Monday, June 2, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

1. Extended deadline BPCAS 2014: Business Processes in
Collective Adaptive Systems (Deadline extended to June 8)
(Lavygina, Anna)
2. MeCBIC 2014 : 2nd Call for Papers (Bogdan Aman)
3. STM 2014: Deadline Approaching (June 13, 2014)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2014 20:44:00 +0000
From: "Lavygina, Anna" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Extended deadline BPCAS 2014: Business Processes in
Collective Adaptive Systems (Deadline extended to June 8)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"


Business Processes in Collective Adaptive Systems
(BPCAS 2014)

September 8, 2014, Haifa, Israel

In conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2014)

Submission deadline (extended): 8 June 2014


BPCAS is a new workshop focusing on all topics related to Collective Adaptive Systems (CAS). It aims to provide a high-quality forum for the presentation of developments in CASs and for bringing together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines interested in CASs both within the business process community and outside. The latter are particularly welcome to submit to the workshop.

Topics of interest include:

* business process modeling for CAS
* collective configuration of business processes in CAS
* context/knowledge-aware business processes in CAS
* adaptation and evolution in CAS
* formal methods for CAS
* distribution and mobility in CAS
* big data in CAS
* process similarity and emergent properties of CAS
* security and privacy in CAS
* machine learning and data mining techniques for CAS
* optimization of CAS
* frameworks, tools and programming paradigms for CAS
* usability aspects of CAS
* case studies and scenarios

Accepted papers will be published by Springer as a post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). In addition authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended version of their paper to a special issue of the IET Software journal. The workshop is sponsored by the EU?s Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems programme initiative (


Submission deadline (extended): June 8, 2014
Author notification: July 1, 2014
Camera-ready submission: July 23, 2014
Workshop date: September 8, 2014


Manfred Reichert, Universit?t Ulm, Germany


Antonio Bucchiarone, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London, UK
Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Anna Lavygina, Imperial College London, UK
Adnan Tariq, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Program Committee
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Salima Benbernou, Universit? Paris Descartes, France
Marina Bitsaki, University of Crete, Greece
Alexei Lapouchnian, University of Toronto, Canada
Kim Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Lior Limonad, IBM Haifa, Israel
Christos Nikolaou, University of Crete, Greece
Francisco Pereira, SMART-MIT, Singapore
Marco Pistore, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Manfred Reichert, Universit?t Ulm, Germany
Kurt Rothermel, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Alessandra Russo, Imperial College, UK
Nikola Serbedija, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
Pnino Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Arnon Sturm, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Yury Tsoy, Institut Pasteur Korea, South Korea
Ingo Weber, NICTA, Australia


We invite submissions in two forms: full papers and position papers. Submitted papers must be written in English, should not have been submitted for review or published elsewhere, and should not exceed 12 pages for full papers, and 6 pages for position papers (including figures, bibliography and appendices).

Submissions are only accepted in PDF format via the EasyChair system ( Submissions should be formatted according to the LNBIP format specified by Springer.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to present the paper at the workshop.


For further information contact Anna Lavygina (


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 10:21:23 +0300
From: "Bogdan Aman" <>
Subject: [DMANET] MeCBIC 2014 : 2nd Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

2nd Call for Papers
MeCBIC 2014
7th Workshop on Membrane Computing
and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi
16th September 2014, Bucharest, Romania

*** Abstract Submission: 22 June, 2014
*** Paper Submission: 29 June, 2014
*** Notification: 9 August, 2014
*** Meeting: 16 September, 2014


The 7th Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process
Calculi (MeCBIC 2014) will take place in Bucharest on 16th September 2014
as a related event of ICTAC 2014, the 11th International Colloquium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computing.

If your work is related to MeCBIC topics, it is now a good opportunity to
submit a paper (of about 16 pages), using the web page


The modeling and the analysis of biological systems has attracted the
interest of several research communities. The main aim of the workshop is
to bring together researchers in concurrency theory, formal methods, and
related fields that are interested to present recent results and to
discuss new ideas concerning such formalisms, their properties and
relationships. We welcome contributions that address both theoretical and
applied contributions related to the relevance and potential of formal
methods in biology. Topics of interest include (but not limited to):

- Biologically inspired models and calculi (rewrite systems, process
calculi, Petri nets, etc.);
- Theoretical links and comparison of different biological inspired formal
- Qualitative biological modeling;
- Quantitative formal methods;
- Modelling, analysis and simulation tools for biologically inspired systems.

The workshop proceedings will be published in the Electronic Proceedings
in Theoretical Computer Science. After the event, papers presented at the
workshop will be invited to be furtherly extended and submitted to a
special issue of a visible journal (indexed by DBLP, SCOPUS, Web of
Science, etc)


The first edition of MeCBIC was held in Venice in 2006 (co-located with
ICALP 2006). The second MeCBIC was held in Iasi in 2008, the third one
took place in Bologna (as a satellite event of CONCUR 2009), the forth one
in Jena, the fifth in Paris and the sixth in Newcastle. The previous
proceedings of the MeCBIC workshops have been published as ENTCS volumes
171(2) and 227 (2006 and 2008), EPTCS volumes 11, 40 and 100 (2009, 2010
and 2012), in in 2011. A selection of revised papers from 2008,
2009 and 2009 appeared in Theoretical Computer Science volume 431 in 2012.


