Friday, May 23, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 75, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

1. Second Call for Papers - Graph Drawing 2014
(Duncan, Christian A. Prof.)
2. Deadline Approaching (June 15), Special issue on Critical
Systems Modeling and Security, Elsevier Computers & Electrical
Engineering Journal (Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro)
3. Special session: Graph Theory and Applications in Metz 3-5
November 2014 (CODIT'14) (S?bastien Martin)
4. Postdoc position in Discrete Math. and Optimization at the
University of S?o Paulo (Fernando Mario Oliveira Filho)
5. NICTA 3rd International Optimisation Summer School - Call for
Participation (Victor Pillac)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 10:52:45 +0000
From: "Duncan, Christian A. Prof." <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Second Call for Papers - Graph Drawing 2014
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

For a PDF version visit the following site:

Submissions are now being accepted.

Second Call for Papers ? Graph Drawing 2014
22nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing
September 24-26, 2014 * Wuerzburg, Germany
**** The web page is now open for submissions. ****

Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs
and networks and the algorithmic methods for visualizing them. It is
motivated by applications where it is crucial to visually analyze and
interact with relational datasets. Examples of such application areas
include social sciences, Internet and Web computing, information
systems, computational biology, networking, VLSI circuit design, and
software engineering.

The International Symposium on Graph Drawing is the main annual event
in this area and will be hosted by the University of Wuerzburg from
September 24 to 26, 2014, in Wuerzburg, Germany. Researchers and
practitioners working on any aspect of graph drawing and network
visualization are invited to contribute papers and posters and to
participate in the symposium and the graph drawing contest.


All deadlines are 23:59 GMT and fixed. There will be no extensions.

Paper submission deadline: June 13, 2014
Notification of paper acceptance: July 23
Poster submission deadline: August 19
Notification of poster acceptance: August 29
Final versions due: September 3
Contest submission deadline: September 22
Symposium on Graph Drawing: September 24-26


Oswin Aichholzer, TU Graz
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA, Paris


Submitted papers must describe original research of theoretical or
practical significance to graph drawing and network visualization.
Each paper must be submitted explicitly to one of two distinct tracks.
Papers submitted to one track will not compete with papers submitted
to the other track.

Track 1: Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects

This track is mainly devoted to fundamental graph drawing advances,
such as combinatorial aspects and algorithm design. The range of
topics for this track includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Design and analysis of graph drawing algorithms
- Theory of geometric graphs
- Geometric computing
- Geometric and topological graph theory
- Optimization on graphs

Track 2: Experimental, applied, and network visualization aspects

This track is mainly devoted to the practical aspects of graph
drawing, such as the development of network visualization systems and
interfaces in different application areas. The range of topics for
this track includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Visualization of graphs and networks in application areas (e.g.,
social sciences, biology, cartography, software engineering,
circuit design, business intelligence)
- Software systems for graph visualization
- The engineering of visualization systems and algorithms
- Experimental results in graph theory and graph algorithms
- Benchmarks and experimental analysis for graph visualization
systems and user interfaces
- Cognitive studies on graph drawing readability and user interaction
- Interfaces for interacting with graphs

All submissions must be formatted using the LATEX style file for the
conference series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) provided by
Springer-Verlag. The margins and font size must not be
modified. Submissions that do not comply with this format risk being
rejected. Each submission may be up to 12 pages in length. The
claims of the paper should be fully substantiated, including full
proofs or appropriate experimental data. If this information does not
fit within the page limits, the authors should include it in a clearly
marked appendix, whose length is not constrained and which the
reviewers may read at their own discretion.


Submissions of posters on graph drawing and related areas are also
solicited. The poster session will provide a forum for the
communication of late-breaking research results (which may also appear
elsewhere) to the graph drawing community. Posters should be
accompanied by an abstract (up to two pages in the single-spaced LNCS
style). The abstract and poster must be submitted as a single pdf


The graph drawing contest held in conjunction with the conference
traditionally begins after the initial paper submission deadline has
passed. Further details will be available on the conference website.


Accepted papers and abstracts of accepted posters will appear in the
conference proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag in the series
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Selected papers will be invited
for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms
and Applications.


To recognize the effort of participants to present their work in a
clear and elegant way, a best-presentation award will once again be
given this year.


