Sunday, June 8, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

1. 1 Week to go: IEEE SSCI Special Session on Optimization
Methods in Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (OMBB) (Lavygina, Anna)
2. EXTENDED deadline - Reachability Problems (Oxford 2014)
Deadline: 4 June 2014 (Potapov, Igor)
3. CfP: Academic MindTrek Conference 2014 (30th June'14): MEDIA
- Social Media/Digital Games/Ambient Media/Media
Business/Information Systems in Media
Industries/ICT&E-Gonvernment (


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 11:09:32 +0000
From: "Lavygina, Anna" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] 1 Week to go: IEEE SSCI Special Session on
Optimization Methods in Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (OMBB)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email]

Special Session on Optimization Methods in Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (OMBB)
2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014)
December 9-12, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA

Submission deadline: 15 June 2014
Submission site:

Aim and Scope

Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BB) are interdisciplinary scientific fields involving many branches of computer science, engineering, mathematics, and statistics. Bioinformatics is concerned with the development and application of computational methods for the modelling, retrieving and analysis of biological data, whilst Bioengineering is the application of engineering techniques to biology so as to create usable and economically viable products.

Bioinformatics and Bioengineering are relatively new fields in which challenges and issues can often be formulated as optimization problems subject to multiple conflicting objectives. Such multiobjective optimization problems span from traditional problems, such as the optimization of biochemical processes, protein structure alignment and prediction, to more modern problems, such as directed evolution, drug design, experimental design, and optimization of manufacturing processes, material and equipment.

The main aim of this special session, which is organized within the SSCI-MCDM'14 Symposium, is to bring together both experts and new-comers working on Optimization Methods in Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (OMBB) to discuss new and exciting issues in this area.

Topics of Interest

We encourage submission of papers describing new concepts, strategies and challenges in the area of Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BB). In addition, we are interested in application papers discussing the power and applicability of these novel methods to real-world problems in BB. You are invited to submit papers that are unpublished original work for this special session at SSCI-MCDM'14.

The topics are, but not limited to, the following

* Optimization methods for BB problems
* Novel optimization problems in BB
* Emerging non-standard problem challenges in BB problems (e.g. missing objective values, resourcing issues, dynamic changes, many objectives, large-scale, mixed-typed variables, etc.)
* Closed-loop optimization in BB
* Interactive multiobjective optimization in BB
* Predictive fitness landscape design for BB problems
* Integrating user preferences into multiobjective optimization of BB problems
* Handling practicalities in BB problems, such as uncertainty, noise, constraints, fixed budget of evaluations, high computational costs, etc.
* Robustness in the optimization of BB problems
* Visualization techniques for complex BB problems
* Adaptation, learning, and anticipation in BB problems

Submission Instructions

We welcome original contributions describing ongoing projects or completed work.
The instructions for authors, and LaTeX and Word templates can be found at

Key Dates

Paper Submissions due: 15 June 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 5 September 2014
Camera-Ready Papers due: 5 October 2014


Richard Allmendinger, University College London, UK
Anna Lavygina, Imperial College London, UK
Sanaz Mostaghim, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany

Program Committee

Allmendinger Richard, University College London, UK
Ashlock Daniel, University of Guelph, Canada
Blum Christian, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Branke J?rgen, University of Warwick, UK
Chandra Arjun, University of Oslo, Norway
Deb Kalyanmoy, Michigan State University, USA
Divina Federico, Pablo de Olavide University, Spain
Emmerich Michael, Leiden University, Netherlands
Farid Suzanne, University College London, UK
Handl Julia, University of Manchester, UK
Hubbuch J?rgen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Knowles Joshua, University of Manchester, UK
Langdon Bill, University College London, UK
Lavygina Anna, Imperial College London, UK
Li Xiaodong, RMIT University, Australia
Lozano Jose, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain
Mendes Pedro, University of Manchester, UK
Mostaghim Sanaz,Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
Papageorgiou Lazaros, University College London, UK
Rombo Simona, University of Palermo, Italy
Shukla Pradyumn Kumar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


For further information please contact Richard Allmendinger (


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 17:10:33 +0000
From: "Potapov, Igor" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] EXTENDED deadline - Reachability Problems (Oxford
2014) Deadline: 4 June 2014
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Submission deadline is EXTENDED : 11th of June 2014
The 8th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP2014)
(22 - 24 September 2013, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)

The Department of Computer Science will organize the 8th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'2014). This event will take place at the Department in the centre of Oxford, 22 - 24 September 2014.

