Tuesday, February 2, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

1. PODC 2016 Call for Papers - submission deadline February 12
(Jukka Suomela)
2. Call for CO2016 (Kent, September) (Letchford, Adam)
3. Chair in Operational Research at Cardiff University
(Iskander Aliev)
4. [Deadline Extension and Invited Speaker] CFP: EXPLORE @ AAMAS
2016: The 3rd Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in
Computational Social Choice (Nicholas Mattei)
5. postdoc position algorithmic graph theory and phylogenetics
(Kelk Steven (DKE))
6. ALEA in Europe Meeting -- 22-26 February 2016 -- Munich -
Final announcement (Konstantinos Panagiotou)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 19:10:53 +0200
From: Jukka Suomela <jukka.suomela@aalto.fi>
To: <DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] PODC 2016 Call for Papers - submission deadline
February 12
Message-ID: <56AF919D.9060605@aalto.fi>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

PODC 2016 Third Call for Papers

The 35th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
(PODC 2016)
July 25-28, 2016
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Twitter: @podc_conference



Submission: February 12, 2016
Notification: April 29, 2016
Camera-ready: May 23, 2016

All deadlines are 23:59 HAST time zone and firm.

The submission site is now open.


PODC solicits papers in all areas of distributed computing. Papers from
all viewpoints, including theory, practice, and experimentation, are
welcome. The common goal of the conference is to improve understanding
of the principles underlying distributed computing.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following subjects:

- distributed algorithms: design, analysis, and complexity
- communication networks: algorithms, architectures, services,
protocols, applications
- multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms
- shared and transactional memory, synchronization protocols, concurrent
- fault-tolerance, reliability, availability, self-organization,
- codes and reliable communication
- Internet applications, social networks, recommendation systems
- dynamic, adaptive and machine learning based distributed algorithms
- distributed operating systems, middleware platforms, databases
- game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- distributed mechanisms design
- peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks, distributed data management
- high-performance, cluster, cloud and grid computing
- wireless networks, mobile computing, autonomous agents and robots
- context-aware distributed systems
- security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols
- distributed cryptocurrencies and blockchain protocols
- quantum and optics based distributed algorithms
- nanonetworks
- biological distributed algorithms
- sensor, mesh, and ad hoc networks
- specification, semantics, verification of concurrent systems

Submission: Papers are to be submitted electronically through EasyChair, at


following the guidelines available on the conference web page
(http://www.podc.org/). All submissions must be in English, in pdf
format. Note that the deadline is firm.

A submission for a regular presentation must report original research.
Papers submitted for regular presentations must contain results that
have not previously appeared, and have not been concurrently submitted
to a journal or conference with published proceedings. Any partial
overlap with any such published or concurrently submitted paper must be
clearly indicated. Papers for regular presentation must include:
(1) a cover page, stating the title of the paper, the authors' names and
affiliations, the corresponding author's e-mail, an abstract, and an
indication of whether the paper should be considered for the best
student paper award, and if so the name(s) of the student(s) recommended
for the award;
(2) an extended abstract of up to 10 pages (excluding the cover page and
(3) references.
Additional details may be included in a clearly marked appendix, which
will be read at the discretion of the program committee. This appendix
may simply be the complete paper. A regular submission that is not
selected for regular presentation may be invited for a brief announcement.

A submission for a brief announcement must be no longer than 3
single-column pages on letter-size paper, including title, authors'
names and affiliations, and references. Such submissions may describe
work in progress or work presented elsewhere. The title of a brief
announcement must begin with the words "Brief Announcement:"

Formatting for both regular submissions and brief announcements:
letter-size (8 1/2 x 11 inch) paper, single-column format, using at
least 1 inch margins, 11-point font. Submissions deviating from these
guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Publication: Regular papers and brief announcements will be included in
the conference proceedings. Regular papers receive up to 10 pages, and
brief announcements receive up to 3 pages in the proceedings.

Extended and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for
a special issue of the Distributed Computing journal. Two papers will be
considered for publication in JACM.