Patrizio Angelini, Univ. Roma Tre
Daniel Archambault, Swansea Univ.
David Auber, LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux
Michael Bekos, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens
Anastasia Bezerianos, LRI-Univ. Paris-Sud
Franz Brandenburg, Univ. Passau
Erin Chambers, St. Louis Univ.
Stephan Diehl, Univ. Trier
Christian Duncan (co-chair), Quinnipiac Univ.
Tim Dwyer, Monash Univ.
David Eppstein, Univ. of California, Irvine
Emden Gansner, AT&T Research Labs
Michael Kaufmann, Univ. Tuebingen
Stephen Kobourov, Univ. of Arizona
Jan Kratochvil, Charles Univ. Prague
Giuseppe Liotta, Univ. of Perugia
Maarten Loeffler, Utrecht Univ.
Anna Lubiw, Univ. of Waterloo
Petra Mutzel, Univ. Dortmund
Lev Nachmanson, Microsoft Research
Antonios Symvonis (co-chair), Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens
Ioannis Tollis, Univ. of Crete
Dorothea Wagner, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech.
Hsu-Chun Yen, Nat. Taiwan Univ.


Krzysztof Fleszar, Univ. of Wuerzburg
Philipp Kindermann, Univ. of Wuerzburg
Joachim Spoerhase, Univ. of Wuerzburg
Alexander Wolff (chair), Univ. of Wuerzburg


Carsten Gutwenger (chair), TU Dortmund
Maarten Loeffler, Utrecht Univ.
Lev Nachmanson, Microsoft Research
Ignaz Rutter, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 13:44:12 +0200
From: Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline Approaching (June 15), Special issue on
Critical Systems Modeling and Security, Elsevier Computers &
Electrical Engineering Journal
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

**Call for Papers**

Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering (CAEE) Special issue on
Critical Systems Modeling and Security


*Aim and Scope*

Modeling is an essential tool for the study and analysis of security
and dependability of Critical Information Infrastructures. It can be
used to evaluate properties such as disruption, disturbance and loss
of information, and to anticipate incidents that could lead to
situations involving economical, material and, even, human loss. This
special issue is intended to report the most recent research works
related to security threats, critical service malfunctioning or
information leakage targeting, among others, SCADA, Industrial Control
Systems and other Critical Scenarios, associated to both government
and industrial companies. It also seeks to report new needs,
approaches, methods and tools addressing this crucial topic.

*Topics of Interest*

The objective is to bring together advances particularly in the
following fields (not limited to):

-- Attack and vulnerability analysis
-- Benchmarking and statistical analysis tools
-- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
-- Cybersecurity and cyberwarfare modeling
-- Continuity of services
-- Dependable communication models
-- Early Warning Systems
-- Embedded Technologies Security
-- Intrusion detection and prevention in Critical Scenarios
-- Fault tolerance and incident response
-- Risk analysis and management
-- SCADA/DCS and Control System Security
-- Secure information sharing
-- Security and dependability logistic models
-- Self-management architectures
-- Situation awareness and response optimization
-- Trust and reputation management in Critical Scenarios

*Submission Guidelines*

Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, presentation,
relevance and contribution to the topic associated to the special
issue, and for their overall quality. The submitted papers have to
describe original research which has not been published nor currently
under review by other journals or conferences. Guest editors will make
an initial determination of the suitability and scope of all
submissions. Papers that either lack originality, clarity in
presentation or fall outside the scope of the special issue will not
be sent for review and authors will be promptly informed in such

Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at:

Papers should be submitted via the EES application that can be found

To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion
into the special issue, it is important that authors select SI-sec4
when they reach the 'Article Type' step in the submission process.


Manuscript Due: June 15, 2014
First Round of Reviews: October 15, 2014
Second Round of Reviews: November 31, 2014
Acceptance of Final papers: January 15, 2015
Final Manuscript Due: February 15, 2015
Publication Date: October 2015

*Guest Editors*

Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France

Francesco Longo
University of Calabria, Italy

Gregorio Martinez Perez
University of Murcia, Spain

More info at:


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 17:02:23 +0200
From: S?bastien Martin <>
Subject: [DMANET] Special session: Graph Theory and Applications in
Metz 3-5 November 2014 (CODIT'14)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

---------------------------------- ** Call for Paper **

Special Session on
Graph Theory and Applications

at International Conference on Control, Decision and Information
Technologies (CODIT'14),
IEEE Conference,

November 3 - 5, 2014, Universit? de Lorraine, Metz, France.


