Friday, February 26, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 32

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Today's Topics:

1. Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics, August 1-5,
2016 (Jan Hladky)
2. Just five days to submit an abstract to EURO 2016
(Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)
3. 8 days to Proposal Submission Deadline -- Book on Security
Solutions and Applied Cryptography in Smart Grid Communications
(Mohamed Amine Ferrag)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:53:08 +0100
From: Jan Hladky <>
Subject: [DMANET] Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics, August
1-5, 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The first edition of the Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics
organized jointly by Computer Science Institute of Charles University
and the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences will
take place from August 1 to August 5, 2016. The venue of the School is
the building of the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of
Sciences in the historical center of Prague. There will be lectures in
the mornings and exercise classes in the afternoons on each of the 5
days of the School. The lecturers will be

* Samuel Fiorini (Free University of Brussels), who will talk on
extended formulations in combinatorial optimization

* Ronald de Wolf (CWI), who will talk on Fourier analysis of Boolean
functions, with applications to discrete mathematics, complexity
theory, and social choice theory.

The School is primarily but not exclusively intended for PhD students
and postdocs. There is no registration fee. Thanks to the generous
support of the RSJ Foundation, the Institute of Mathematics of the
Czech Academy of Sciences, and Computer Science Institute of Charles
University we can offer a limited number of stipends that cover the
travel and the

Further information about the School can be found at:


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:16:20 +0200
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
Subject: [DMANET] Just five days to submit an abstract to EURO 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

The deadline for abstract submission at the EURO 2016 conference in
Poznan is March 1st, 2016.

Hurry up to submit your abstract and be part of the largest European
OR conference!

Excellent plenary and keynote speakers. Hundreds of sessions on every
topic of OR. A beautiful town and a warm and friendly environment.
Making an Impact initiatives for academic-practitioners collaboration.
Workshops, tutorials, round-tables and satellite events. Recruiting
opportunities to be announced soon .... These are just some of the
good reasons to come to Poznan in July !

Find the other ones, together with full details of the conference, at

See you in Poznan!

Daniele Vigo and Joanna Josefowska,


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:46:49 -0500
From: Mohamed Amine Ferrag <>
Subject: [DMANET] 8 days to Proposal Submission Deadline -- Book on
Security Solutions and Applied Cryptography in Smart Grid
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

********** 8 days to Proposal Deadline**********

"Security Solutions and Applied Cryptography in Smart Grid

Edited by: Mohamed Amine Ferrag and Ahmed Ahmim
To be published by: IGI Global, USA

March 5, 2016: Proposal Submission Deadline - Extended

URL1 :

Editorial Advisory Board
Nacira Ghoualmi-Zine, Badji Mokhtar- Annaba University, Algeria
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace, France
Djamel Djenouri, CERIST Research Center, Algeria
Albena Mihovska, Center for TeleInFrastructur, Aalborg University,
Aalborg, Denmark
Mehdi Nafa, Badji Mokhtar- Annaba University, Algeria
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, UAP and SEU, Bangladesh/ Islamic University in
Madinah, KSA
Hui Hou, School of Automation, Wuhan University of Technology, China
Hidoussi Faouzi, University Hadj Lakhdar Batna, Algeria
Mubashir Husain Rehmani, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Wah Cantt, Pakistan
Homero Toral Cruz, University of Quintana Roo, México
Makhlouf Derdour, University of Cheikh Laarbi, Tebessa, Algeria
Lynn M. Batten, Deakin University, Australia
Ram Chakka, RGMCET, RGM Group of Institutions, India
Cristina Alcaraz, University of Malaga, Spain
Sumanth Yenduri, Columbus State University, USA
Chi-Yuan Chen, National Ilan University, Taiwan
P. Venkata Krishna, VIT University, India
Alessio Merlo, University of Genova, Italy
Syed Faraz Hasan, Massey University, New Zealand
Farrokh Aminifar, University of Tehran, Iran
Hossein Akhavan-Hejazi, University of California, USA
Danda B. Rawat, Georgia Southern University, USA