Papers presenting original contributions related to reachability problems in
different computational models and systems are being sought. This will also be the occasion to review recent breakthroughs by renown invited experts and survey emerging trends and emphasize on key open challenges. Participants are kindly encouraged to discuss on core scientific issues that need to be further tackled.

The Reachability Workshop is specifically aimed at gathering together
scholars from diverse disciplines and backgrounds interested in
reachability problems that appear in
- Algebraic structures
- Computational models
- Hybrid systems
- Logic and Verification

Invited Speakers:

- Byron Cook, UCL and Microsoft Research, UK.
- Kousha Etessami, University of Edinburgh, UK.
- Anca Muscholl, LaBRI Bordeaux, France.
- Sylvain Schmitz, LSV and ENS-Cachan, France.


Papers presenting original contributions related to reachability problems in
different computational models and systems are being sought.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Reachability for infinite
state systems, rewriting systems; Reachability analysis in counter/ timed/
cellular/ communicating automata; Petri-Nets; computational aspects of
semigroups, groups and rings; Reachability in dynamical and hybrid systems;
frontiers between decidable and undecidable reachability problems; complexity
and decidability aspects; predictability in iterative maps and new
computational paradigms

Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12 pages (in
LaTeX, formatted according to LNCS guidelines) via the conference web page.
Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix to be read
by the program committee members at their discretion. Submissions deviating
from these guidelines risk rejection. Electronic submissions should be
formatted in pdf. Simultaneous submission to other conferences or workshops
with published proceedings is not allowed.

Important Dates

- Submission deadline (EXTENDED): 11 June 2014
- Notification to authors: 4 July 2014
- Final version: 14 July 2014
- Workshop: 22 - 24 September 2014

Presentation-Only Track

In addition to regular papers that will appear in our LNCS proceedings, we
invite researchers to apply to give a presentation at RP 2014 without an
accompanying paper. Such presentations can be based on work that has appeared
(or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another conference, or
which has not yet been submitted. These contributions will be judged solely on
the basis of their attractiveness to the workshop.

To apply to give such a presentation please submit a PDF file containing a
short abstract (up to two pages) by e-mail [ ] by August
4th 2014, with subject "RP2014 Presentation-Only Track". This abstract will
not be published in the conference proceedings.
Notification for the presentation-only track will be August 11th 2014.


The Conference Proceedings will be published as the volume of the Springer
Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series and distributed at the
Conference. We plan also to publish selected papers in a special issue of a
high quality journal following the regular referee procedure.

RP2014 Program Committee:

Marius Bozga, VERIMAG Grenoble
Thomas Brihaye, Universit? de Mons
V?ronique Bruy?re, Universit? de Mons
Laurent Doyen, LSV Cachan
John Fearnley, University of Liverpool
Gilles Geeraerts, Universit? Libre de Bruxelles
Madhavan Mukund, Chennai Math. Institute
Andrzej Murawski, University of Warwick
Paritosh Pandya, TATA Institute of Fundamental Research
Igor Potapov, University of Liverpool
Stefan G?ller, University of Bremen
Martin Lange, University of Kassel
Kim Larsen, Aalborg University
Ranko Lazic, University of Warwick
Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Nicolas Markey, ENS Cachan
Joel Ouaknine (co-chair), University of Oxford
Alexander Rabinovich, Tel Aviv University
Tayssir Touili, LIAFA University Paris Diderot
Thomas Wahl, Northeastern University
James Worrell (co-chair), University of Oxford
Lijun Zhang, Institute of Software ? Chinese Academy of Science

Previous Workshops:

