Sunday, June 29, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 25

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Today's Topics:

1. ACM MobiCom Joint App competition / Demo / Poster & SRC CFP
(Aline Carneiro Viana)
2. CCCG 2014 Call for Participation (Meng He)
3. Deadline Approaching (July 20), 7th International Symposium
on Foundations & Practice of Security, Montr?al, Canada, Springer
LNCS proceedings (Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:01:18 +0200
From: Aline Carneiro Viana <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] ACM MobiCom Joint App competition / Demo / Poster &
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

[We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this joint CFP.]



ACM MobiCom 2014
The 20th Annual International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking

Sept. 7-11, 2014 - Maui, Hawaii


*** MobiCom Mobile App Competition ***

MobiCom 2014 is pleased to organize the second Mobile App competition in
conjunction with the main conference. The competition is for novel and
innovative mobile applications utilizing any computing architecture
(stand-alone, client/server, client/proxy/server, peer-to-peer/ad-hoc,
cloud/mobile, others). It is intended as a platform-neutral Contest.
Applications can be developed for, but not limited to, Android, iOS,
Windows Phone, Blackberry OS 10 and HTML5.

All applications must be demonstrated on real devices. Network services
that are part of the application should also be real services embodying
no mock-up components.

Finalists are required to register and attend the conference in order to
be considered by the jury for first, second and third place winners.

Important Dates
App registration deadline: June 30, 2014
Invitations for submission: July 7, 2014
App submission deadline: August 10, 2014
Notifications of Finalists: August 22, 2014

Please refer to
for more details.

*** MobiCom Posters & Student Research Competition ***

By following its long and fruitful tradition of poster
presentation/discussion, ACM MobiCom 2014 solicits submissions for its
Posters Program. The program will consist of a Posters Session that will
be scheduled during the conference in addition to a three-days Posters
interaction space which will be available from September 8 to September
10, to ensure maximum visibility.

Proposals for poster presentations featuring early research work and
preliminary results are strongly encouraged and solicited. The MobiCom
2014 Poster Session will provide an excellent opportunity for initial
feedback on early research results and for gaining early visibility of
ongoing projects.

To ensure maximum visibility and to garner high interest in the Poster
Session from all MobiCom attendees, each accepted poster will have the
opportunity to deliver a fast elevator pitch. In addition, each
presenter will have the opportunity to have a webpage, which will be
linked to from the MobiCom Posters & SRC program page, to post
additional details including possibly a short video presentation.

ACM MobiCom 2014 will also host an ACM Student Research Competition
(SRC) along side the Posters Program. Students submitting to the MobiCom
2014 Poster Session can opt to have their posters considered also by the
SRC committee, if their posters are accepted. Selected competitors will
receive up to $500 USD for their conference travel, depending on need,
and will earn a chance to compete in the SRC Grand Finals. The winners
will be recognized at the Annual ACM Awards Banquet. Competitors should
be prepared to attend the Poster Session and, if selected for further
competition, to give a short talk about their research projects. Winners
of the MobiCom 2014 SRC will be announced at the conference. The Student
Research Competition is open to graduate and undergraduate students
whose submissions are accepted by the SRC committee.

The SRC competition is fully sponsored by a generous donation from
Microsoft Research.

Important Dates
Submissions deadline: July 2, 2014 (11:59 PM EDT)
Notification: July 8, 2014
Camera Ready: July 15, 2014

Please refer to for
submission requirements and details.

*** MobiCom Demos & Exhibits ***

Submit cool demos of your research advances or technological
capabilities, and showcase them at MobiCom 2014! We encourage research,
platform, and product demonstrations and exhibits from both academics
and industry.

Demonstrations should be innovative research prototypes, platforms and
applications that are related to the practice of mobile computing or
wireless and mobile networking, in the general areas of interest related
to the MobiCom conference. Exhibits can be advanced product prototypes
or technology breakthroughs that are relevant to the MobiCom audience.
We strongly encourage demos based on novel applications in the domain of
mobile computing and wireless systems. Please refer to the main
conference introduction and CFP for the general areas.

All demos will be considered for the Best Demo Award. A committee will
decide about the winner on-site after evaluating all demo presentations.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 2nd 2014
Notification: July 8th 2014
Camera-ready: July 15th 2014

Please refer to for
submission details and requirements.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:59:34 -0300
From: Meng He <>
Subject: [DMANET] CCCG 2014 Call for Participation
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2014)
will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on August 11-13, 2014. The
technical program will take place in the Studley Campus (the primary
campus) of Dalhousie University. A welcome reception will be held on
the evening of August 10.

Registration is open on the website:
Early registration: *** Until July 11, 2014 ***
Regular: 245 CAD, Student/PostDoc: 125 CAD
Late registration: *** From July 12, 2014 ***
Regular: 280 CAD, Student/PostDoc: 150 CAD

A block of rooms has been reserved in Risley Hall (the student
residences in Dalhousie University). Rooms are guaranteed until July
Special rates of various nearby hotels with different cut-off dates
are also available on the conference web site.

Timothy Chan (University of Waterloo)
Tamal Dey (Ohio State University)
Jack Snoeyink (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Early registration deadline: July 11, 2014
Conference: August 11-13, 2014

CCCG 2014 is sponsored by AARMS and the Fields Institute.

