Saturday, February 6, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

1. Welcome to EUROPT2016 in Warsaw, Poland (Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)
2. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(Stefka Fidanova)
3. CfP: Matheuristics 2016 (Thomas Stuetzle)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 08:37:12 +0200
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
Subject: [DMANET] Welcome to EUROPT2016 in Warsaw, Poland
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 14th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in
Continuous Optimization organized by Institute of Control and
Computation Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.,
July 1-2, 2016 Warsaw

EUROPT2016 is the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization
working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational
Research Societies). This is the 14th such workshop and is held in
collaboration with the 28th annual EURO conference to be held in
Poznan on July 3-6, 2016.

Talks should be related to continuous optimization theory, algorithms,
software or applications.

Plenary speakers confirmed:

Andreas Griewank, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Jiri Outrata, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech
Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Anatoly Zhigljavsky, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

Call for Abstracts (max two pages):

Abstracts submission is opened since February 1, 2016. Please sign up
at to create your EURO
account and submit your abstract. All accepted abstracts will be
included in the Book of Abstracts. Please be reminded that the that
the Deadline for Abstracts Submission is March 15, 2016.

Selected papers presented at EUROPT2016 will be considered for
peer-reviewed publication in a special issue of Mathematical Methods
of Operations Research.

Registration will open in due course, with the fees having been set as
EUR 200 (Standard) and EUR 150 (PhD students) before May 15 2016.
Afterwards the respective fees will be EUR 270 and EUR 200.

We hope you will want to take this opportunity to visit Warsaw and
contribute to advances in continuous optimization.

Andrzej Stachurski and Wlodzimierz Ogryczak

Chairs of the Organising and Programme Committees for EUROPT2016,


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 11:27:09 +0200
From: Stefka Fidanova <>
Subject: [DMANET] International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


The 17th International Conference on

Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications

AIMSA 2016

- AI in the Data Driven World -

Varna, Bulgaria, 7-9th September, 2016

**** Submission deadline: April 30th, 2016 ****

**** Proceedings published by Springer/LNCS ****

Initiated in 1984, the biennial Artificial Intelligence: Methodology,
Systems, Applications

(AIMSA) conference is a premier forum for exchanging information and
research results on AI

theory and principles along with applications of intelligent system
technology. The conference

traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from
all areas of AI to share

their ideas and experiences and learn about the research in
contemporary AI. Under the

general theme of "AI in the Data Driven World", the 17th edition of
AIMSA will be held in the

beautiful Varna area, Bulgaria. With excellent opportunities for
outdoor activities, water

sports and gastronomy, Varna promises to be a wonderful venue for a memorable



The conference welcomes submissions of original, high quality papers
in all areas of Artificial

Intelligence as well as novel crosscutting work in related areas
including but not limited to:

* AI in education

* AI applications in business, industry and entertainment

* Ambient intelligence

* Automated reasoning

* Cognitive Modelling and Cognitive Architectures

* Data mining and data analysis

* Dialogue management and argumentation

* Distributed AI

* Evolutionary Algorithms

* Human-computer interaction and AI

* Information retrieval

* Intelligent decision support

* Intelligent user interfaces

* Knowledge discovery in Big Data

* Knowledge engineering

* Knowledge representation and reasoning

* Large scale knowledge management

* Logic and constraint programming

* Machine learning

* Multi-agent systems

* Multimedia systems

* Natural language processing

* Neural networks

* Ontologies (creating, linking, merging, reconciliation)

* Perception and Vision

* Planning and Scheduling

* Reasoning under Uncertainty

* Robotics

* Search & Retrieval

* Semantic interoperability

* Semantic web for e-business and e-learning

* Social network analysis

* Swarm Intelligence

* Tools and methodologies for multi-agent software systems

* Trust, privacy, and security on the web

* Visualization and modelling and AI

* Web-based technology and AI

We especially welcome papers and posters demonstrating successful AI
applications in the

Real World, as well as papers that bring useful computational
technologies from other areas

of computer science into AI.

All submissions will be subject to academic peer review by at least
two members of the

program committee. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality
of ideas, clarity and

significance of results, and quality of presentation.

For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to attend the
conference to present

the paper.

The best paper of the conference will receive the Best Paper Award
during the conference.


Submission deadline: April 30, 2016

Notification of acceptance: June 01, 2016

Deadline for camera-ready: June 24, 2016

Conference: September 7-9, 2016


Papers have to be submitted electronically (in PDF format) via the
submission system to the


Papers should be written in English and should be no more than 10
pages, font Times 11pt.

Authors are requested to follow the LNCS Style. The first page should
contain the title of the

paper, names and addresses of all authors (including e-mail), an
abstract (100-150 words)

and a list of keywords.

Submissions should describe original research. Papers accepted for
presentation at AIMSA

2016 cannot be presented or have been presented at another meeting
with publicly available

published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other
conferences must indicate

this on the title page, as must papers that contain significant
overlap with previously

published work.

Over lengthy or late submissions will be rejected without review.
Notification of receipt and

acceptance of papers will be sent to the first author.


The proceedings will be published by Springer in their Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence

subline of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.


