Thursday, June 5, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

1. WAOA 2014 - Submission server open (Ola Svensson)
2. ALIO/EURO 2014: deadline approaches (Antonio Mauttone)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 15:38:55 +0200
From: Ola Svensson <>
Subject: [DMANET] WAOA 2014 - Submission server open
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

12th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms 2014


Submission server:

Deadline: June 20, 2014

WAOA 2014 - 2nd Call for papers below


Algorithms have become a fundamental tool in several fields outside of Computer Science, and in several applications algorithms have to cope with computationally hard problems and problems in which the input is gradually disclosed over time. The workshop focuses on the design and analysis of approximation and online algorithms. WAOA 2014 will be part of ALGO 2014, which also hosts ESA, ALGOSENSORS, ATMOS, IPEC, MASSIVE and WABI. ALGO 2014 will take place 8-12 September 2014 in Wroc?aw, Poland.

Invited Speaker

Aleksander M?dry, EPFL


Monaldo Mastrolilli, IDSIA


Papers are solicited in all research areas related to approximation and online algorithms, including, but not limited to:

? algorithmic game theory
? algorithmic trading
? coloring and partitioning
? competitive analysis
? computational advertising
? computational finance
? cuts and connectivity
? geometric problems
? graph algorithms
? inapproximability results
? mechanism design
? natural algorithms
? network design
? packing and covering
? paradigms for the design and analysis of approximation and online algorithms
? parameterized complexity
? real-world applications
? scheduling problems

Important dates

Deadline: June 20, 2014
Notification: July 27, 2014
Workshop: September 11-12th, 2014


Proceedings will be published after the workshop takes place in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Instructions for authors can be found at Springer web site.

Submission guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper of at most 12 pages describing original unpublished research. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not permitted. The title page of the submission should include the authors' full names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and an abstract summarizing the results in roughly 100-200 words; the remainder of the submission should contain a description of the main results and an explanation of their importance. The submission must include a full proof of the results, part of which can be placed in the appendix, whose length is not constrained. Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system.

The WAOA proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer-Verlag.
Each accepted paper will be allotted 12 pages in the proceedings.

Program Committee

Evripidis Bampis, Sorbonne Universit?s, UPMC, France, co-chair
Nikhil Bansal, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Ioannis Caragiannis, University of Patras, Greece
Marek Chrobak, University of California Riverside, USA
Alina R. Ene, Princeton University, USA
Moran Feldman, EPFL, Switzerland
Laurent Gourv?s, CNRS, Universit? Paris-Dauphine, France
Nguyen Kim Thang, Universit? d?Evry, France
Alejandro L?pez-Ortiz, University of Waterloo, Canada
Giorgio Lucarelli, Sorbonne Universit?s, UPMC, France
Monaldo Mastrolilli, IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland
Julian Mestre, The University of Sydney, Australia
Seffi Naor, Technion, Israel
Neil Olver, CWI & VU University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kirk Pruhs, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Thomas Rothvoss, University of Washington, USA
Laura Sanit?, Univesity of Waterloo, Canada
Ola Svensson, EPFL, Switzerland, co-chair
Jos? Verschae, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Andreas Wiese, Max-Planck-Institut f?r Informatik, Germany


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:41:40 -0300
From: Antonio Mauttone <>
Subject: [DMANET] ALIO/EURO 2014: deadline approaches
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Apologies for any cross-postings. I would greatly appreciate if you can
distribute this call within your contacts.


VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization
Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8-10, 2014


The ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization series is a
triennial event jointly promoted by the Association of
Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research Societies (ALIO) and the
Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), both
within the International Federation of Operational Research Societies

The main purpose of the event is to bring together Latin American and
European researchers and to stimulate activities and discussions about
methods and applications in the field of combinatorial optimization.
Researchers from other regions worldwide are also welcome. Previous
editions of the ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization
were held in:
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1989)
- Valparaiso, Chile (1996)
- Erice, Italy (1999)
- Pucon, Chile (2002)
- Paris, France (2005)
- Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008)
- Porto, Portugal (2011)

The 2014 edition of the workshop is organized by the Operations Research
Department of the Computer Science Institute, Faculty of Engineering,
Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay.


Contributions dealing with any aspect of Applied Combinatorial
Optimization are welcome. This includes theoretical achievements,
algorithm development and real-world implementations. Main topics of
this workshop are, among others:
- Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
- Approximation algorithms
- Bio-informatics
- Branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms
- Computational complexity
- Emerging applications of OR
- Energy planning
- Graph theory
- Heuristics and metaheuristics
- Hybrid methods
- Integer programming
- Natural resource management
- Network design and analysis
- Production planning
- Telecommunications
- Transportation and logistics


- Michel Gendreau, D?partement de Math?matiques et de G?nie Industriel,
?cole Polytechnique de Montr?al and CIRRELT, Canada
- Thomas St?tzle, IRIDIA, Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Andres Weintraub, Departamento de Ingenier?a Industrial, Universidad
de Chile, Chile


- Deadline for submitting extended abstracts: June 9, 2014.
- Notification of acceptance to authors: August 11, 2014.
- Deadline for reception of final versions: September 22, 2014.
- Workshop: December 8-10, 2014.


Extended abstracts comprising up to six pages should be prepared
according to the instructions given at the conference website.

A Special Issue of International Transactions in Operational Research
including selected contributions from the workshop will be published.


- Gulnara Baldoqu?n
- H?ctor Cancela
- Michel Gendreau
- Martine Labb?
- Gilbert Laporte
- Irene Loiseau
- Simone Martins
- Antonio Mauttone
- Isabel M?ndez-D?az
- Philippe Michelon
- Mauricio Resende
- Celso Ribeiro
- Mikael R?nnqvist
- Juan Jos? Salazar-Gonz?lez
- El-Ghazali Talbi
- Paolo Toth
- Mar?a E. Urquhart - Chair
- Ana Viana
- Andres Weintraub
- Paula Zabala


- H?ctor Cancela
- Antonio Mauttone - Chair
- Sandro Moscatelli
- Franco Robledo
- Libertad Tansini
- Carlos Testuri
- Mar?a E. Urquhart
- Omar Viera


The VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization will
be held at Edificio Polifuncional Jos? Luis Massera, next to the Faculty
of Engineering. This is a central location with full access to services
such as transportation, lodging and restaurants. The surroundings of the
conference venue offer a pleasant environment, including Parque Rod? and
the riverside of R?o de la Plata.


Please use the form in the Contact section at the conference website.


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 5

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