Meng He
Email: mhe [at]

Norbert Zeh
Email: nzeh [at]


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:30:12 +0200
From: Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline Approaching (July 20), 7th International
Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, Montr?al, Canada,
Springer LNCS proceedings
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Apologies for cross-posting

Call for Papers

**The 7th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security
(FPS'2014), Montreal, Canada, November 3-5, 2014.**

Conference Website



Protecting the communication and data infrastructure of an
increasingly inter-connected world has become vital to the normal
functioning of all aspects of our world. Security has emerged as an
important scientific discipline whose many multifaceted complexities
deserve the attention and synergy of the mathematical, computer
science and engineering communities.

After the previous meetings held in La Rochelle, Montreal, Grenoble,
Toronto and Paris, this 7th edition of the FPS symposium will be held
at Montreal.

The aim of this event is to discuss and exchange theoretical and
practical ideas that address security issues in inter-connected
systems. It aims to provide scientific presentations as well as to
establish links, promote scientific collaboration, joint research
programs, and student exchanges between institutions involved in this
important and fast moving research field.

We also invite papers from researchers and practitioners working in
security, privacy, trustworthy data systems and related areas to
submit their original papers. The main topics, but not limited to,

* Security in Service Oriented Architecture & Web Services
* Security Administration & Policy-based Security Architectures
* Access Control Languages
* Cryptography & Cryptanalysis
* Threat Analysis
* Privacy & Sensitive Data Management
* Security on P2P Systems and their Applications
* Policy-based Distributed Information Systems and Security Policies
* Security in Sensor Networks and RFID
* Security of Cloud Computing, Grid Computing and their Applications
* Trust Management
* Security of Distributed Embedded Middleware
* Distributed Security Protocols
* Privacy in Social Networks
* Formal foundations in Information Security
* Side-channel analysis and Fault injection attacks
* Countermeasures against physical attacks
* Protected implementations, security by design
* Formal Verification of security properties
* Methods and Platforms for evaluation of attacks and countermeasures
* Malware, botnets, binary analysis

Submissions Guidelines

Full papers should be at most 16 pages (using 11-point font),
excluding the bibliography and well-marked appendices. Position
papers, as well as extended abstract and contributed talks, should be
up to 8 pages (using 11-point font). Committee members are not
required to read the appendices, so the paper should be intelligible
without them. All submissions must be written in English. Authors must
submit their papers by the deadline indicated below, using the
EasyChair web site (using the link
<>) and following
the requirements stated there. All papers will be refereed. The
submitted contribution should be formatted according to Springer's
LNCS style. Submissions by PhD students as well as surveys and
controversial ideas are encouraged. Case studies (successful or not)
are also encouraged.

Authors should indicate whether their paper is a "position paper" to
differentiate them from regular ones (you mention "Position paper" in
the title).


Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS) series. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register to the symposium, by the date indicated
by the organizers, and present the paper.


General Chair

Mourad Debbabi (University of Conccordia)

Program Committee Chairs

Philip W. L. Fong (University of Calgary)
Fr?d?ric Cuppens (Telecom Bretagne)

Organization Chairs

Lingyu Wang (University of Concrdia)

Publicity and Publication Chairs

Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (Telecom SudParis)
Nur Zincir Heywood (Dalhousie University)

Program Committee

Diala Abi Haidar (Dar Al Hekma College)
Carlisle Adams (Ottawa University)
Gildas Avoine (UCL, Belgium)
Guillaume Bonfante (Universit? de Lorraine, LORIA)
Jordi Castell?-Roca (Rovira i Virgili Univ.)
Ana Cavalli (T?l?com SudParis)
Fr?d?ric Cuppens (TELECOM Bretagne)
Nora Cuppens-Boulahia (TELECOM Bretagne)
Mila Dalla Preda (Bologna University)
Jean-Luc Danger (Telecom ParisTech)
Mourad Debbabi (Concordia University)
Nicola Dragoni (Technical University of Denmark)
Philip W. L. Fong (University of Calgary)
Sara Foresti (Univ. degli Studi di Milano)
Eric Freyssinet (Universit? Paris 6)
Sebastien Gambs (Universit? de Rennes 1)
Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (Telecom SudParis)
Ali Ghorbani (UNB)
Roberto Giacobazzi (University of Verona)
Sylvain Guilley (T?l?com ParisTech)
Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj (Concordia University)
Jordi Herrera (Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona)
Bruce Kapron (University of Victoria)
Hyoungshick Kim (SungKyunKwan University )
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton University)
Pascal Lafourcade (University Joseph Fourier)
Yassine Lakhnech (University Joseph Fourier)
Georgios Lioudakis (National Technical University of Athens)
Luigi Logrippo (Universit? du Qu?bec en Outaouais)
Stefan Mangard (Infineon Technologies)
Jean-Yves Marion (Mines de Nancy)
Joan Melia-Segui (Universitat Pomepu Fabra)
Ali Miri (Ryerson University)
Guillermo Navarro-Arribas (UAB)
Jordi Nin (UPC)
Andreas Pashalidis (K.U.Leuven)
Emmanuel Prouff (ANSSI)
Silvio Ranise (FBK-Irst)
Jean-Marc Robert (Ecole de technologie superieure)
Alessandro Sorniotti (SAP Research)
Anna Squicciarini (The Pennsylvania State University)
Chamseddine Talhi (ETS, Montreal)
Nadia Tawbi (Universit? LAVAL)
Alexandre Viejo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Lena Wiese (Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen)
Nicola Zannone (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Mohammad Zulkernine (Queen?s University, Canada)


Said Oulmakhzoune (TELECOM Bretagne)

Submission Website


Important Dates

| Event | Date |
| Submission Deadline: | July 20, 2014 |
| Acceptance Notification: | August 20, 2014 |
| Camera Ready: | September 10, 2014 |
| Conference: | November 3-5, 2014, Montreal, Canada |


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 25

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