Awards: Every regular paper is eligible for the best paper award.
Regular papers co-authored by full-time students may also be eligible
for the best student paper award. For a paper to be considered for this
award, the nominated authors should be full time students at the time of
submission and they should be principally responsible for the paper's
contributions. The program committee may decline to make these awards or
may split them.


Keynote Speakers

Andrew A. Chien (University of Chicago)
Faith Ellen (University of Toronto)
Phillip B. Gibbons (Carnegie Mellon University)


Program Committee

Ittai Abraham (VMware Research Group, USA)
Yehuda Afek (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Marcos K. Aguilera (VMware Research Group, USA)
Dan Alistarh (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
James Aspnes (Yale University, USA)
Leonid Barenboim (The Open University of Israel, Israel)
Shiri Chechik (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Colin Cooper (King's College London, UK)
Oksana Denysyuk (University of Calgary, Canada)
Ittay Eyal (Cornell University, USA)
Hugues Fauconnier (LIAFA, Paris Diderot, France)
Pascal Felber (Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland)
Wojciech Golab (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Bernhard Haeupler (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Anne-Marie Kermarrec (INRIA, Rennes, France)
Valerie King (University of Victoria, Canada)
Adrian Kosowski (LIAFA, Paris Diderot, France)
Shay Kutten (Technion, Israel)
Christoph Lenzen (MPI Saarbruecken, Germany)
Achour Mostefaoui (Universite de Nantes, France)
Calvin Newport (Georgetown University, USA)
Merav Parter (MIT, USA)
Andrzej Pelc (Universite du Quebec en Outaouais, Canada), PC chair
Sergio Rajsbaum (UNAM, Mexico)
Andrea Richa (Arizona State University, USA)
Liam Roditty (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Nicola Santoro (Carleton University, Canada)
Thomas Sauerwald University of Cambridge, UK)
Jukka Suomela (Aalto University, Finland)
Gadi Taubenfeld (IDC Herzliya, Israel)
Philipp Woelfel (University of Calgary, Canada)
Haifeng Yu (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Vassilis Zikas (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)


Conference Committee

Chen Avin (Workshop Coordinator) - Ben-Gurion University, Israel
George Giakkoupis (General Chair) - INRIA, France
Avery Miller (Communication Co-Chair) - Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Andrzej Pelc (PC Chair) - Universite du Quebec en Outaouais, Canada
Elad Schiller (Treasurer) - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Jukka Suomela (Communication Co-Chair) - Aalto University, Finland
Mark Tuttle (Publicity Chair) - Intel, USA
Nitin Vaidya (Organizing Chair) - University of Illinois, USA


Steering Committee

Shlomi Dolev - Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Pierre Fraigniaud - CNRS, Universite Paris-Diderot, France
George Giakkoupis - INRIA, France
Andrzej Pelc - Universite du Quebec en Outaouais, Canada
Elad Schiller - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Paul Spirakis - University of Liverpool, UK
Nitin Vaidya (Chair) - University of Illinois, USA



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 17:53:12 +0000
From: "Letchford, Adam" <a.n.letchford@lancaster.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de"
Subject: [DMANET] Call for CO2016 (Kent, September)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


1-3 September 2016
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

CO2016 is an International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization. It is the next in a series of
biennial conferences where it is jointly organised with ECCO every other two years.

Previous CO meetings were held in Münich (2014), Oxford (2012), Malaga (2010), Warwick (2008),
Porto(2006), Lancaster (2004), Paris (2002), Greenwich (2000), Brussels (1998), and London (1996).

CO2016 is a primary forum for researchers in combinatorial optimisation, ranging from theoretical perspectives to its vast spectrum of applications.
More details and up-to-date information regarding registration, fees, accommodation and events can be found in the following CO2016 website
Contact for information
Said Salhi (Chair)
Kent Business School


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 18:55:32 +0000
From: Iskander Aliev <Alievi@cardiff.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Chair in Operational Research at Cardiff University
Message-ID: <mailman.234.1454425131.2539.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear Colleagues,

Cardiff University School of Mathematics is seeking to appoint a Chair in Operational Research:



