Tuesday, February 2, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

1. PhD Position in Algorithms, FSU Jena (Soeren Laue)
2. ISCO 2016 - Second Call for Papers (info@isco2016.it)
3. Workshop on Algorithms in Communication Complexity, Property
Testing and Combinatorics, Moscow (Vladimir Podolskii)
4. Last Call for abstracts: PhDs in Logic VIII, Darmstadt,
Germany, May 9-11, 2016 (PhDs in Logic VIII)
5. CFP - SecMAS@AAMAS 2016 - Deadline Febr 15, 2016 (Long Tran-Thanh)
Telecommunications Conference (Bernard Fortz)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 16:06:47 +0100
From: Soeren Laue <soeren.laue@uni-jena.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] PhD Position in Algorithms, FSU Jena
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Applications are invited for a

PhD Position in Algorithms

at the research group "Theoretical Computer Science II" (
http://theinf2.informatik.uni-jena.de/) at the Friedrich-Schiller
University Jena, Germany.

Applicants should have an interest in at least one of the following topics:

- Algorithm Engineering

- Machine Learning

- Optimization

Candidates must hold an excellent Master's degree in computer science,
mathematics or a related area. Excellent programming skills in C++ and/or
Python are mandatory.

Teaching (discussion groups, seminars) in GERMAN is a must.

The position will be full time for three years and is equipped with a very
competitive salary (TV-L 13) and generous travel support.

Applicants should send their application including a cover letter,
curriculum vitae, a copy of their Master's thesis, and the names and e-mail
addresses of two references (including thesis advisor) as a single pdf file

February 14th, 2016

to Soeren Laue (soeren.laue@uni-jena.de).

For further information please contact:

Soeren Laue (soeren.laue@uni-jena.de)


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 17:52:37 +0100
From: info@isco2016.it
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] ISCO 2016 - Second Call for Papers
Message-ID: <mailman.2.1454410801.45763.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

4th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization
(ISCO 2016) May 16-18, 2016

"Extended formulations for Combinatorial Optimization"
May 19-20, 2016

Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy

ISCO is a biennial symposium with its first issue held in Hammamet,
Tunisia in March 2010, its second one in Athens, Greece in April 2012
and its third one in Lisbon, Portugal in March 2014. ISCO 2016 symposium
aims to bring together researchers from communities related to
combinatorial optimization, including algorithms and complexity,
mathematical programming and operations research. It is intended to be a
forum for presenting original research in these areas and especially in
their intersections. Quality papers on all aspects of combinatorial
optimization, from mathematical foundations and theory of algorithms, to
computational studies and practical applications, are solicited.

Volker Kaibel (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
Adam Letchford (Lancaster University)
Ramamoorthi Ravi (Carnegie Mellon University)

ISCO 2016 will be followed by a spring school on "Extended Formulations
for Combinatorial Optimization". Volker Kaibel and Samuel Fiorini will
give 16 hours of lectures on May 19 and 20, 2016.

Submissions deadline: February 15, 2016
Notification to authors: March 20, 2016
Early registration deadline: April 5, 2016

Conference Days: May 16-18, 2016

Early registration deadline for Spring School: April 5, 2016
Spring School Days: May 19-20, 2016

Papers presenting original unpublished results in all areas of
combinatorial optimization and its applications are welcome. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
- Approximation algorithms
- Branch-and-bound algorithms
- Branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms
- Computational biology
- Computational complexity
- Computational geometry
- Constraint Programming
- Cutting plane algorithms
- Exact and parameterized algorithms
- Graph and network algorithms
- Interior point methods
- Linear and nonlinear integer programming
- Local search algorithms
- Metaheuristics
- On-line algorithms
- Polyhedral combinatorics
- Randomized algorithms
- Scheduling algorithms
- Game theory
- Multiobjective optimization

The submission deadline is February 15, 2016. Simultaneous submissions
to other conferences with published proceedings or journals are not
allowed. Paper submission and reviewing will be handled only via
Easychair. More information about the submission procedure is available
on the web site.