The official language of the conference is English.


It is a modern resort with traditions, and history going back 50
years. A unique blend of

lovely nature park, warm sea, and fine golden sand! Golden Sands is
the winner of a "Blue

Flag" - a prestigious international award for environmentally clean resorts.

The resort offers accommodation in 69 hotels of different category,
excellent possibilities for

recreation, entertainment, business and health.

The Conference itself will take place in the 4-star Lilia Hotel. The
hotel disposes of seminar

and conference halls, suitable for different kinds of events. The
hotel offers advertising and

presentation spaces close to the halls and in the hotel's foyer,
various business services –

telephone, fax, copier, laminating, as well as proper technical
appliances for the successful

flow of the meetings.

Wi-Fi Internet is available in/around the working hall and in the
hotel lobby, while in the

rooms and suites it is subject to individual payment.


Christo Dichev

Winston-Salem State University, NC, USA


Gennady Agre

Institute of Information Technologies

Bulgarian Academy of Science

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 12:56:03 +0100
From: Thomas Stuetzle <>
Subject: [DMANET] CfP: Matheuristics 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Matheuristics 2016
Sixth International Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics

4-7 September, 2016. Brussels, Belgium

More details and up-to-date information at

Scope of the Workshop

The Matheuristics workshop series is proposed as a primary forum for
researchers working on exploiting mathematical programming techniques
in a (meta)heuristic framework, granting to mathematical programming
approaches the problem robustness and time effectiveness that
characterize heuristics, or exploiting the mathematical programming
model formulation in the customization of a heuristic for specific or
general problems.

Metaheuristics such as tabu search, simulated annealing, GRASP, VNS,
genetic algorithms and ant colonies, have been originally proposed and
developed when the available Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)
algorithms and software or Constraint Programming methods were not an
efficient or even feasible alternative for solving real-world problem
instances, or significant subproblems thereof.

However, research on mathematical programming, and in particular on
discrete optimization, has led to a state of the art where MIP solvers
or customized MIP codes can be effective even in a heuristic context,
both as primary solvers or as subprocedures.

Matheuristics 2016 aims at collecting contributions that define the
state of the art for the computational effectiveness and efficiency or
the theoretical properties of matheuristics, which are algorithms
and codes that integrate metaheuristics and MIP strategies and
software. The workshop will be entirely devoted to this subject of
research and its applications. The conference program will consist of
plenary presentations, enriched by a couple of keynote or tutorial
lectures. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Model-based metaheuristics,
- Hybridizing (meta)heuristics and exact methods,
- MIP techniques used for defining heuristic solvers (such as local branching and RINS),
- Problem relaxations to guide (heuristic) search,
- Information from exact algorithms to develop heuristics,
- Decompositions and lower/upper bounds in matheuristic codes,
- Stochastic programming and heuristic search,
- Metaheuristics for stochastic problems,
- Design and configuration of matheuristic algorithms,
- Experimental analysis and modeling of algorithms,
- Real world case histories of matheuristic applications, and
- Automatic configuration of matheuristics and algorithm selection among others.

Although we do not discard their importance, Matheuristics 2016 is not
interested in heuristics tailored to a specific problem that have no
element which can be generalized to other problems (no matter how
mathematically sophisticated they are) nor in metaheuristics variants
or implementations that are not justified by a mathematical model.

Submission Instructions

Submissions to Matheuristics 2016 should be comprehensive and self-contained,
and relevant to the topic of the workshop.

Submissions can be done in one of two categories:

* Contributed article of up to 12 pages. These will be distributed in
informal proceedings for the workshop.
* Work that has recently been published or submitted elsewhere (journal or
high-quality conferences) and is relevant for the workshop for oral
presentation only (free format).

The submission site is open and submissions can be done at

Publication Details

The workshop will have informal proceedings that are distributed
through the Matheuristics 2016 webpage. The post-conference
publication will happen through a special issue in the journal
International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR).

Further Information

Up-to-date information will be published on the web site For information about local
arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the
above-mentioned web site or contact the local organizers at the
address below.

Matheuristics 2016 will be organized back-to-back with ANTS 2016, and the two conferences will
share an invited talk and coffee breaks.

Workshop Address

Matheuristics WORKSHOP
IRIDIA, CP 194/6 Tel +32-2-6502729
Universite' Libre de Bruxelles Fax +32-2-6502715
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium email:

Workshop Location

Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Important Dates

Tentative Submission deadline April 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance June 12, 2016
Camera ready copy June 30, 2016
Early registration June 30, 2016
Workshop September 4-7, 2016

The submission deadline for the ITOR special issue is October 15, 2016.

Matheuristics Committee

General Chair

Thomas Stuetzle, IRIDIA, CoDE, ULB, Brussels, Belgium

Programme Chairs

Thomas Stuetzle, IRIDIA, CoDE, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
Vittorio Maniezzo, Universita di Bologna, Italy

Organisation Committee

Alberto Franzin, IRIDIA, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
Federico Pagnozzi, IRIDIA, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
Leslie Perez Caceres, IRIDIA, ULB, Brussels, Belgium


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 96, Issue 7

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