2013: RP?13 in Uppsala, Sweden
LNCS proceedings, Volume 8169/2013, Springer Verlag
2012: RP?12 in Bordeaux, France
LNCS proceedings, Volume 7550/2012, Springer Verlag
2011: RP'11 in Genova, Italy
LNCS proceedings, Volume 6945/2011, Springer Verlag
2010: RP'10 in Brno, Czech Republic
LNCS proceedings, Volume 6227/2010, Springer Verlag
2009: RP'09 in Palaiseau, France
LNCS proceedings, Volume 5797/2009, Springer Verlag
2008: RP'08 in Liverpool, UK
ENTCS proceedings, Volume 223, Elsevier
2007: RP'07 in Turku, Finland
TUCS General Publication Series, Volume 45, Turku Centre for Computer Science


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2014 22:21:01 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: [DMANET] CfP: Academic MindTrek Conference 2014 (30th
June'14): MEDIA - Social Media/Digital Games/Ambient Media/Media
Business/Information Systems in Media Industries/ICT&E-Gonvernment
Message-ID: <1262822392.123.1402168861238.JavaMail.lugmayr@HLO-PC43>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


Call for Papers, Extended Abstracts, Posters, Demonstration, Workshops, Tutorials
4th to 7th November 2014
Tampere, Finland,

Long and short papers, posters, demonstrations, and extended abstracts due on
--- DEADLINE 30th June 2014

Workshops due on
--- DEADLINE 30th June 2014 (extended)

Tutorials due on
--- DEADLINE 30th Sept 2014

* Social Media
* Ambient/Ubiquitous Media & Open Source
* Business & Media
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Hybrid Media (new track!)
* Digital Games
* ICT & E-Government
* Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry (new track!)

In cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGMM, and ACM SIGCHI

Contributions will be published in the ACM digital library and selected set of high-level
work will be published as book chapters or in journals


We are pleased to invite you to the Academic MindTrek conference, 4th to 7th November 2014,
which brings together a cross-disciplinary crowd of people to investigate current and emerging
topics of media in many facets. The conference explores academically the emerging and
frontier-breaking applications of new media in everyday contexts of leisure, business and
organizational life. 4th November 2014 will be the main Academic MindTrek day with other
sessions on the preceding and following days. Due to increasing popularity of the conference,
we are extending the scope of Academic MindTrek 2014!

The academic conference features eight major themes:

* Social Media
* Ambient/Ubiquitous Media & Open Source
* Business & Media
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Hybrid Media (new track!)
* Digital Games
* ICT & E-Government
* Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry (new track!)

The MindTrek Association hosts a yearly conference, where the Academic MindTrek conference
has been a part of this unique set of events comprising competitions, world famous keynote
speakers, plenary sessions, media festivals, and workshops since 1997. It is a meeting place
where researchers, experts and thinkers present results from their latest work regarding the
development of Internet, interactive media, and the information society. It is a real chance
for media enthusiasts to think outside the box.

Furthermore it brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines that are
involved in the development of media in various fields, ranging from sociology and the economy
to technology. The highest ranked papers are also published in academic journals (The highest
ranked papers will be published in academic journals (e.g. in 2013 we published a selected set
of articles in ACM Computers in Entertainment, Electronic Markets ? The International Journal
on Networked Business, and the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence. The
scientific part of the conference is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGMM, and ACM SIGCHI.
Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library). It also provides a chance
to learn from the vast media genre at large and allows participants to exchange views with
cross-disciplinary experts.

The conference aims to provide insights about the convergence of the various media and the future
of media and boasts of several high-level keynote speakers. A few examples from previous years:
Steve Wozniak (Co-Founder, Apple Computers), David S. Cohen (Editor, Variety), Robert Neuman (Disney),
Vili Lehdonvirta (University of Oxford), Keith Partridge, Tomi T. Ahonen (Consultant), Latif Ladid
(IPV6 Forum), Beat Schwegler (Microsoft), Cinzia dal Zotto (Univ. of Neuchatel), Ari Ojansivu (Google),
Ramine Darabiha (Rovio), Molly R?nge (Crowdculture), Slava Kozlov (Philips Design), Dave Nielsen
(CloudCamp), Janne J?rvinen (F-Secure), Olavi Toivainen (Nokia), Herbert Snorrason (OpenLeaks),
Tuija Aalto (YLE), Juha Kaario (Varaani), among many others.