There will be two types of submissions:

a) Regular papers

Regular papers cannot exceed 12 pages (including front matter and
bibliography). The post-conference proceedings will be published in a
special Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volume. For an accepted
paper to be included in the post-conference proceedings, it should be
presented at the conference by one of the authors. The authors of
accepted regular papers will have to prepare their camera-ready version
two weeks after the end of ISCO 2016.

b) Short papers
Short papers cannot exceed one page (maximum 3000 characters, including
spaces). Accepted short papers will be in the abstracts booklet which
will be distributed during the conference.

Authors of accepted papers (both regular and short papers) for
presentation at ISCO 2016 will be invited to submit their work for
possible publication on a special issue of Networks and of Journal of
Combinatorial Optimization.
Details about the submission process to these special issues will be
published on the conference web site soon.


Raffaele Cerulli (University of Salerno, Italy)
Satoru Fujishige (RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan)
Ridha Mahjoub (University Paris-Dauphine, France)

Mourad Baïou (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Pierre Fouilhoux (University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France)
Luis Gouveia (CIO, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Nelson Maculan (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Ridha Mahjoub (University Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France)
Vangelis Paschos (University Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France)
Giovanni Rinaldi (IASI, Rome, Italy)


Raffaele Cerulli (University of Salerno, Italy)
Francesco Carrabs (University of Salerno, Italy)
Monica Gentili (University of Salerno, Italy)
Andrea Raiconi (University of Salerno, Italy)
Carmine Cerrone (University of Salerno, Italy)
Ciriaco D'Ambrosio (University of Salerno, Italy)
Rosa Pentangelo (University of Salerno, Italy)
Selene Silvestri (University of Salerno, Italy)

The Organizing Committee - ISCO 2016


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 17:32:05 +0300
From: Vladimir Podolskii <podolskii-vv@yandex.ru>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Workshop on Algorithms in Communication Complexity,
Property Testing and Combinatorics, Moscow
Message-ID: <mailman.3.1454410801.45763.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Workshop on Algorithms in Communication Complexity, Property Testing and

Moscow, April 11-13, 2016

Workshop organizers: Ilan Newman, Nikolay Vereshchagin and Vladimir

Keynote speaker: Madhu Sudan.

Confirmed speakers: Eli Ben-Sasson, Artur Czumaj, Sofia Raskhodnikova,
Amir Shpilka , Amir Yehudayoff, Sergey Yekhanin.

Tutorials: April 9-10, Topics will be announced later.

Workshop is a part of a Special Semester on Computational and Proof

Workshop website: http://math.ucsd.edu/~sbuss/SPB_Workshops/AlgCPTC_1.html

Semester website: http://en.chebyshev.spbu.ru/complexity2016/

If you have questions about the program and how to participate, please
contact the workshop organizers:

Vladimir Podolskii (Steklov Institute/Moscow; podolskii at mi.ras.ru)

Ilan Newman (University of Haifa; ilan at cs.haifa.ac.il)

Nikolay Vereshchagin (Moscow State University; ver at mech.math.msu.su)

If you need a visa to Russia, please contact the organizers as soon as
possible, especially if you are a citizen of non-Schengen country.


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:38:41 +0100
From: PhDs in Logic VIII <phdsinlogic@gmail.com>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Last Call for abstracts: PhDs in Logic VIII,
Darmstadt, Germany, May 9-11, 2016
Message-ID: <mailman.4.1454410801.45763.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear logicians,

we would like to inform you about the following event :

Last Call for abstracts: PhDs in Logic VIII, Darmstadt, Germany, May 9-11,

"PhDs in Logic" is an annual graduate conference organised by local graduate
students. This conference has an interdisciplinary character, welcoming
contributions to various topics in Mathematical Logic, Philosophical Logic,
and Logic in Computer Science. It involves tutorials by established
researchers as well as short presentations by PhD students on their

We are happy to announce that the next edition of "PhDs in Logic" will
take place in Darmstadt, Germany, during May 9-11 2016, hosted by the
Logic research group of the Department of Mathematics, TU Darmstadt.

