Monday, February 15, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 17

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Today's Topics:

1. WABI 2016 - Call for Papers - Submission deadline May 2
(Christian Storm Pedersen)
2. Call for Papers International Conference on Industrial
Logistics (ICIL) 2016
(International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL 2016))
3. CFP - Algorithms MDPI - Special Issue on Parallel Algorithms
for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (Charalampos Konstantopoulos)
4. Deadline Approaching (March 1) --- EURO 2016 in Poznan ---
3rd Call for Papers (Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:47:28 +0000
From: Christian Storm Pedersen <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] WABI 2016 - Call for Papers - Submission deadline
May 2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Call for Papers - WABI 2016 - Submission deadline May 2, 2016

16th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics

August 22-24, 2016. Aarhus, Denmark


All research in algorithmic work in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology. The emphasis is mainly on discrete algorithms and machine-learning methods that address important problems in molecular biology, that are founded on sound models, that are computationally efficient, and that have been implemented and tested in simulations and on real datasets. The goal is to present recent research results, including significant work-in-progress, and to identify and explore directions of future research.


Original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) or state-of-the-art surveys are solicited in all aspects of algorithms in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology - including, but not limited to:

* Exact and approximate algorithms for sequence analysis, gene and signal recognition, alignment and assembly, molecular evolution, structure determination or prediction, gene expression, molecular pathways and networks, proteomics, functional and comparative genomics, and drug design.

* Methods, software, and data repositories for development and testing of such algorithms and their underlying models, as well as high-performance computing approaches to hard learning and optimization problems.

* Novel approaches to analyzing and modeling next-generation sequence data, including sequence assembly, population genomics, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and small RNA sequencing.

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: May 2, 2016
Author notification: May 30, 2016
Final version due: June 13, 2016
Workshop: August 22-24, 2016

Keynote Speaker:

Kiyoshi Asai, University of Tokyo, Japan.

Details on submitting manuscripts:

See for details.


Proceedings will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in
Bioinformatics, where accepted papers will be allotted 12 pages.
Selected papers will also be invited for an extended publication in a
thematic series in Algorithms for Molecular Biology (AMB).

Program Committee:

Tatsuya Akutsu, Kyoto University
Timothy L. Bailey, University of Queensland
Jan Baumbach, University of Southern Denmark
Anne Bergeron, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Paola Bonizzoni, Universita di Milano-Bicocca
Alessandra Carbone, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Rita Casadio, University of Bologna
Nadia El-Mabrouk, University of Montreal
Martin Frith (co-chair), AIST
Anna Gambin, Warsaw University
Raffaele Giancarlo, Dipartimento di Matematica Universita di Palermo
Michiaki Hamada, Waseda University
Thomas Hamelryck, University of Copenhagen
Fereydoun Hormozdiari, University of California Davis
Katharina Huber, University of East Anglila
Carl Kingsford, Carnegie Mellon University
Hisanori Kiryu, The University of Tokyo
Gregory Kucherov, University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee
Timo Lassmann, Telethon Kids Institute
Ming Li, University of Waterloo
Zsuzsanna Liptak, University of Verona
Stefano Lonardi, University of California Riverside
Gerton Lunter, University of Oxford
Thomas Mailund, Aarhus University
Paul Medvedev, Pennsylvania State University
Daniel Merkle, University of Southern Denmark
Istvan Miklos, Rnyi Institute, Budapest
Bernard Moret, EPFL
Burkhard Morgenstern, University of Goettingen
Vincent Moulton, University of East Anglia
Veli Mäkinen, University of Helsinki
Luay Nakhleh, Rice University
William Noble, University of Washington
Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen (co-chair), Aarhus University
Nadia Pisanti, Universita di Pisa
Mihai Pop, University of Maryland
Teresa Przytycka, NIH
Sven Rahmann, University of Duisburg-Essen
Marie-France Sagot, INRIA
Kengo Sato, Keio University
Michael Schatz, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Russell Schwartz, Carnegie Mellon University
Kana Shimizu, AIST
Anish Man Sing Shrestha, University of Tokyo
Peter F. Stadler, Leipzig University
Jens Stoye, Bielefeld University
Krister Swenson, Universite de Montpellier
Hélène Touzet, University of Lille
Lusheng Wang, City University of Hong Kong
Siu Ming Yiu, The University of Hong Kong
Louxin Zhang, National University of Singapore
Michal Ziv-Ukelson, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Kind regards,
Christian N. S. Pedersen, Martin Frith (PC co-chairs)