This special session focuses on a variety of topics in graph theory,
such as structural results about graphs,
graph algorithms with theoretical emphasis, and discrete optimization on
The aim of this special session is to present recent advances on
well-known graph problems (and variants)
and also on new problems related to industrial application.

- All aspect of Graph Theory
- Graph Algorithms
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Complexity
- Approximation Algorithms

Please submit your full paper (maximum of 6 pages in the standard IEEE
conference double column format)
or extended abstract of 2 to 3 pages choosing the right track on the
Easychair site:

Important Dates:
June 1st, 2014: deadline for paper submission,
July 10, 2014: notification of acceptance/reject,
September 10, 2014: deadline for final paper and registration.

S?bastien Martin
LCOMS - Universit? de Lorraine, Metz, France.

S?bastien Martin
Ma?tre de Conf?rences ? l'IUT de Metz et au LCOMS.
Bureau B37
IUT de Metz
Ile du Saulcy
57045 Metz cedex
T?l?phone : 03 87 31 51 59


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 19:42:46 -0300
From: Fernando Mario Oliveira Filho <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc position in Discrete Math. and Optimization
at the University of S?o Paulo
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The Combinatorics and Optimization group at the Institute of
Mathematics and Statistics of the University of S?o Paulo, Brazil,
invites applications for a postdoc fellowship in the context of the
project "Optimization Methods for Extremal Geometry", which is a part
of FAPESP project 13/03447-6 "Combinatorial structures, optimization,
and algorithms in theoretical Computer Science".

We are looking for candidates with a strong background in areas such
as combinatorial optimization, semidefinite programming, discrete
geometry, graph theory, and combinatorics, but more so than specific
knowledge in any of these areas, we will be looking at the depth of
the applicant's research and his/her proficiency in applying
optimization methods. No teaching is involved.

The salary is BRL 5,908.80/month, tax-free. For those living outside
of S?o Paulo, the flight will be reimbursed, and a further salary is
given for moving costs. There is also an allowance of BRL 10,634.40
per year for travel and other costs related to the project. The
fellowship is granted for a period of 12 months, which can be extended
for a further 12 months based on performance.

Candidates must have obtained their PhD degrees in the past 7 years.

The start date is August 1st, 2014 (negotiable).

Deadline for application: June 15th, 2014.

Applications should consist of (1) a Curriculum Vitae including a
publications list; (2) a research statement (max. 5 pages) detailing
past research and including future research directions; (3) names and
emails of 3 references. The application should be sent AS A SINGLE PDF

Informal inquiries about the position can be sent to

Fernando M?rio de Oliveira Filho
Instituto de Matem?tica e Estat?stica
Universidade de S?o Paulo


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 01:20:33 +0000
From: Victor Pillac <>
Subject: [DMANET] NICTA 3rd International Optimisation Summer School -
Call for Participation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Dear colleagues

Please circulate amongst your contacts and colleagues. We?re especially keen to attract undergraduate students (3rd year or later) who will both be able to attend without cost and will be assigned a mentor to help guide them. Note that we will offer a $200 grant to two female undergraduates to assist with travel expenses.


NICTA 3rd International Optimisation Summer School
Kiola, New South Wales, Australia
January 11th to 16th 2015
Call for Participation

Spend a week by the beach learning about the latest optimisation technologies. How can you help a business reduces its costs? Or reduce their carbon footprint? Or do both?

The school will focus on solving large scale combinatorial optimisation problems in practice. It is intended for undergraduate students (3rd year or later), masters or early stage PhD students. Every undergraduate participant will be assigned an individual mentor.

Topics covered include: introduction to constraint programming, modelling, integer programming, column generation, uncertainty, vehicle routing, scheduling, supply networks and research skills.

Lecturers include Simon Dunstall, Phil Kilby, Pascal van Hentenryck, Peter Stuckey, Mark Wallace and Toby Walsh.


The registration page is open now ( and applicants will be considered as they are received. Undergraduates attend for free. Yes, a week by the beach paid for with fun and games! Postgraduates need pay just $250 which covers 5 nights accommodation, all food and drink, and the coach transfer from Sydney. In addition, NICTA will be offering a $200 grant to two female undergraduates to assist with travel expenses.


Prof. Toby Walsh, NICTA and UNSW.

Local information

The School will again be held at ANU's beautiful seaside campus at Kioloa, near Bawley Point on the south coast of New South Wales.


The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments.


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 75, Issue 21

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