Conference Themes

1. Social Media
- Business models, service models, and policies
- Social media in innovation and business
- Intra and inter organizational use of social media
- Questions related to identity, motivation and values
- Blogs, wikis, collaboration and social platform designs in practice
- Knowledge management and learning with social media
- Experience management with social media
- Crowdsourcing, user-created content and social networks
- Enterprise 2.0 and social computing in work organizations
- Evaluation and research methods of social media
- Social media and community design
- Benefits and limitations of social media applications

2. Ambient/Ubiquitous Media & Open Source
- Applications utilizing ubiquitous technology
- Ubicom in eLearning, leisure, storytelling, art works, advertising, and mixed reality contexts
- Next generation user interfaces, ergonomics, multimodality, and human-computer interaction
- Art works for smart public or indoor spaces, mobile phones, museums, or cultural applications
- Context awareness, sensor perception, context sensitive Internet, and smart daily objects
- Personalization, multimodal interaction, smart user interfaces, and ergonomics
- Ambient human computer interaction, experience design, usability, and audience research
- User positioning, location awareness
- Augmented reality in ubiquitous applications
- Device interoperability, remote user interfaces, inter-device connections
- Forms of openness: open source software, open standards, open content, open media, open
Source hardware, and open access.
- Establishment of an open source community
- Practices on developing open source systems
- Practices for maintaining a successful project
- Open source processes and techniques
- Differences on open source and closed source systems
- Using open source in commercial context
- Challenges of open source development
- Teaching open source in academia and industry

3. Media Business, Media Studies, and Media Management
- Media politics: policy, practices, conception, and media regulation
- Production technology: processes, and optimization
- Business models: value chain/value net, revenue models, and product architecture
- Strategic and operational Management of TIME Industries: Technology, Information, Media,
- Key data analytics: balanced scorecard, competition analysis, performance indicators, social
media monitoring, google analytics.
- Media use: patterns, engagement, and consumer experiences
- Customer relationship management: communities & engagement

4. Human-Computer Interaction
- User experience and experience design
- Interaction design techniques and methods
- User interaction and HCI design
- Creativity, practices and innovation in HCI
- Analysis, theories, and procedures in interaction design
- Methods, systems, and toolkits supporting HCI
- Human centered computing and understanding interaction
- Interactivity methods
- Designing for experience and interactivity
- Design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive systems
- Phenomena surrounding interactivity

5. Hybrid Media
- Combining traditional media and new media
- Enhancing printed material with digital and vice versa
- Bridging digital and physical media
- Interactive media with material components
- Hybrid Experiences (combining digital & material etc.)
- Connected toys and social objects
- Role of traditional media within an internet of things
- New methods of media personalization
- Perceptive media
- Interactive/smart packaging
- Paper interfaces, sensitive paper and paper as a display
- Interactive reading experiences
- Touch enabled material

6. Digital Games
- Theoretical and analytical approaches on games and play
- Analysis of player experience
- Game design research
- Economy and business models in the game industry
- Innovation in and around games
- Digital distribution of games
- Online, mobile and cross-platform games
- Social and casual games
- Pervasive and ubiquitous games
- augmented and altered reality games
- Mobile and cross-media games
- Gamification, fun ware and playful design
- Player-created content

7. ICT & E-Government
- M-government
- Web 2.0 and e-government social network
- E-government obstacles and challenges
- E-government project failure
- Future of e-government
- Improving the public service efficiency and effectiveness
- E-government in developing countries
- Citizen?s technological limitations
- ICT and democracy (e-Democracy agenda at e-government level)
- Citizens' education and accessibility to ICT
- exploiting the learning and communicative potential of emerging online tools
- new media forms (games, blogs, wiki, G3 mobile communications

8. Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry
- Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in
Creative eMedia Industries
- New business models/new media products
- Customer intelligence either in real-time / non-real-time
- Consumer, Audience, Human-Computer-Interaction, and User Viewpoints: perception of media
Content in systems
- Understanding audiences, advertisement statistics, audience trends, and audience
- Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in Media, Big Data, Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data,
Cloud Application, New Business Analytics, Information Visualization, Workflow Management.
- IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of New Media Products, and Global Digital Production

Social Media
?Get social!? Social media and Web 2.0 technologies are applied in ever diverse practices both
in private and public communities. Totally new business models are emerging, traditional
communication and expression modalities are challenged, and new practices are constructed
in the collaborative, interactive media space.