Chair in Operational Research at Cardiff University<http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AMV617/chair-in-operational-research/>
View details for this Chair in Operational Research job vacancy at Cardiff University in Wales. Apply now on jobs.ac.uk #jobsacuk

Deadline 19th February

Best regards,

Iskander Aliev


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 10:58:00 +1100
From: Nicholas Mattei <nsmattei@gmail.com>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] [Deadline Extension and Invited Speaker] CFP:
EXPLORE @ AAMAS 2016: The 3rd Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst
Case in Computational Social Choice
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

*CFP: EXPLORE 2016 @ AAMAS 2016: The 3rd Workshop on Exploring Beyond the
Worst Case in Computational Social Choice*

To be held at the 15th Conference for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent
Systems, AAMAS 2016

*10 May 2016*



*We are excited to announce that Tuomas Sandholm will be giving an invited
talk at EXPLORE-2016.*

Computational Social Choice (ComSoc) is a rapidly developing field at the
intersection of computer science, economics, social choice, and political
science. Many, often disjoint, groups of researchers both outside and
within computer science study group decision making and preference
aggregation. The computer science view of social choice focuses on
computational aspects of social choice and importing ideas from social
choice into computer science, broadly. While the surge of research in this
area has created dramatic benefits in the areas of market matchings,
recommendation systems, and preference aggregation, much of the ComSoc
community remains focused on worst case assumptions.

As ComSoc evolves there is an increased need to relax or revise some of the
more common assumptions in the field: worst case complexity, complete
information, and overly-restricted domains, among others. This means going
beyond traditional algorithmic and complexity results and providing a more
nuanced look, using real data, parameterized algorithms, and human and
agent experimentation to provide a fresh and impactful view of group
decision making. This goes hand in hand with highlighting the practical
applications of much of the theoretical research — as much of the most
impactful work in ComSoc does. It also involves looking at more complex
preference aggregation settings that help model real world requirements.

We encourage research related to:

* Algorithms

* Empirical Studies

* Average case analysis

* Identification of tractable sub-cases

* Fixed parameter complexity analysis

* Benchmarking and analysis from the preference handling and recommendation

* Studies of matching and auction mechanisms

* Crowd-sourcing and other real-world data aggregation domains.

Many of these tools, techniques, and studies are concentrated in a
particular sub-field and researchers in other areas of ComSoc and related
communities may be keen to import some of the tools and techniques
developed in other areas.

Program Notes


The workshop is currently scheduled for a full day. We are excited to
announce that Tuomas Sandholm will be giving an invited talk at

Important Dates


Paper Submission Deadline: 7 February 2016

Author Notification: 1 March 2016

Conference and Workshop: 10 May 2016

Organization Committee


Haris Aziz, Data61 and UNSW

Felix Brandt, Technische Universität München

David Manlove, University of Glasgow

Nicholas Mattei, Data61 and UNSW

Program Committee

Peter Biro, Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional
Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Markus Brill, Oxford University
John P. Dickerson, Carnegie Mellon University
Edith Elkind, University of Oxford
Gabor Erdelyi, University of Siegen
Piotr Faliszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology
Rupert Freeman, Duke University
Serge Gaspers, UNSW Australia and Data61
Umberto Grandi, University Toulouse 1 Capitole
Jerome Lang, LAMSADE
Kate Larson, University of Waterloo
Omer Lev, University of Toronto
Reshef Meir, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Nina Narodytska, Samsung Research America
Maria Silvia Pini, University of Padova
Mark Wilson, University of Auckland
Lirong Xia, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
K. Brent Venable, Tulane University and IHMC

Submission Instructions


Submissions will be handled by EasyChair, the site is available at

Papers should be in AAMAS format, allowing 8 pages of text plus 1 page for

Travel and Attendance Information


The workshop will be held in conjunction with AAMAS 2016 in Singapore.
Please see the AAMAS website for more information regarding registration,
travel, and accommodations: http://sis.smu.edu.sg/aamas2016.

We hope to see you there.

