve this, biologists work closely together with
mathematicians and computer scientists. The conference will provide
researchers from all three involved disciplines an opportunity to present
their recent work and exchange ideas.

Location: Greifswald is a beautiful little town located directly at
the Baltic Sea in close proximity to the famous islands R?gen and
Usedom. Greifswald university was founded in 1496 and has therefore a
long tradition and history. Being a former Hanse town, Greifswald is
famous for its historic market square, its cathedral and the museum
harbor. Other famous towns like Stralsund with the Oceaneum or the
world cultural heritage city of Wismar are nearby, as well as the
city of Rostock with its newly established Darwineum. The region is a
holiday region but not too crowded by tourists. In July the weather is
most likely to be great and we hope that if you can come to our meeting,
you will find the time to stay longer and enjoy this unique area. There
is a direct and regular train connection to and from Berlin, and the
nearest international airports are Hamburg and Berlin.

Please note that the meeting starts early on the 14th with one of our
highlight talks and ends in the evening of the 16th with another highlight
talk - so if possible, please plan your stay from the 13th till the 17th
of July.

The registration fee is 150 Euros (100 Euros for students).

Organizers: Mareike Fischer, Andreas Spillner, Martin Haase

Invited speakers: Olaf Bininda-Emonds, Mike Steel, Vince Moulton, Allen Rodrigo

For more details, visit our website
or contact Mareike Fischer:

Mareike Fischer <>


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 16:26:00 +0200
From: Francois Vanderbeck <>
Subject: [DMANET] Engineering, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral positions in
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

RealOpt is a joint team between INRIA and the University of Bordeaux, doing research in mathematical optimization with a focus on decomposition and extended formulation approaches. Current academic and industrial projects concern large scale planning problems, accounting for stochastic events, and online re-optimization. Partners include both large groups (EDF, Saint-Gobain, Thales) and local firms (Exeo, Ertus). To contribute to these projects, the team is recruiting on Engineering, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral positions.

Please forward this announcement to any potential candidates (French or English speaking), with a strong background in mathematical programming methods and numerical validation, inviting them to contact us for further details.

Francois Vanderbeck
Institut of Mathematics (IMB), University of Bordeaux
Team ReAlOpt, INRIA-Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 17:48:32 +0100
From: Dan Kral <>
Subject: [DMANET] Full professor opening at Warwick
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to a full professor opening at the
Department of Computer Science of the University of Warwick. The call
is open for candidates from all areas of computer science including
those related to theoretical computer science and discrete
mathematics, which fall in the research areas of the university
interdisciplinary Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
(DIMAP). Further details can be found via the following link:

Best regards,

Dan Kral


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 06:53:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: Roger Z Rios <>
Subject: [DMANET] CLAIO Monterrey 2014: Abstract extended deadline
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

*** The only-abstract submission deadline is extended to 15 May 2014

Joint ALIO/SMIO Conference
Monterrey, Mexico
6-10 October 2014


We invite members of the Latin-Iberian-American Association of
Operations Research (ALIO) and the worldwide Operational
Research (OR) community to take part in the
XVII Latin-Iberian-American Conference on Operations Research
held jointly with the III Conference of the Mexican Society of
Operations Research (CLAIO/CSMIO 2014) in Monterrey, Mexico,
October 6-10, 2014. The academic program will consist of parallel,
technical, plenary talks, tutorials, and short courses,
covering several aspects of OR.


To participate, an abstract of 1000 characters must be submitted.

Abstracts may be written in Spanish, English, or
Portuguese, the three official languages of CLAIO.
All accepted abstracts will be published in
the conference book of abstracts.

A post-conference special issue of "Annals of Operations Research"
devoted to the best works of the conference will be published.
See details in the conference web site.


15/Mar/2014 (Optional) Paper submission deadline (CLOSED).
15/May/2014 Abstract-only submission deadline (extended).
01/Jun/2014 Paper acceptance/rejection notification.
15/Jun/2014 Abstract acceptance/rejection notification.
15/Jun/2014 Camera-ready paper deadline.
31/Jul/2014 Early registration deadline


Carlos Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico
Elena Fernandez, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Hector Cancela, Universidad de La Republica, Uruguay
Jonathan F. Bard, U. of Texas at Austin, USA
Sheldon M. Ross, U. of Southern California, USA


Andres Weintraub, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA
Jose Holguin-Veras, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Paolo Toth, University of Bologna, Italy
Ruben Ruiz, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain


Angelica Lozano, UNAM
Cristina Gigola, ITAM
Eduardo Fernandez, UAS
Idalia Flores, UNAM
Juan A. Diaz, UDLA


Conference Chairs:
Jose Luis Gonzalez-Velarde (Tecnologico de Monterrey)
and Roger Z. Rios (UANL)

Program Committee:
Chair - Manuel Laguna (U. of Colorado, USA)
Adenso Diaz (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
Andres Medaglia (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Andres Weintraub (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Belen Melian (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain)
Carlos Andres Romano (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Carlos Paternina (Universidad del Norte, Colombia)
Debora Ronconi (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Francisco R. Angel-Bello (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico)
Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama (Universidad de Lisboa, Portugal)
Geraldo Robson Mateus (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) Gladys
Maquera (Universidad Peruana Unin, Peru)
Gregorio Tirado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Gulnara Baldoqun (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia)
Irene Loiseau (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Joaquin Pacheco (Universidad de Burgos, Spain)
Jose Hernandez (Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas, Venezuela)
Lorena Pradenas (Universidad de Concepcion, Chile)
Luis Miguel Torres (Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador)
Maria Alvarez Rivas (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru)
Marita Urquhart (Universidad de La Republica, Uruguay)
Nelson Maculan (Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Onesimo Hernandez (CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico)
Pablo Miranda (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaso, Chile)
Regina Berretta (University of Newcastle, Australia)
Vincent Boyer (UANL, Mexico)

Organizing Committee: Ada Alvarez (UANL), Angelica Salazar (UANL),
Fernando Camacho (UANL), Iris Martinez (UANL), Maricarmen Temblador
(Tecnologico de Monterrey), Romeo Sanchez (UANL), Tomas Sanchez
(Tecnologico de Monterrey), Yajaira Cardona (Tecnologico de Monterrey),
Yasmin Rios (UANL)

See you in Monterrey!!!!


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 18:16:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Igor Averbakh <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Post-Doctorate position in Operations Research /
Discrete Optimization
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral position at the University of Toronto. The broad area of research is Operations Research with possible focus areas in Discrete Optimization, Scheduling, Network Optimization, Facility Location, or Stochastic Modeling. However, strong applicants in all areas of Operations Research will be considered. The applicants should be within 5 years (or close to completion) of their Ph.D. in Operations Research / Management, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or a related field.
??? The initial contract will be for 6-12 months, with a possibility of extensions for up to 2 years. To apply, send a C.V. and a sample of recent research (papers, preprints, etc.) electronically to professor Igor Averbakh at


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 75, Issue 1

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