Bogdan Aman (co-chair) - Romanian Academy, Iasi, RO
Roberto Barbuti - University of Pisa, Italy
Luca Cardelli - Microsoft, Cambridge, UK
jane Hillston - University of Edinburgh, UK
Florentin Ipate (co-chair) - University of Bucharest, RO
Jean-Louis Giavitto - IRCAM CNRS, Paris, France
Jetty Kleijn - Leiden University, NL
Jean Krivine - University Paris 7, France
Emanuela Merelli - University of Camerino, Italy
Gethin Norman - University of Glasgow, UK
Jun Pang - University of Luxembourg, LU
Anna Philippou - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
G. Michele Pinna - University of Cagliari, Italy
Franck Pommereau - University of Evry, France
Jason Steggles - Newcastle University, UK
Gy?rgy Vaszil - University of Debrecen, Hungary
Angelo Troina - University of Torino, Italy

Additional information about the workshop can be found on the MeCBIC 2014
web page
For information regarding the workshop and other queries, you can use
the chairs email addresses: or (Bogdan Aman) or (Florentin

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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 08:15:24 +0000
From: Rolando TRUJILLO RASUA <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] STM 2014: Deadline Approaching (June 13, 2014)
Message-ID: <01F62D384F520E40A4DFE22F7492406C0546909B@hoshi.uni.lux>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

[Apologies for multiple copies]

10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management - STM 2014
Wroclaw, Poland - September 10-11, 2014
in conjunction with ESORICS 2014

STM (Security and Trust Management) is a working group of ERCIM
(European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics). STM
2014 is the tenth workshop in this series and will be held in Wroclaw,
Poland, in conjunction with the 19th European Symposium on Research in
Computer Security (ESORICS 2014). The workshop seeks submissions from
academia, industry, and government presenting novel research on all
theoretical and practical aspects of security and trust in ICTs.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Access control
- Anonymity
- Applied cryptography
- Authentication
- Complex systems security
- Data and application security
- Data protection
- Data/system integrity
- Digital right management
- Economics of security and privacy
- E-services
- Formal methods for security and trust
- Identity management
- Legal and ethical issues
- Networked systems security
- Operating systems security
- Privacy
- Security and trust metrics
- Security and trust policies
- Security and trust management architectures
- Security and trust in cloud environments
- Security and trust in grid computing
- Security and trust in pervasive computing
- Security and trust in social networks
- Social implications of security and trust
- Trust assessment and negotiation
- Trust in mobile code
- Trust models
- Trust management policies
- Trust and reputation systems
- Trusted platforms
- Trustworthy systems and user devices
- Web services security


Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. All submissions should be appropriately
anonymized (i.e., papers should not contain author names or affiliations,
or obvious citations). Submissions should be at most 16 pages, including
the bibliography and well-marked appendices, and should follow the LNCS
style. Submissions are to be made to the submission web site at Only pdf files
will be accepted. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk
rejection without consideration of their merits. Papers must be
received by the deadline of June 13, 2014 (11:59 p.m. American Samoa
time). Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers
will be presented at the workshop. Pre-proceedings will be made
available at the workshop. As for previous STM events, it is planned
to have post-proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series.


Paper submission due: June 13, 2014
Notification to authors: July 21, 2014
Camera ready due: August 5, 2014


Christian Damsgaard Jensen - Technical University of Denmark
Sjouke Mauw - University of Luxembourg


Gildas Avoine - IRISA Rennes and Universit? Catholique de Louvain
Rafael Accorsi - University of Freiburg
Cas Cremers - University of Oxford
Jorge Cu?llar - Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
Christian Damsgaard Jensen - Technical University of Denmark
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati - Universit? degli Studi di Milano
Roberto Di Pietro - Roma Tre University of Rome
Josep Domingo-Ferrer - Universitat Rovira i Virgili
M. Carmen Fern?ndez Gago - University of Malaga
Simone Fischer-H?bner - Karlstad University
Sara Foresti - Universit? degli Studi di Milano
Sascha Hauke - Technische Universit?t Darmstadt
Michael Huth - Imperial College London
Bart Jacobs - Radboud University Nijmegen
Martin Johns - SAP Research
G?nter Karjoth - IBM Research, Zurich
Dogan Kesdogan - Universit?t Regensburg
Marek Klonowski - Wroclaw University of Technology
Giovanni Livraga - Universit? degli Studi di Milano
Javier Lopez - University of Malaga
Yang Liu - Nanyang Technological University
Fabio Martinelli - Istituto di Informatica e Telematica
Sjouke Mauw - University of Luxembourg
Catherine Meadows - Naval Research Laboratory
Pierangela Samarati - Universit? degli Studi di Milano
Silvio Ranise - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Jan-Philipp Stegh?fer - Augsburg University
Rolando Trujillo-Rasua - University of Luxembourg
Micha?l Rusinowitch - INRIA Nancy-Grand Est
Jie Zhang - Nanyang Technological University



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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 2

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