Wednesday, June 11, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 11

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Today's Topics:

1. MFCS 2014: Call for Participation (
2. ISAAC 2014: Final Call for Papers (Yoonho Hwang)
3. "Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling
Problems" - GOThA Group (Imed Kacem)
4. PhD student position at Universit? libre de Bruxelles
(Brussels, Belgium) (Samuel Fiorini)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 13:05:51 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [DMANET] MFCS 2014: Call for Participation
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8


39th International Symposium on
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
MFCS 2014

Budapest, August 25--29, 2014

The series of MFCS symposia, organized since 1972, has a long and
well-established tradition. The MFCS conferences encourage high-quality
research in all branches of theoretical computer science. Their broad
scope provides an opportunity to bring together researchers who do not
usually meet at specialized conferences.

Principal topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
algorithms and data structures (incl. sequential, parallel,
distributed, randomized, approximation, graph, network, on-line,
parameterized, optimization algorithms), algorithmic game theory,
algorithmic learning theory, computational complexity (structural and
model-related), computational geometry, models of computation, networks
(incl. wireless, sensor, ad-hoc networks), parallel and distributed
computing, quantum computing, automata, grammars and formal languages,
combinatorics on words, trees, and other structures, bioinformatics,
computer-assisted reasoning, concurrency theory, cryptography and
security, databases and knowledge-based systems, formal specifications
and program development, foundations of computing, logic, algebra and
categories in computer science, types in computer science, mobile
computing, semantics and verification of programs, theoretical issues
in artificial intelligence.

The scientific program of MFCS 2014 contains 7 invited lectures and
presentations of 95 contributed papers.

*Invited speakers*
- Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria)
- Achim Jung (U. of Birmingham, UK)
- D\'aniel Marx (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
- Peter Bro Miltersen (Aarhus U., Denmark)
- Cyril Nicaud (U. Paris-Est, Marne-la-Vall\'ee, France)
- Alexander Sherstov (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA)
- Christian Sohler (TU Dortmund, Germany)

The contributed papers have been selected by the Program Committee
from a total of 270 submitted papers.

*Accepted papers*

*Program Committee*
- Albert Atserias (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)
- Giorgio Ausiello (U. "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy)
- Jos Baeten (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Therese Biedl (U. of Waterloo, Canada)
- Miko{\l}aj Boja\'nczyk (Warsaw U., Poland)
- Gerth St{\o}lting Brodal (Aarhus U., Denmark)
- Christian Choffrut (U. Paris Diderot, France)
- Erzs\'ebet Csuhaj-Varj\'u (E\"otv\"os Lor\'and U., Budapest, Hungary,
- Rocco De Nicola (IMT Lucca, Italy)
- Martin Dietzfelbinger (TU Ilmenau, Germany, co-chair)
- Manfred Droste (U. of Leipzig, Germany)
- Robert Els\"asser (U. Salzburg, Austria)
- Zolt\'an \'Esik (U. of Szeged, Hungary, chair)
- Uli Fahrenberg (Irisa/INRIA Rennes, France)
- Fedor V. Fomin (U. of Bergen, Norway)
- Fabio Gadducci (U. of Pisa, Italy)
- Anna G\'al (U. of Texas, Austin, USA)
- Dora Giammarresi (U. "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy)
- Roberto Grossi (U. of Pisa, Italy)
- Anupam Gupta (CMU, Pittsburgh, USA)
- Michel Habib (U. Paris Diderot, France)
- Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen (Aarhus U., Denmark)
- Edith Hemaspaandra (RIT, Rochester, USA)
- Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto U., Japan)
- Yoshihiko Kakutani (U. of Tokyo, Japan)
- Juhani Karhum\"aki (U. of Turku, Finland)
- Bakhadyr Khoussainov (U. of Auckland, New Zealand)
- Elias Koutsoupias (U. of Oxford, UK)
- Rastislav Kr\'alovi\v{c} (Comenius U., Bratislava, Slovakia)
- Jan Kratochvil (Charles U., Prague, Czech Republic)
- Stefan Kratsch (TU Berlin, Germany)
- Amit Kumar (IIT, New Delhi, India)
- Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg U., Denmark)
- Fr\'ed\'eric Magniez (U. Paris Diderot, France)
- Ralph Matthes (U. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
- Madhavan Mukund (CMI, Chennai, India)
- Jean-\'Eric Pin (LIAFA, U. Paris Diderot and CNRS, Paris, France)
- Alexander Rabinovich (Tel Aviv U., Israel)
- Peter Rossmanith (RWTH Aachen U., Germany)
- Jan Rutten (CWI, Amsterdam and Radboud U. Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Wojciech Rytter (Warsaw U., Poland)
- Luigi Santocanale (Aix-Marseille U., France)
- Christian Scheideler (U. of Paderborn, Germany)
- Thomas Schwentick (TU Dortmund, Germany)
- Alex Simpson (U. of Edinburgh, UK)
- Mohit Singh (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA)
- Klaus Sutner (CMU, Pittsburgh, USA)
- G\'abor Tardos (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
- Gy\"orgy Tur\'an (U. of Illinois, Chicago, USA)
- Peter Widmayer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Philipp Woelfel (U. of Calgary, Canada)

To register for MFCS 2014 or for any further information, please go to
*Early registration ends on June 22, 2014.*

We look forward to seeing you in Budapest.