Ambient/Ubiquitous Media & Open Source
?The medium is the message!? ? This conference track focuses on the definition of ambient
and ubiquitous media with a cross-disciplinary viewpoint: ambient media between technology,
art, and content. The focus of this track is on applications, location based services,
ubiquitous computation, augmented reality, theory, art-works, mixed reality concepts, the
Web 3.0, and user experiences that make ubiquitous and ambient media tick. Open source - The
last decade has seen a significant increase in open source initiatives such as open source
software, open standards, open content, open media, or even open source hardware. On the one
hand, the open movement has created new kinds of opportunities such as new business models
and development approaches. On the other hand, it has introduced new kinds of technical
and non-technical challenges.

Media Business, Media Production and Media Management
Media business and media management face the challenges of the emergence of new forms of
digital media and focuses on leadership practices, business models and value chains. It
discusses competition, patterns of media usage, advertising models, and how traditional
media can cope with the challenges coming from digital media focusing on media business
and media management issues.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
The wide field of HCI is to discuss issues around human computer interaction modalities,
consumer experience, design of computer systems, human aspects, universal media access,
ergonomics, communication, novel interaction modalities, privacy, trusted systems, interaction
theories, and sociological and psychological factors. This theme of devotes to several of
these aspects, and is targeted to the scientific community dealing with several applied and
theoretical aspects of HCI and user experience.

Digital Games
The culture and business of digital games is becoming increasingly varied. The current trends
range from novel interface innovations and digital distribution channels to social game
dynamics and player-generated content. The games track is open for theoretical works,
empirical case studies and constructive projects.

ICT & E-Government
In recent years, ICT has played a pivotal role in the development of digital economy.
This technology facilitates the rapid accumulation and dissemination of information, group
interaction, communication, and collaboration. ICT has become one of the core elements of
managerial reform around the world. Since the launch of web 2.0 and emergence of ICT
infrastructure, processes and policies many governments and public officials use new
online tools to communicate among themselves, and with organizations and citizens.

Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry
The media and entertainment industry is the third largest industry segment for investments
in information systems. This particular industry segment is faced with tremendous challenges
in terms of organizational, transformational, leadership, customer behaviour, and technological
changes. One particular challenge is the transformation of the analogue media world into its
digital counterpart. As of today, the successive research of business information management
and systems focusing on media and entertainment industries is rather fragmented and stretches
over a wide area of research islands such as social media, eCommerce, or eBusiness. To face
this challenge, this theme focuses on information management and systems for media and
entertainment industries and highlighting their particular needs in production, distribution,
and consumption in the larger context of media and entertainment industries.

Hybrid Media
Already today, the wall between physical and digital is starting to be less noticeable. For
example, digital devices are now combined with traditionally non digital things, some examples
being paper, cardboard and clothing. Application-toy hybrids are also common, such as digital
games which utilize physical toys in some form. The hybrid media track is for publications
where traditional media meets new media and where physical meets digital.

The aim is to gather demonstrations from researchers and professionals from the communities
related to the topics of MindTrek. The objective for the demonstrations is to provide a forum
for exchanging experiences, practical projects, or media demonstrators. The target audience
includes members of the academic community, industry, or laboratories who can demonstrate the
results of their research projects with a practical implementation.

Special academic sessions (e.g. tutorials, demonstrations, workshops, and multidisciplinary
sessions) will be held parallel to the MindTrek business conference. Academic speakers and
authors are warmly welcome to register for the business conference tracks as part of the
academic conference with our special registration rate. The Academic MindTrek registration
includes full service such as coffees, lunches, and social gatherings.

The organizing committee invites you to submit original high quality full papers, long or
short, addressing the special theme and the topics, for presentation at the conference
and inclusion in the proceedings.

Conference Publications
The scientific part of the conference is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGMM, and
ACM SIGCHI. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library, which
includes short and long papers, workshop proposals, demonstration proposals, and tutorial
proposals. Extended abstracts will be published in the adjunct conference proceedings;
however, they will not be published within the ACM Digital Library. Selected high quality
papers will be published in international journals, as book chapters, edited books, or
via open access journals. There will also be a reward for the overall best paper from
the academic conference. All the papers should follow the style guidelines of the conference.