Confirmed tutorial speakers are :

Mirna Dzamonja (University of East Anglia, UK)

Nina Gierasimczuk (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Ulrich Kohlenbach (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Piotr Kowalski (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Martin Otto (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Registration and abstract submission for interested PhD students are
open. We welcome contributions from any general field of Logic.
The deadline for abstract submission is February 7, 2016. For more
information please

Local organisers:

Julian Bitterlich, Felix Canavoi, Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki,
Daniel Körnlein, Florian Steinberg

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Department of Mathematics
Logic Group <http://www3.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/en/ags/ag-logik/arbeitsgruppe-logik.html>

Schloßgartenstr. 7
64289 Darmstadt,



Message: 5
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 23:43:48 +0000
From: Long Tran-Thanh <ltt08r@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
To: dmanet <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP - SecMAS@AAMAS 2016 - Deadline Febr 15, 2016
Message-ID: <mailman.5.1454410801.45763.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Call for Papers - SecMAS workshop on Security and Multi-agent Systems

Deadline: Febr 15, 2016

SecMAS 2016: Security and Multi-agent Systems Workshop
with AAMAS 2016 (http://sis.smu.edu.sg/aamas2016)
May 9-13, 2016, Singapore
(Workshop will be held either May 9 or May 10)

The importance of research and applications related to security and multi-agent systems continues to increase in a broad variety of disciplines, including computer science, electrical engineering, economics, biology, political science, business, law, public policy, and many others. The focus of this workshop is to bring together the broad community working on Security and Multi-Agent Systems motivated by any of these domains.

Many large-scale real-world security problems have been successfully modeled as multi-agent security games, and highly scalable algorithmic solutions with software assistants implementing these have been developed and deployed. Perhaps the greatest advances have been in the domain of physical security, with examples including patrolling of seaports and airports, scheduling air marshals, ticket audit in transit systems. Remarkably, there have been a number of more recent developments that significantly broaden the applicability of security game approaches. For example, similar techniques have been used in important sustainability applications, such as fishery protection and prevention of illegal poaching. Moreover, game theoretic models have increasing applicability in cyber, as well as cyber-physical system (CPS) security, such as adversarial machine learning methods (for use, for example, in intrusion detection systems), resilient sensor placement and monitoring strategies, and privacy preserving data publishing and auditing systems.

While there has been significant progress, there still exist many major challenges facing the design of effective approaches to deal with the difficulties in real-world domains. These include building predictive behavioral models for the players, dealing with uncertainties in games, scaling up for large games, and applications of machine learning and multi-agent learning to security, particularly in the context of repeated or stochastic games. This workshop is structured to encourage a lively exchange of ideas to address the above challenges.

We invite full length research submissions from a broad range of researchers and practitioners, including (1) computer scientists applying their AI/MAS research to real-world security problems, (2) interdisciplinary researchers combining AI/MAS with various disciplines (e.g., game theory, operations research, social science, and psychology), and (3) engineers and scientists from private companies and public organizations performing security related research and development, as well as building real adversarial reasoning systems. We encourage all researchers working towards applying security and multi-agent systems concepts for real-world problems to submit to the workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Real-world applications of game theory for security
Security applications of machine learning
Foundations of game theory for security
Adversarial/robust learning
Online learning
Learning in games
Algorithms for scaling to very large games
Economics of security
Behavioral game theory
Decision making under uncertainty
Agent/human interaction for preference elicitation and optimization
Protection against environmental crime
Risk analysis and modeling
Security applications of AI methods
Evaluation/lessons learned of deployed systems


Important Dates

Submission Deadline Extended : February 15, 2016
Notification: March 7, 2016
Camera-ready deadline: March 10, 2016


Organizing Committee

Debarun Kar, University of Southern California, USA
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Vanderbilt University, USA
Long Tran-Thanh, University of Southampton, UK