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 23:10:25 +0100
From: "International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL 2016)"
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers International Conference on
Industrial Logistics (ICIL) 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Dear Colleague,
The International Organizing Committee would like to cordially invite
you to attend the International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL
2016) which will take place in Zakopane, Poland, from September 29th
till October 1st 2016, hosted by the Faculty of Management, AGH
University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland) and
International Centre for Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL,
For detailed information, please visit conference website:

With warm regards,
Tadeusz Sawik
Chairman of Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee
International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL 2016)

AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Management
al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow, Poland


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 09:07:39 +0200
From: "Charalampos Konstantopoulos" <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP - Algorithms MDPI - Special Issue on Parallel
Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Message-ID: <003401d167bf$8f63c570$ae2b5050$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Call for Papers

MDPI Algorithms Journal

Special Issue on Parallel Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems


Combinatorial optimization problems model most of the application scenarios
frequently arising in practice. Unfortunately, optimal solutions to these
problems are hard to obtain, with most of them having high computational
complexity. Even in the case of problems admitting polynomial time
solutions, e.g., the classical shortest path problem, the relevant
applications should now work on very large input instances or should cope
with a large number of concurrent users. Thus, faster solution methods are
clearly needed for achieving real time responses for problems previously
considered as easy ones. The same also holds for most heuristic methods or
approximation algorithms that have been proposed for obtaining approximate
solutions for hard optimization problems in acceptable execution times. For
large-scale problems, these techniques are inadequate, and much faster
algorithmic techniques are needed again.

Due to the aforementioned limitations, parallelism has been considered a
means of deriving faster algorithmic solutions. Parallel computation is
virtually ubiquitous nowadays and can be found in all modern computing
platforms. Although the concept of parallel execution is simple, its
application on combinatorial optimization problems is not straightforward,
due to the inherently irregular control flow that the algorithms for this
kind of problem commonly have. In this Special Issue, we solicit
contributions that will propose new methodologies for solving problems in
combinatorial optimization using parallel computation, either in
shared-memory systems (e.g., multi-core/many-core processors, GPUs, etc.) or
in distributed-memory systems (e.g., clusters, cloud architectures, etc.).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Parallel exact algorithms: e.g., divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming,

- Parallel approximation algorithms- Parallel fixed parameter algorithms

- Parallel heuristics/metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization
problems: e.g., local search, simulated annealing, evolutionary computation,
swarm intelligence computation, etc.

- Parallel techniques in integer linear programming: e.g., parallelization
of branch-and-bound, column generation, and cutting plane methods or their
combinations (i.e., branch-and-cut or branch-and-price).

- Parallel algorithms for multi-objective optimization problems.


Manuscript submission deadline: February 29, 2016


Guest Editor

Dr. Charalampos Konstantopoulos

Department of Informatics

University of Piraeus, Greece (


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 09:22:54 +0200
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline Approaching (March 1) --- EURO 2016 in
Poznan --- 3rd Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

EURO 2016

28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVIII),

Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland, July 3-6, 2016,



We have the great pleasure of inviting you to take part in the 28th
EURO Conference to be held in Poznan, Poland on 3-6 July, 2016.

The Program and Organizing Committees
(, chaired by Daniele Vigo
and Joanna Józefowska, are preparing a high quality scientific program
and an exciting social program for the Conference.