Short and Long Paper Proposals
All submissions will be peer-reviewed double blinded, therefore please remove any
information that could give an indication of the authorship. Short papers should be
between 2-4 pages long and the paper presentation will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes
discussion within a session; long papers should be 6-8 pages and will be presented
in 20 minutes slots, plus 5 minutes discussion.

Workshop Proposals
Feel free to suggest workshops which are co-organized with the Academic MindTrek.
Workshop proposals should include the organizing committee, a 2 page description
of the theme of the workshop, a short CV of organizers, duration, the proceedings
publisher, and the schedule. Workshop organizers also have the possibility to add
publications to the main conference proceedings. Depending on the attracted number
of papers for each workshop, we provide space for either half-day or full-day workshops.
Previous examples include e.g. a workshop on eLearning. Nevertheless, feel free to
suggestion your own.

Demonstrations Proposals
Demonstration proposals shall be 2-3 pages and include: a) a description and motivation
of the demonstration; b) general architecture of the demonstration; c) description of
the main features; d) a brief comparison with other existing related demonstrations;
e) audio-visual materials to illustrate the demonstration (if applicable); f) the type
of license, and g) the Internet address of the demonstration (if applicable). It is
strongly recommended that the authors make the demonstration (or a suitable version or
movie) on the Internet during the evaluation.

Tutorial Proposals
Tutorial proposals should include a 2-page description of the tutorial, intended audience,
a short CV, timetable, required equipment, references, and a track record of previous tutorials.
The target length of tutorials is 2-4 hours. Previous examples include a tutorial on audio
based media. However, feel free to suggest your own.

Extended Abstracts
Extended abstracts should be between 1-2 pages long and contain 500-800 words. They
should describe the research problem, background, research questions, and the contribution
to the conference. Extended abstracts will not be published within the ACM digital library.

Poster Presentations
Posters should be between 2-3 pages long and a poster should be presented during the conference.
Attendees have the possibility to exhibit their posters on a A0 poster wall during the conference.

Submission Deadlines
30th June 2014 (extended) - Deadline for workshop proposals
30th June 2014 - Deadline for long papers (6-8 pages), short papers (3-4 pages),
extended abstracts (1-2 pages), posters (1-2 pages) and
demonstrations (2-3 pages)
30th Sept 2014 - Deadline for tutorial proposals
30th August 2014 - Notification of acceptance/rejection for papers, extended abstracts and posters.
20th Sept 2014 - Camera ready papers submissions and copyright forms
10th October 2014 - Conference registration & submission copyright forms
4th to 7th Nov 2014 - Academic MindTrek and MindTrek Business Conference

Organizing Committee

General Chair
Artur Lugmayr, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Program Chairs
Helj? Franssila, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Track chair: Social Media
Hannu K?rkk?inen, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Track chair: Ambient Media & Open Source
Moyen Mustaquim, Uppsala University, SE

Track chair: Media Business, Media Studies, and Media Management
Johanna Gr?blbauer, St. P?lten University of Applied Sciences (FH), AT

Track chair: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Pauliina Tuomi, University of Turku, FIN

Track chair: Digital Games
Janne Paavilainen, University of Tampere (UTA), FIN

Track chair: ICT & E-Government
Fatemeh Ahmadi Zeleti, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Track chair: Hybrid Media
Timo Nummenmaa, University of Tampere (UTA), FIN

Track chair: Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry
Artur Lugmayr, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Panel Chair
Jari Jussila, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Demonstrations & Poster Chair
Paul Coulton, Lancaster University, UK

Workshop & Tutorial Chair
Paul Coulton, Lancaster University, UK

Conference Manager and Local Arrangements
Lester Lasrado, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Submission Guidelines

? Please follow the manuscript formatting guidelines for formatting all submissions. Please download the prescribed format from
? Note that since the papers will be published by the ACM digital library all authors need to sign an ACM copyright form. (For further guidelines see: ( The copyright form would be sent through an automated system for only accepted papers.
? Please submit your work here:

Stay Informed

Supported by
MindTrek Association, City of Tampere, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Tampere University (UTA), Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Ambient Media Association (AMEA)


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 76, Issue 7

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