Electrical energy storage is a key factor for the future. The
consumption of electrical energy (i.e. the use of air conditioning,
audio and video devices or electric heating) is increasing every year
due; firstly to the increase of the population and secondly by the
appearance of new uses of consumption, such as electric cars. With this
increase consumption, how to ensure the balance between supply and
demand for electricity at all times? To address this problem, the idea
of placing the new generation of smart grids to control this energy has
appeared in recent literature in different flavors in order to provide
electric power supply secure, sustainable and competitive to consumers.
In addition, the revolution in smart grid involves a significant change
in side of the consumer where consumers will also become producer with
the ability of energy storage such as in the vehicle battery, or as a
local generation sources such as photovoltaic panels. However, the smart
grid develops modern solutions for the next-generation network and
digital communication in which many systems and subsystems are
interconnected to provide services from end-to-end network between
various actors and between intelligent devices that are deployed there.
Within each network, a hierarchical structure is composed of different
types of networks, such as the HANs (Home Area Networks), the BANs
(Building Area Networks), the IANs (Industrial Area Networks), the NANs
(Neighborhood Area Networks), the FANs (Field Area Networks), and the
WANs (Wide Area Networks). Currently, large societies propose the use of
cloud computing in smart grid applications connected with the electrical
control center. The main problem in the development of a smart grid is
not located at the physical medium but mainly in delivery of reliability
and security. The possibility of fitting with active or passive attacks
in smart grid network is great to divulge privacy and disrupt energy
(e.g. Wormhole Attack, False Data Injection Attack, Black Hole Attack,
Grey Hole Attack, DoS Attack, Physical Layer Attack, Colluding Adversary
Attack, Routing Table Overflow Attack etc.). Therefore, the security
requirements, including authentication, accountability, integrity,
non-repudiation, access control and confidentiality should be paid more
attention in the future for high performance smart grids. This book will
cover the current scope of various methodologies and mechanisms in the
theory and practice of security, privacy, intrusion detection, and
applied cryptography in smart grid communications in one place.

This comprehensive and timely publication aims to be an essential
reference source, building on the available literature in the field of
smart grid security in developing countries while providing for further
research opportunities in this dynamic field. It is hoped that this text
will provide the resources necessary for policy makers, technology
developers and managers to adopt and implement smart grid platforms in
developing nations across the globe.

Target Audience
Policy makers, academicians, researchers, advanced-level students,
technology developers, and government officials will find this book
useful in furthering their research exposure to pertinent topics in
smart grid security and assisting in furthering their own research
efforts in this field.

Recommended Topics
This book will include (but will not be limited to) the following
topics. Any other related topics in the area of smart grid security are
also welcome :

- Game theoretical models of smart grid security
- SCADA and legacy system security
- Security and Privacy in Mobile Cloud and Grid Computing
- Secure and resilient cyber-physical and communication architectures
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS)/Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
- Machine learning for security
- Computer security visualization techniques
- Intrusion detection based on data mining techniques
- Online money laundering and underground economy
- Hardware vulnerabilities
- Binary analysis and reverse engineering
- Security risk assessment, measurement and management
- Network exfiltration
- Security, privacy, and resource management in Wireless Access Networks
(WPAN, WLAN, WLL, etc.)
- Security, Privacy, and Resource Management in Broadband Wireless
Technologies (HSDPA, HSUPA, LTE, WiMAX, WiRAN, etc.)
- Hardware security
- Quantum cryptography
- Privacy-preserving systems
- New attacks against computers and networks
- Denial-of-Service Attacks
- Insider attack detection
- Formal models, analysis, and standards
- Deception systems and honeypots
- Vulnerability analysis
- Secure software development
- Security and Privacy in Next Generation Mobile Networks
- Protocol security
- Network & active defenses
- Malware and botnet analysis, detection, and mitigation
- PHY/MAC/Routing/Transport/Application layer Protocols and Security
- Tamper-resistant device technologies
- Smartphone and other embedded systems security
- Fraudulent usage, prevention of traffic analysis
- Cryptography, key management, authorization and access control
- False data injection, detection and mitigation
- Performance evaluation, performance/security tradeoff analysis
- Modern infrastructure for cities(roads, power plants, water treatment
plants, sewage systems, transit systems)
- Energy Efficiency including non-conventional energy management
- Green Environment including E-Waste Management, Hospital Management
- Electro-mobility
- Public key and conventional algorithms and their implementations
- Distributed systems security
- Cyber and Cross-Domain (power to cyber) security event detection,
analysis and response
- DoS/DDoS resiliency
- Cloud security
- Embedded systems security
- Security design and verification tools

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before March
5, 2016 (Extended), a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the
mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted
proposals will be notified by March 10, 2016 about the status of their
proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be
submitted by May 15, 2016. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve
as reviewers for this project. Chapters with multiple authors are
welcome, even encouraged.

Propose a Chapter :

This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea
Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly
Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference,"
"Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference"
imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please
visit This publication is anticipated to be released
in 2016.

Important Dates
March 5, 2016: Proposal Submission Deadline (Extended)
March 10, 2016: Notification of Acceptance
May 15, 2016: Full Chapter Submission
July 30, 2016: Review Results Returned
September 01, 2016: Final Acceptance Notification
September 15, 2016: Final Chapter Submission


Mohamed Amine Ferrag (Ph.D.)
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Material Science
Guelma University
BP 401 Guelma 24000 – Algeria
Tel.: +2137 96 96 14 53

Ahmed Ahmim (Ph.D.)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Faculty of Exact Sciences and Sciences of Nature and Life
University of Larbi Tebessi,
Route of Constantine, Tebessa 12000 – Algeria
Tel.: + 213 5 55 86 70 65

Dr. Mohamed Amine Ferrag
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Guelma University
BP 401 Guelma 24000, Algeria
Tel. : +213 796 961 453
E-mails: /
HomePage :


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 32

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