Many additional events will enrich the program, such as satellite
conferences, prizes, roundtables, academic-practitioners-industry
meetings, recruiting events ...

We are convinced that the EURO XXVIII Conference will be an excellent
opportunity for the OR community to get together again in a pleasant
atmosphere, and, thus, we are looking forward to meeting you in
Poznan, the first capital of Poland, in 2016!



Plenary Speakers:

Robert Aumann Nobel Memorial
Prize in Economic Sciences for 2005

Dimitris Bertsimas Machine Learning
and Statistics via a Modern Optimization Lens

Rolf Möhring Optimizing the
Kiel Canal - Integrating Dynamic Network Flows and Scheduling

Keynote and Tutorial Speakers
Hans Georg Bock Mixed-Integer
Optimal Control - Theory, Numerical Solution and Nonlinear Model
Predictive Control

Marielle Christiansen Optimization of
Maritime Transportation

Emma Hart Lifelong Learning
in Optimization

Pablo Moscato Information-based
Medicine and Combinatorial Optimization: Opportunities and Challenges

Jose Fernando Oliveira Waste
Minimization: the Contribution of Cutting and Packing Problems for a
More Competitive and Environmentally Friendly Industry

Marc Pirlot Preference
Elicitation and Learning in a Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis
Perspective: Specificities and Fertilization Through
Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue

Mauricio Resende Logistics
Optimization at Amazon: Big Data & Operational Research in Action

Giovanni Rinaldi Maximum Weight
Cuts in Graphs and Extensions

Alexander Shapiro Risk Averse and
Distributionally Robust Multistage Stochastic Optimization

Stephen J. Wright Optimization in
Data Analysis

More information on these presentations will be announced soon. Please
follow up further information at the EURO XXVIII Conference webpage



Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in any
branch of Operational Research, mathematical modelling or economic
analysis are invited to submit abstracts or to organize sessions.

Invited and contributed papers will be organized in parallel sessions.
In general, sessions will be a part of the Conference streams, and
streams are grouped in 25 Main Areas. The list of main areas and
streams can be followed at and

No participant can present more than one paper at the Conference.

Abstract submission system is available online, via the Conference web
page ( or

Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; submission deadline is March 1, 2016.



Following the path successfully initiated in EURO 2015, we continue
the effort in bridging the gap between academics and practitioners in
the OR/MS field within the "Making an Impact" initiative. Several
presentation streams and other activities, such as Workshops,
one-to-one meetings, Academic-Practitioners Bazaar, will be organized.




Abstract submission start: Wednesday, October 1, 2015

Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Registration and accommodation booking start: Monday,
November 2, 2015

Early registration deadline: Friday, April 1, 2016

Author registration deadline: Friday, April 15, 2016



Regular: 375 EUR (early); 500 EUR (late),

Student: 200 EUR (early); 300 EUR (late),

Accompanying persons: 130 EUR.

Early registration ends April 1, 2016.

The regular/student registration fee includes:

Participation in all sessions, and access to the
exhibition area,

Conference materials (Final Program, Book of
Abstracts in appropriate format),

Participation in the Welcome Reception, July 3,

Coffee breaks and lunches, July 4-6,

3-day city public transportation card (with badges).

The registration fee for accompanying persons includes:

Participation in the Welcome Reception,

Lunches, July 4-6,

Poznan City tour,

3-day city public transportation card (with badges).

The Gala dinner is charged separately, at 70 Euros per person.

Registration system is available online via the Conference web page



For detailed information about Poznan, please, visit the Conference

Further proposals for Book or Software Exhibitions are welcome.

We look forward to welcoming you to our very exciting conference in Poznan!

Prof. Dr. Joanna Jozefowska and Prof. Dr. Daniele Vigo,

For any further information please contact:



Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie sp. z o.o. / Poznan International Fair Ltd.

ul. Glogowska 14

60-734 Poznan, Polska / Poland

ph. + 48 61 869 29 38




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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 17

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