--Haris, Felix, David, and Nicholas


*Nicholas Mattei*

Senior Researcher | Optimisation / Algorithmic Decision Theory

Lecturer | University of New South Wales (UNSW)


E nicholas.mattei@nicta.com.au T +61 2 8306 0464 W www.nickmattei.net

Neville Roach Laboratory (UNSW Campus), Locked Bag 6016, Sydney NSW 1466,


CSIRO's Digital Productivity business unit and NICTA have joined forces to
create digital powerhouse Data61


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 09:07:42 +0000
From: "Kelk Steven (DKE)" <steven.kelk@maastrichtuniversity.nl>
To: "DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] postdoc position algorithmic graph theory and
Message-ID: <1454404062520.17675@maastrichtuniversity.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

This postdoc position, for a minimum of 2 years, seeks to explore the interface between algorithmic graph theory and phylogenetics. Phylogenetics is the science of inferring evolutionary trees and networks; a phylogenetic tree (network) is simply a tree (directed acyclic graph) in which the leaves are labelled by a set of species X.

The postdoc will be based at the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, where the research will be embedded within the Networks and Strategic Optimization (NSO) research cluster of DKE. The main coordinator of the project is Dr. Steven Kelk. The project is made possible by an NWO TOP grant.

A completed PhD in a relevant field is required. Relevant keywords are phylogenetics, fixed parameter tractability, width parameters (particularly treewidth), (algorithmic) graph theory, combinatorial optimization and computational complexity. Candidates with expertise in any or all of these topics are encouraged to apply.

Experience with or knowledge of biology is not necessary. A willingness to work on the kind of NP-hard discrete optimization problems that arise in the area of phylogenetics is, however, essential.

One example of such a problem is that of constructing a Maximum Agreement Forest (MAF) of two phylogenetic trees. Informally, this is the problem of making as few edge deletions as possible in the two trees, such that the resulting subtrees are (essentially) isomorphic (see also Fundamentals of Parameterized Complexity by Downey and Fellows 2013, Chapter 4).

MAF and related problems are gaining an increasing amount of attention from the traditional algorithms community. The goal of this project is to consolidate and deepen the embedding of phylogenetics problems in the algorithmic literature, and a corresponding level of ambition is expected of the candidate.

Candidates should have an excellent command of English, both in terms of speaking and writing.

Please include a letter of motivation, a CV an two references, and indicate how soon you could begin (sooner is preferred). The application itself should be submitted through the following Academic Transfer page, which also includes salary information:


The deadline for applications is 23 February 2016.

For more information please contact Dr. Steven Kelk (steven.kelk@maastrichtuniversity.nl or +31 (0)43 3882019). See also the webpage http://skelk.sdf-eu.org.


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 13:09:46 +0100
From: "Konstantinos Panagiotou" <kpanagio@math.lmu.de>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] ALEA in Europe Meeting -- 22-26 February 2016 --
Munich - Final announcement
Message-ID: <mailman.235.1454425131.2539.dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


ALEA in Europe Meeting

Munich, 22-26 February 2016

<http://www.alea-in-europe.com/> http://www.alea-in-europe.com/


(apologies for multiple copies)

We are pleased to announce the second ALEA in Europe meeting, to be held in
Munich 22-26 February 2016.

This five day meeting and school is an activity in the context of the
<http://aleanetwork.net/index.php> ALEA network and aims at bringing together
researchers working on Random Discrete Structures in Computer Science,
Probability and Statistical Physics. The goal is to provide postdocs and
students the unique opportunity to learn from leading experts the state of the
art results and methods and to meet fellow colleagues.

The meeting will feature three distinguished series consisting of three lectures
each, five invited seminars, and a number of shorter talks by some of the

Topics of interest include: discrete random structures, combinatorics,
probability theory, bio inspired computation, statistical physics.

Participation is free of charge. However, please register until February 7,

Main speakers:

Marc Noy (UPC Barcelona)

Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford)

Benjamin Doerr (LIX, Ecole Polytechnique)

Invited Seminars:

Mihyun Kang (TU Graz)

Carola Doerr (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

Mathias Schacht (University of Hamburg)

Johannes Lengler (ETH Zurich)

Benedikt Stufler (University of Munich)


Konstantinos Panagiotou (University of Munich)


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 2

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