Tuesday, June 10, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 9

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Today's Topics:

1. BigDat 2015: June 23, 2014 - 1st registration deadline (GRLMC)
2. Several Computer Scientist and Operations Researcher
Positions at Optym (Ravindra K. Ahuja)
3. WALCOM 2015 - 2nd Call for Paper (Dr. M. Sohel Rahman)
4. ACM CHANTS 2014 (co-located with ACM MobiCom): deadline
extension (Elisabetta Biondi)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 12:53:57 +0200
From: "GRLMC" <grlmc@urv.cat>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] BigDat 2015: June 23, 2014 - 1st registration
Message-ID: <B5E81D50481145EE86F736751C14BE6E@Carlos1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"



BigDat 2015

Tarragona, Spain

January 26-30, 2015

Organized by
Rovira i Virgili University



--- 1st registration deadline: June 23, 2014 ---



BigDat 2015 is a research training event for graduates and postgraduates in
the first steps of their academic career. It aims at updating them about the
most recent developments in the fast developing area of big data, which
covers a large spectrum of current exciting research, development and
innovation with an extraordinary potential for a huge impact on scientific
discoveries, medicine, engineering, business models, and society itself.
Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views
with the audience.

All big data subareas will be displayed, namely: foundations,
infrastructure, management, search and mining, security and privacy, and
applications. Main challenges of analytics, management and storage of big
data will be identified through 5 keynote lectures and 23 six-hour courses,
which will tackle the most lively and promising topics. The organizers
believe outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated
students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.


Graduate and postgraduates from around the world. There are no formal
pre-requisites in terms of academic degrees. However, since there will be
differences in the course levels, specific knowledge background may be
required for some of them.

BigDat 2015 is also appropriate for more senior people who want to keep
themselves updated on recent developments and future trends. They will
surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers,
industry leaders and innovators.


In addition to keynotes, 3 courses will run in parallel during the whole
event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they will be
willing to attend as well as to move from one to another.


BigDat 2015 will take place in Tarragona, located 90 kms. to the south of
Barcelona. The venue will be:

Campus Catalunya
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona


Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo! Research Labs, Barcelona), Big Data or Right
Data? - to be confirmed -

Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory), tba

Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University, Bloomington), tba

C. Lee Giles (Pennsylvania State University, University Park), tba

William D. Gropp (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), tba


Hendrik Blockeel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), [intermediate] Decision
Trees for Big Data Analytics

Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano),
[introductory/intermediate] End-User Access to Big Data Using Ontologies

Jiannong Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), [introductory/intermediate]
Programming with Big Data

Edward Y. Chang (HTC Corporation, New Taipei City), [introductory/advanced]
>From Design of Distributed and Online Algorithms to Hands-on Code Lab
Practice on Real Datasets

Ernesto Damiani (University of Milan), [introductory/intermediate] Process
Discovery and Predictive Decision Making from Big Data Sets and Streams

Gautam Das (University of Texas, Arlington), [intermediate/advanced] Mining
Deep Web Repositories

Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam), tba

Geoffrey C. Fox (Indiana University, Bloomington), tba

Minos Garofalakis (Technical University of Crete, Chania)
[intermediate/advanced], Querying Continuous Data Streams

Vasant G. Honavar (Pennsylvania State University, University Park)
[introductory/intermediate], Learning Predictive Models from Big Data

Mounia Lalmas (Yahoo! Research Labs, London), [introductory] Measuring User

Tao Li (Florida International University, Miami),
[introductory/intermediate] Data Mining Techniques to Understand Textual

Kwan-Liu Ma (University of California, Davis), [intermediate] Big Data

Christoph Meinel (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam),
[introductory/intermediate] New Computing Power by In-Memory and Multicore
to Tackle Big Data

David Padua (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), [intermediate] Data
Parallel Programming

Manish Parashar (Rutgers University, Piscataway), [intermediate] Big Data in
Simulation-based Science

Srinivasan Parthasarathy (Ohio State University, Columbus), [intermediate]
Scalable Data Analysis

Vijay V. Raghavan (University of Louisiana, Lafayette),
[introductory/intermediate] Visual Analytics of Time-evolving Large-scale

Pierangela Samarati (University of Milan), [intermediate], Data Security and
Privacy in the Cloud

Peter Sanders (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),
[introductory/intermediate] Algorithm Engineering for Large Data Sets

Johan Suykens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), [introductory/intermediate]
Fixed-size Kernel Models for Big Data

Domenico Talia (University of Calabria, Rende), [intermediate] Scalable Data
Mining on Parallel, Distributed and Cloud Computing Systems

Jieping Ye (Arizona State University, Tempe), [introductory/advanced]
Large-Scale Sparse Learning and Low Rank Modeling


Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Carlos Mart?n-Vide (Tarragona, chair)
Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


It has to be done at


The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is
only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be
helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course.

Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be
processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will
be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity
of the venue will be complete. It is much recommended to register prior to
the event.


As far as possible, participants are expected to stay full-time. Fees are a
flat rate covering the attendance to all courses during the week. There are
several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration


Suggestions of accommodation will be provided in due time.


Participants will be delivered a certificate of attendance.




BigDat 2015
Lilica Voicu
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34 977 559 543
Fax: +34 977 558 386


Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Este mensaje no contiene virus ni malware porque la protecci?n de avast! Antivirus est? activa.


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 18:11:51 +0000
From: "Ravindra K. Ahuja" <ravindra.ahuja@optym.com>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Several Computer Scientist and Operations Researcher
Positions at Optym

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear DMANET Subscribers,

Optym, formerly known as Innovative Scheduling, is developing optimization, simulation, data analytics and business intelligence products for the transportation and logistics industry that will create efficiencies of their operations. With its headquarter located in Gainesville, FL and branches in four countries, Optym has over 120 highly quality professionals and is rapidly growing. The company is seeking bright, motivated and ambitious individuals which will help Optym become a leading software provider for airlines, railroads, trucking and mining companies. The company is fully employee-owned and offers competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits package including profit sharing and stock options. Compensation and perks offered are well above industry standards, and based on candidates' capability and experience. Learn more about the company at: www.optym.com.

Job Description:

. Working with clients to identify the business need and requirements
. Developing algorithms to meet the business need
. Implementing algorithms using advanced data structures
. Performing data analysis and preparing data for models and algorithms
. R&D of new upcoming techniques and technology to bring into the company


. M.S. or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or Operations Research or Industrial Engineering
. Superb background in discrete and network optimization algorithms
. Excellent programming skills in object-oriented programming languages
. Understanding of key computer science concepts - algorithms and data structures
. Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills

Application Process:

Please email your resume for consideration to jobs.us@optym.com along with a cover letter explaining why you would be a great fit for the job and the company. Please include your GPAs for your degree programs and full publication list in your resume as these are important criteria in our selection process. If you have questions or clarifications, please contact us by email.

Ravindra K. Ahuja | President & CEO
Optym - Live Efficiently | 2153 SE Hawthorne Road, Gainesville, FL 32641 | USA
M: +1-352-870-8401 | ravindra.ahuja@optym.com
www.optym.com ?


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 00:39:23 +0700
From: "Dr. M. Sohel Rahman" <msrahman@cse.buet.ac.bd>
To: DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] WALCOM 2015 - 2nd Call for Paper
Message-ID: <20140608173737.M35597@cse.buet.ac.bd>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


9th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2015)
February 26- 28, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh



Submission deadline: September 18, 2014
Submission server: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=walcom2015


International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM) is intended
to provide an international forum for researchers working in the areas of
algorithms and computation. WALCOM 2015 will be held during February
26- 28, 2015 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. WALCOM 2015 is being organized in
cooperation with IEICE Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of
Computing (COMP) and the Special Interest Group for ALgorithms (SIGAL)
of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ).



Prof. Manindra Agrawal, Indian Institute of technology Kanpur, India
Goedel Prize winner for the paper "PRIMES is in P", 2006.

Prof. Shin-ichi Minato, Hokkaido University, Japan.
Research Director of ERATO (Exploratory Research for Advanced
Technology) MINATO Discrete Structure Manipulation System Project


Prof. Rajeev Raman, University of Leicester,
Professor of Computer Science



Paper Submission: 18 (Thu.) September, 2014 (23:59:59 GMT/UTC)
Notification: 11 (Tue.) November, 2014
Camera Ready Version: 28 (Fri.) November, 2014
Workshop : February 26 (Thu.) ? 28 (Sat.), 2015



The range of topics within the scope of the workshop of algorithms and
computation includes (but is not limited to): Approximation Algorithms,
Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Combinatorial Algorithms,
Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Biology, Computational Complexity,
Computational Geometry, Discrete Geometry, Data Structures, Experimental
Algorithm Methodologies, Graph Algorithms, Graph Drawing, Parallel and
Distributed Algorithms, Parameterized Complexity, Network Optimization,
Online Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms, String Algorithms.