The scientific part of the conference is organized by the Faculty of
Informatics, E\"otv\"os Lor\'and University, Budapest, and the
Department of Foundations of Computer Science, Faculty of Science
and Informatics, University of Szeged, in cooperation with EATCS.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 21:58:38 +0900
From: Yoonho Hwang <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] ISAAC 2014: Final Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
(ISAAC 2014)

December 15-17, 2014

Jeonju, Korea

The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2014)
will be held in Jeonju, Korea during December 15-17, 2014. The symposium is
intended to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory
of computation. Papers presenting original research in the areas of algorithms
and theory of computation are sought. Papers in relevant applied areas are
also welcomed.

* Ulrik Brandes (University of Konstanz)
* Giuseppe F. Italiano (Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata")

* Submission deadline: June 16, 2014 (23:59 Honolulu Time)
* Notification date: August 29, 2014
* Final version due: September 19, 2014

The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.
Selected papers will be invited to special issues of Algorithmica and
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications.

The submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques,
and results, including motivation and a comparison with related work.
The main text, including title, abstract, and references, should not exceed
11 pages in LNCS style. An optional appendix should be used to provide proof
details that do not fit in the main text. Submitted papers must describe
unpublished work.
Authors should not submit papers with the same results or essentially
the same results that are accepted or published or under review by a
conference with refereed proceedings or a journal.
Only electronic submission will be allowed and only pdf files will be accepted.

Submission is now open at EasyChair:

At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to present the paper at
the conference as a registered participant.

A Best Paper and a Best Student Paper may be awarded. A paper is eligible for
the Best Student Paper Award if all authors are full-time students at the time
of submission. To indicate that a submission is eligible, please add the phrase
"Eligible for the Best Student Paper Award" in the abstract.

* Kunsoo Park, Seoul National University, Korea

* Hee-Kap Ahn, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea
* Chan-Su Shin, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

* Peter Brass (City College of New York, USA)
* Gerth St\olting Brodal (Madalgo, Denmark)
* Xavier Goaoc (University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee, France)
* Simon Gog (University of Melbourne, Australia)
* Mordecai Golin (HKUST, Hong Kong)
* Roberto Grossi (Pisa, Italy)
* Sungjin Im (UC Merced, USA)
* Rahul Jain (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
* Akinori Kawachi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
* Christian Knauer (Bayreuth University, Germany)
* Pinyan Lu (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
* Kazuhisa Makino (RIMS, Japan)
* Peter Bro Miltersen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
* Wolfgang Mulzer (FU Berlin, Germany)
* Joong Chae Na (Sejong University, Korea)
* Saket Saurabh (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India)
* Srinivasa Rao Satti (SNU, Korea)
* Tetsuo Shibuya (University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Michiel Smid (Carleton University, Canada)
* Hisao Tamaki (Meiji University, Japan)
* Gerhard Woeginger (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
* Alexander Wolff (Universit\"{a}t W\"{u}rzburg, Germany)
* Bang Ye Wu (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
* Chee Yap (New York University, USA)
* Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
* Xiao Zhou (Tohoku University, Japan)
* Louxin Zhang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
* Peng Zhang (Shandong University, China)
* Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA)

* Hee-Kap Ahn (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea)
* Sang Won Bae (Kyonggi University, Korea)
* Yo-Sub Han (Yonsei University, Korea)


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 19:42:58 +0200
From: Imed Kacem <>
Subject: [DMANET] "Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms for
Scheduling Problems" - GOThA Group
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Dear colleagues,

Due to many requests, the deadline for submission to Codit 2014 has been
extended to June 20th.
If you need an extension, please contact me.
Best regards,

---------------------------------- ** Call for Paper **
Special Session on
"Heuristics and Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Problems" -
GOThA Group

at CODIT'14 to be held on 3-5 November, 2014, Universit? de Lorraine,
Metz, France.

Session description:
For several decades, the scheduling problems have constituted a
privileged topic. Motivated by their industrial applications, several
research teams studied these problems and proposed various models and
resolution approaches. The aim of this

Special session is to present the recent heuristics and approximation
algorithms in this field. Theoretical and practical works can both be
submitted. Both works with applicative or theoretical aspects are
encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the
following topics:

- Scheduling theory
- Approximation algorithms and schemes applied to solve scheduling problems
- Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches
- Polynomial approximation
- Worste-case analysis of heuristics

Submission information:

Important Dates:
June 20, 2014: deadline for paper submission,
September 10, 2014: deadline for final paper and registration.

Session chair:
Imed Kacem, LCOMS Lab, Universit? de Lorraine, Metz, France


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 00:46:24 +0200
From: Samuel Fiorini <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD student position at Universit? libre de
Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Universit? libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Brussels (Belgium) has one open PhD student position within the ERC project FOREFRONT (Frontiers of Extended Formulations), with funding for four years. Highly motivated students with interests in combinatorial optimization, discrete geometry and/or complexity theory (especially, communication complexity) are encouraged to apply.

See for more information about the project and the way to apply.

The PhD position is expected to start in Fall 2014. Deadline for applications is July 6th, 2014. E-mail enquiries about the position are welcome.


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 11

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