Program Committee

Michael Wellman, University of Michigan, MI, USA.
Christopher Kiekintveld, University of Texas at El Paso, TX, USA
Arunesh Sinha, University of Southern California, CA, USA
Branislav Bosansky, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Martin Short, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA
Matthew Brown, University of Southern California, CA, USA
Zinovi Rabinovich, Mobileye
Paulo Shakarian, Arizona State University, AZ, USA
Fei Fang, University of Southern California, CA, USA
Aron Laszka, University of California Berkeley, CA, USA
Bo An, Nanyang technical University, Singapore
Praveen Paruchuri, IIIT Hyderabad, India
Georgios Piliouras, Singapore University of Technology, Singapore
Jose M. Such, Security lancaster, Lancaster University, UK
Vinh-Thong Ta, University of Central lancashire, UK
Francesco Maria Delle Fave, Disney Research, Boston, USA


Submission and Publication

Authors should submit original papers (maximum length 8 double-columned pages in AAMAS format)
in PDF through the Confmaster system:

The most "visionary paper" will be published by Springer in a book under the
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) - Hot Topics series. The book
will be a compilation of the most visionary papers of the AAMAS-2016 Workshops, where one paper will be selected from each AAMAS-2016 workshop.

Additionally, the "best paper" will be published by Springer in a book under the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. The book will be a compilation of the best papers of the AAMAS-2016 Workshops, where one paper will be selected from each AAMAS-2016 workshop. Authors of the selected most visionary paper and the best paper are expected to provide their latex files promptly upon request.

Long Tran-Thanh
Agents, Interaction, and Complexity Group,
Electronics and Computer Science,
University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ
tel: +44 (0) 2380593715


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 09:01:52 +0100
From: Bernard Fortz <bernard.fortz@ulb.ac.be>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Telecommunications Conference
Message-ID: <20160201080152.GA5136@fortz.ulb.ac.be>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

2016 INFORMS Telecommunications Conference
Renaissance Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL., March 20-22, 2016.



The Thirteenth INFORMS Telecommunications Conference will be held March
20-22, 2016 at the Renaissance Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL.

In the tradition of the previous conferences, the conference will focus
on the theory and application of operations research and management
science to problems in telecommunications, with particular emphasis on
new and emerging technologies.

The conference is organized by the INFORMS Technical Section on
Telecommunications (TST).


- FEBRUARY 10, 2016: Session, tutorial and single abstract submission
- February 15, 2016: Notification of acceptance
- February 28, 2016: Early registration deadline
- March 20-22, 2016: 2016 INFORMS Telecommunications Conference
- April 30, 2016: Full paper submission deadline.


- Telecommunications modeling, policy and technology;
- Network economics;
- Network design;
- Traffic routing;
- Network optimization;
- Network algorithms;
- Sensor networks;
- Wireless and broadband networks;
- Vehicle and mobile computing;
- Semantic networks;
- Network survivability and reliability;
- Information security and privacy;
- Quality of service;
- Internet and multimedia;
- Data centers;
- Data mining applications in telecommunications networks;
- Big data business applications in telecommunications.


Submissions are welcome for:

- an organized session with 3 or 4 presentations;
- a tutorial presentation;
- a single presentation.

An abstract of a maximum of 2000 characters not containing formulas,
references or abbreviations is required for each presentation (single
presentation, tutorial or part of an organized session). All abstracts
should be submitted through the online submission system:

Proposals for organized sessions can be submitted directly to


The following outstanding speakers have accepted to deliver a plenary
talk at the conference:

- Walid Ben-Ameur (TELECOM SudParis)
- S. Raghavan (University of Maryland)
- Rina Schneur (Verizon)


Applications for the TST Best Paper Award are now open. It will reward
an outstanding paper applying OR techniques in the context of
telecommunications. The finalist four papers will be presented in a
special session in the Thirteenth INFORMS Telecommunications Conference.

Rules and submission guidelines:


Mike Bartolacci
Penn State University

Mauricio G. C. Resende


Bernard Fortz
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Dimitri Papadimitriou
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs


A post-conference proceedings volumes with full papers will be
published. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2016. A specific
call for papers will be issued soon.


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 1

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