Authors are invited to submit papers (extended abstracts) describing
original research of theoretical or practical significance to algorithms
and computation. Papers should not exceed 12 pages in LNCS style. Papers
significantly shorter than 12 pages are also welcome. If the authors feel
that more details are essential to substantiate the main claim of the
paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix that will be read at
the discretion of the Program Committee. Only electronic submission will
be allowed. Submitted papers must describe work not previously published.
They must not be submitted simultaneously to another conference with
refereed proceedings or to a journal.



Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will
be included in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.



Special issues dedicated to WALCOM 2015 will be published at the Journal
of Graph Algorithms and Applications and the Journal of Discrete Algorithms.



GUILLAUME BLIN, Marne-la-Vall?e University, France
HANS L. BODLAENDER, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
FRANCIS Y.L. CHIN, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
REZAUL A. CHOWDHURY, Stony Brook University, USA
SEOK-HEE HONG, University of Sydney, Australia
KAZUO IWAMA, Kyoto University, Japan
MING-YANG KAO, Northwestern University, USA
RALF KLASING, Universit? Bordeaux 1, France
MICHAEL LANGSTON, University of Tennessee, USA
ANDRZEJ LINGAS, Lund University, Sweden
GIUSEPPE LIOTTA, University of Perugia, Italy
BURKHARD MORGENSTERN, Universit?t G?ttingen, Germany
IAN MUNRO, University of Waterloo, Canada
PETRA MUTZEL, TU Dortmund, Germany
KUNSOO PARK, Seoul National University, Korea
MICHAL PILIPCZUK, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway
M. SOHEL RAHMAN, BUET, Bangladesh (Co-Chair)
WOJCIECH RYTTER, Warsaw University, Poland
SANDEEP SEN , IIT Delhi, India
BILL SMYTH, McMaster University, Canada
ETSUJI TOMITA, University of Electro-Communications, Japan (Co-Chair)
OSAMU WATANABE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
SUE WHITESIDES, University of Victoria, Canada
PETER WIDMAYER, ETH Z?rich, Switzerland
HSU-CHUN YEN, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Dr. M. Sohel Rahman
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
URL: http://teacher.buet.ac.bd/msrahman/
Phone: 880 2 966 5650 (PABX)
FAX: 880 2 861 3026, 880 2 861 3046


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:08:02 +0200
From: Elisabetta Biondi<chants14_publicity@iit.cnr.it>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] ACM CHANTS 2014 (co-located with ACM MobiCom):
deadline extension
Message-ID: <53957972.GAsrdUjqprqPl4wj%chants14_publicity@iit.cnr.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


[Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]


Due to numerous requests, we have decided to extend the CHANTS deadline by a few days.


Please note that CHANTS welcomes submissions for both regular papers and demonstration papers. The full details are in the CFP below.


ACM CHANTS 2014 - 9th Workshop on Challenged Networks
co-located with ACM MobiCom 2014
7 September 2014, Maui, Hawaii, USA


Supported by the FP7 EU MOTO project

******* DEADLINE EXTENSION *******
******* Papers registration: June 11th *******
******* Papers submission: June 15th *******


Challenged networks comprise those situations where communication is desired,
but traditional Internet architectures fail to provide it effectively.
Such networks may be characterized by intermittent connectivity, a heterogeneous
mix of nodes, nodal churn, and widely varying network conditions. Traditional
examples of challenged networks include inter-planetary networks, sensor and
wildlife monitoring networks, underwater networks, rural and remote areas,
and military battlefields. Recently, challenged networking has also found
applications in everyday settings, for which they were not initially conceived,
such as opportunistic networking supporting data-centric communications,
traffic offloading from cellular networks, mobile cloud computing,
opportunistic and participatory sensing. Inter-disciplinary approaches to
challenged networking protocols are also successfully explored, exploiting,
for example, findings in the area of social networking.
The availability of enabling technologies in mobile devices, such as
WiFi direct in Android and D2D communication in latest LTE releases, will
further push towards practical developments of challenged networking solutions.

This workshop builds on the success of the eight previous CHANTS workshops,
and WDTN 2005, to stimulate research on the most novel and challenging topics
of challenged network research. CHANTS provides an ideal venue for researchers
and engineers to present cutting-edge work and results, as research papers or demos,
in the following topics:

- Delay/disruption-tolerant networks (DTNs)
- Opportunistic communication and computing
- Architecture, design, and implementation of communication systems
for challenged networks
- Modeling, analysis and characterization of challenged networks and protocols
- Network Coding in Challenged Networks
- Information Centric and Content-centric Networking in Challenged Networks
- Security/Trust/Privacy concerns and solutions in challenged networks
- Case studies involving real challenged network solutions in various stages
of development or use
- Applications of challenged networks in disrupted scenarios
(e.g. disaster relief and emergency management) and in daily use
(e.g., vehicular networks, mobile social networking, censorship evasion, crowdsourcing,
sensor networks)
- Green and energy-efficient communication using challenged networks
- Real-world mobility trace collection, analysis, and modeling for challenged environments
- Network science methods for challenged networks
- Mobile data offloading via challenged networks
- Test and simulation tools for evaluating challenged network systems
- Configuration, management, and monitoring of challenged networks
- Challenged networking techniques for mobile cloud
- Challenged networking techniques for participatory and opportunistic sensing

Selected papers will be forward-looking, will describe their relationship
to existing work, and will have impact and implications for ongoing or future research.
We aim to have a highly interactive workshop, also including demos, which have been
an integral part of CHANTS. Paper authors who can also run a demo of their work will be
encouraged to do so. In exceptional cases, where live demos are simply not practical
to present, poster or video presentations of practical results are acceptable.


Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor being
currently under review by another conference or journal.
Submitted papers must be no more than 6 pages long, and should adhere to
the standard ACM conference proceedings format.
Demo proposals (to be published as part of the proceedings) must not be longer
than 3 pages plus 1 page description of the precise setup and requirements
(the 1-page setup description will not be published in the proceedings).
Papers will be reviewed single blind.
Please follow the submission link at: http://www.acm-chants.org


Extended versions of the selected workshop papers will be considered for
possible fast track publication on the Computer Communications Journal (Elsevier),
in a special section on Challenged Networks.


Abstract Registration (Extended): 11 June 2014
Submission Deadline (Extended): 15 June 2014
Authors Notification: 13 July 2014
Camera Ready Due: 20 July 2014
Workshop: 7 September 2014


Program Committee Chairs
- Mario Gerla (UCLA, USA)
- Andrea Passarella (IIT-CNR, Italy)

Technical Program Committee
- Mostafa Ammar (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Aruna Balasubramanian (University of Washington, USA)
- Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden)
- Chiara Boldrini (IIT-CNR, Italy)
- Scott Burleigh (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA)
- Guohong Cao (Penn State University, USA)
- Vania Conan (Thales Communications & Security, France)
- Marco Conti (IIT-CNR, Italy)
- Marcelo Dias de Amorim (CNRS and UPMC, France)
- Roberto Di Pietro (Roma Tre University of Rome, Italy)
- Do Young Eun (North Carolina State University, USA)
- Stephen Farrell (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- Ahmed Helmy (University of Florida, USA)
- Tristan Henderson (University of St Andrews, UK)
- Pan Hui (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
- Karin Anna Hummel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Mohan Kumar (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
- Kyunghan Lee, (UNIST Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Uichin Lee (KAIST-KSE, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Anders Lindgren (SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden)
- Giovanni Neglia (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France)
- Melek Onen (EURECOM, France)
- Joerg Ott (Aalto University, Finland)
- Elena Pagani (University of Milan, Italy)
- Andreea Hossmann-Picu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos (EURECOM, France)
- Stavros Toumpis (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece)
- Eiko Yoneki (University of Cambridge, UK)

Steering Committee
- Kevin Almeroth, UC-Santa Barbara, USA
- Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Tech, USA
- Christophe Diot, Technicolor, France
- Deborah Estrin, UC-Los Angeles, USA
- Kevin Fall, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Joerg Ott, Aalto University, Finland
- James Scott, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK

Publicity Co-Chairs
- Elisabetta Biondi (IIT-CNR, Italy)
- Yong Li (Tsinghua University, China)
- Sungwon Yang (UCLA, USA)

Web Chair
- Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden)

For more information, please check out www.acm-chants.org or write to
the workshop co-chairs at chants2014@iit.cnr.it


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 9

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